Biggest university/college/school pet peeves.


New member
May 1, 2011
I have a professor right now that treats us like we're in 8th grade. He assigns seats, gets way too upset when people come in late, and actually makes us get up and "be social" with each other every so often.
This annoys me for a whole mess of reasons, the biggest of which is the fact I'm 22 and a senior and that its a 4000 level class.

Another is when the previous class in a classroom does not erase the boards or move the tables/desks back if they moved them.

So that got me thinking about everyday issues that annoy us at whatever educational institution we happen to be in. What are yours?

capcha: happy retirement.
Better be for having to deal with this crap all the time. lol


New member
Aug 3, 2012
How stupid everyone is is probably the biggest one.

too many of those nerds 0:25 and not enough of those 0:26 nerds.



New member
Sep 18, 2010
I despise athletics. I work hard to get good grades and you people just get to go to school for free, getting an education you will never use while you give yourself brain damage? In fact, why do we even have them going to school? Just let them join the team and stop tainting the education pool. Treat it just like the NFL AAA, I mean it is already so make it official.

Wow, that kind of teacher at a 4000 class? I got teachers who don't care at all at an undergrad level and are down right mean-spirited.

Also, general education classes that steal more time than my major classes. Why should my entire weekend be spent on a philosophy paper? It is useless and will not help me in a genetics career. I spend less time on my major classes then all of my other classes.

God, I don't know if all colleges are like this or if Pitt is not as good as it looked. And my largest class is 70 people with my philosophy class and it feels more like 20 since no one else talks.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
JeffBergGold said:
How stupid everyone is is probably the biggest one.

too many of those nerds 0:25 and not enough of those 0:26 nerds.
hahaha I know right? useless retards sitting at their desks...doing...."sitting at their desks" type shit, I mean honestly they should get off their fat asses and go into space or somthing

in fact we really should have some kind of eugenics program to breed that out of people...its a disgrace


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
recruit00 said:
I despise athletics. I work hard to get good grades and you people just get to go to school for free, getting an education you will never use while you give yourself brain damage? In fact, why do we even have them going to school? Just let them join the team and stop tainting the education pool. Treat it just like the NFL AAA, I mean it is already so make it official.
I agree with this. I understand that athletics bring a certain amount of money into the school, but with how tuition rates keep going up I'm rather skeptical as to how much that extra income actually makes it to non-athletic programs.

On a more petty note, I also don't like people who can't park to save their lives, people who wear athletic clothes everywhere even though they aren't involved with athletics and aren't going to or from exercising, group projects, PDA, how early university offices close, and sororities and fraternities (they should be either academic or religious or GTFO, the school should not be sponsoring a system in which students spend lots of money to buy groupies to go out and get drunk with every other night of the week).


New member
Aug 3, 2012
Vault101 said:
JeffBergGold said:
How stupid everyone is is probably the biggest one.

too many of those nerds 0:25 and not enough of those 0:26 nerds.
hahaha I know right? useless retards sitting at their desks...doing...."sitting at their desks" type shit, I mean honestly they should get off their fat asses and go into space or somthing

in fact we really should have some kind of eugenics program to breed that out of people...its a disgrace
You must be one of those 0:25 nerds.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
JeffBergGold said:
You must be one of those 0:25 nerds.
nah bro...see [i/]i get it[/i]

not many people do because they are NERDS and pathetic, such peopel arnet worth our time

what we need are people who are both smart AND can bench press their own weight...they are the one that get shit done....instead the world is full of pussies,

because although many people don't belive it, increasing your muscle mass actually increase sones brain mass (no there was a totally legit paper done on it) see the mucle create the perfect framework for the extra grey matter to migrate into and grow

so essentially your mucles become extra brains! which makes such people SUPER DUPER GENIOUSES

of coarse because society pampers the weak such things are rare


New member
Aug 3, 2012
Vault101 said:
JeffBergGold said:
You must be one of those 0:25 nerds.
nah bro...see [i/]i get it[/i]

not many people do because they are NERDS and pathetic, such peopel arnet worth our time

what we need are people who are both smart AND can bench press their own weight...they are the one that get shit done....instead the world is full of pussies,

because although many people don't belive it, increasing your muscle mass actually increase sones brain mass (no there was a totally legit paper done on it) see the mucle create the perfect framework for the extra grey matter to migrate into and grow

so essentially your mucles become extra brains! which makes such people SUPER DUPER GENIOUSES

of coarse because society pampers the weak such things are rare
I gotta say that you're a pretty funny dude. You should do stand up!


