Biggest Zelda Game Ever Coming in 2014 to WiiU:


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Wii U Zelda coming in 2014, will be biggest Zelda game ever []

WiiU Daily said:
According to our source in Japan, Nintendo is betting big on the next Zelda game, set for release in 2014 on the Wii U. This comes from the same source that accurately predicted Wii U achievements in the past, and broke the news Nintendo was working on a Wii U social network, which turned out to be Miiverse. So we?re quite confident in this information. The source is from within Nintendo and has seen the new Zelda game in action. He?s impressed, to say the least.
The first bit of information concerns the visual style of the game. Many Zelda fans are hoping for a darker, Twilight Princes-like Zelda on the Wii U, but it looks like Nintendo is sticking to most recent Zelda art style, found in Skyward Sword. ?Nintendo is sticking to the core values of Zelda, while trying to appeal to a wide range of gamers, casual and hardcore?, our source told us, adding, ?They feel they?ve found the sweet spot with Skyward Sword, and they?re continuing this approach with the Wii U Zelda game?.

Wii U Zelda has the biggest development team ever
Nintendo has assembled the biggest team ever to work on a game at Nintendo EAD 3 in Japan. ?They got hundreds of people working on the new Wii U Zelda game?, which still hasn?t got an official subtitle. The development is once again led by Eiji Aonuma, who has been working on the game with his team since late 2010.
?It?s a 4-year development cycle with a new console, new technology, new engine etc. It?ll end up being the most expensive game they?ve made to date. It?s a huge investment for them [Nintendo] in money and manpower, this is Rockstar/GTA territory?. Nintendo originally planned to release the game in Fall 2013 to strengthen the Wii U against the new consoles from Microsoft and Sony, but apparently that didn?t turn out to be realistic. ?They targeted a 2013 release, but quickly abandoned that goal. This is the biggest project they?ve [Nintendo] ever done, no way is it gonna be ready for Q3 2013. At least from where I see it?.

Biggest, most ambitious Zelda game to date.
The new Wii U Zelda will feature ?about the same amount of dungeons as previous Zelda games, but these will be vastly bigger in scope and will be totally different from each