New member
May 15, 2010
Mine will seem very, very petty (and it is), but it would have to be those students whose parents pay for everything. They usually have the latest apple computer and groceries continuously brought to them. I've known some who took 5 years due to no worries since their parents were paying the entire bill.

I admit it is all due to jealousy, but it would be so nice to not have over 20k in student loan debt, because I basically had to fend for myself. Cue for people coming at me saying that I'm just jealous and they can't help that their parents love them more than mine for me. To head those off, I don't disavow either of those statements, but it feels good to get that off of my chest.

Here's another, and one people might agree with me on, I hate when I see girls dolled up in makeup strolling to class in pajama pants. It kind of cheapens the whole feeling that this is an actual place of learning.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
JeffBergGold said:
I gotta say that you're a pretty funny dude. You should do stand up!
why thankyou

of coarse my natural abilities for humour are nothing without sold bulging biceps and rock hard abs

see my super abs help me pick up the vibrations of other peoples laughter...with the processes of my super duper mucle brains I am able to subconciously analyse and alter my responses to make them as funny as possible


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
cerealnmuffin said:
Here's another, and one people might agree with me on, I hate when I see girls dolled up in makeup strolling to class in pajama pants. It kind of cheapens the whole feeling that this is an actual place of learning.

you could say that YES this is a place of LEARNING, without the silly BS of highscool or the outside world

there are no uniforms, it doesnt matter if you are goth/nerd/gangsta/rich/poor no one cares who you are or what group you roll with or what you choose to wear, you come here and its upto what you put into that be in a suit or track-pants,

eehh..well it depends on hwo you want to look at it


New member
Aug 3, 2012
Vault101 said:
JeffBergGold said:
I gotta say that you're a pretty funny dude. You should do stand up!
why thankyou

of coarse my natural abilities for humour are nothing without sold bulging biceps and rock hard abs

see my super abs help me pick up the vibrations of other peoples laughter...with the processes of my super duper mucle brains I am able to subconciously analyse and alter my responses to make them as funny as possible
Your mockery is hurting me! You're mean! 8D

cerealnmuffin said:
It kind of cheapens the whole feeling that this is an actual place of learning.
To get a degree, you have to agree (on tests) with those giving them. I wouldn't exactly classify that as a "learning" environment. Since the ability to agree has been learned long before one ever attends college.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
JeffBergGold said:
Your mockery is hurting me! You're mean! 8D

To get a degree, you have to agree (on tests) with those giving them. I wouldn't exactly classify that as a "learning" environment. Since the ability to agree has been learned long before one ever attends college.[/quote]

I agree

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
2 things I hate most about University:

1. People handing me shit while I'm going to class. No I don't want your goddamn job flyer, no I'm not going to donate to your charity, and no I don't want to join your fucking bible study. See the ear buds in the ears? Those are the universal signal for fuck off and leave me alone, why aren't you people getting the message?!

2. Group work. I'm in Uni, which is supposed to be a competitive environment, so why the hell do you keep assigning group projects? Why am I suddenly responsible for the grades of two other fuckwads who live by the mantra "C's get degrees?"


New member
Jun 6, 2012
I have some things that I hate about college.

-When my degree of computer science requires me to take 1 credit of some kind of PE. I don't get it.

-I hate anyone who shows up more than 10 minutes late to class. It interrupts everything, and you might as well stay away for the day.

-People who must get in the last word during class, or generally start any kind of argument with the teacher because they want to show everyone how smart they are.

-Group work that is in a non-group classes that are graded as a single grade. If I get stuck with that one kid who doesn't do anything but talk about getting drunk again, I'll kill him. My grade shouldn't depend on someone with no apathy to be there.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
1 - People who do not contribute to class discussions.

2 - People who can't function during group work, you either get the socially awkward person who says nothing, or the lazy person who always runs late with their end of the work.

3 - Email Spam.. I can't see the important "Fee's overdue" emails in the endless sea of hundreds of "Win a free iPad by doing our survey" (I already have one,thanks), "fight for your LGBT rights!" (but I'm not even gay.. what're trying to say, fucking email!), "Bible studies classes now running" (nor am I religious)... and just utter crap that fills my inbox everyday.

Loner Jo Jo

New member
Jul 22, 2011
I have quite a few, but more of them relate to my particular university as opposed to the system in general.

1. My school has bumped the rate of tuition every. single. semester for the past, oh, 5 semesters. It costs more to go to my school now than to go to UVA. And it's not like I'm going to Virginia Tech. I go to some rinky-dink college with only 4,000 students total because it is known for its education program.

2. The education program. Apparently, our program is one of the best in the state, and that scares me because our program is a joke. You have to try to fail those classes. No one gets below a B, really. That and because there are teaching you all these effective methods of education, they feel the need to flaunt all of them to stave off criticism from the students. So, class usually becomes this ridiculous series of menial group work. Usually half of class is spent doing nothing because our group is done writing our mental web or whatever on the giant post-it.

3. This applies to all universities, but the athletics program. I'm not totally against it. I realize it does take a lot of dedication to become good at that sport, and I understand colleges awarding scholarships for that achievement. However, my school has recently decided to become a AAA school when all but one of our teams suck balls. So, we have to pay through the nose to fund the athletics department, and it's ridiculous because we are most certainly not making money off of it. We are a small liberal arts college! I mean seriously, what the fuck.

That and you hear stories of athletes cheating the system... For instance, every athlete is given $20 to pay for dinner. (Of course, I think, I have to pay for my own dinner when I run out of the 14 meals I'm given for the week, but whatever, I get it.) However, they, being the ever-so-smart college kids they are, have wised up to the fact that no one is going to ask for their change. So, they'll all pitch in for pizza and pocket the rest. So, think $15 for every away game. Let's say 10 games on average are away. That's $150 for every player! Times that by 100 athletes: 15,000 a semester! On every other students dime! Let's put this into focus: my tuition for 18 credit hours costs about $12,000.

I hate my school.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Let's do this top 10 style.

Number 10.
-The chair-desks. They won't stay up, leading to hilarious moments where you almost lose your laptop.

Number 9.
-Loud-mouth people in lectures. Just shut the fuck up and let the person teach.

Number 8.
-The mess that is the online system. How do I... What? I don't even. Bills? Eh? The government is meant to pay for that. Oh they are? Why fucking tell me I have a bill then?

Number 7.
-Grading. It almost seems random, especially when more than one person gets to mark the same paper. Be fucking consistent, it isn't fair if it isn't.

Number 6.
-Poor teachers. Specifically refering to those who simply don't know how to teach well. It isn't your fault or anything per-se, but you could at least try to keep the students interested.

Number 5.
-Group activities/work. I do not work well in groups. I am not that type of person, fuck off.

Number 4.
-Jocks. Ughhhh. Why are you at a university? Do you learn anything? Just, why?

Number 3.
The people. This is more of a general one. There are those that don't listen, then make stupid comments, there are those that make stupid comments based upon some kind of silly moral affiliation while missing the point entirely, there are those who simply refuse to accept reality, there are moral absolutists, there are hispters (I'm talking extreme hipsters here, I have no problem with some), there are hipster philosophers, those who glorify anything Eastern without critical thought, pseudoscientists, people who are incredibly patronising towards me (if you disagree with me fucking tell me, you condescending *****), and the afformentioned people who don't shut up and let the lecturer teach.

Number 2.
-Teachers who are plain wrong. I've only encountered this recently, and it gets my goat like a god damn raptor. Evolution is scientific you stupid motherfucking bastard.

Number 1.
-Referencing. Oh, I didn't reference that did I? Maybe it was my OWN FUCKING IDEA! Oh, and I didn't mention this guy's opinion in my essay did I? Probably because I HAVE NEVER FUCKING HEARD OF THAT GUY IN THE LECTURES OR THE TUTORIALS, NOR IN MY HOURS OF RESEARCH.

That about sums up my rage. I hope you enjoyed reading it, even if you disagree with points.


New member
Jun 3, 2012
Emphasis placed on popularity. Does it matter if I'm not amongst the rich and famous of high school? I'm pretty sure my future boss won't GAF.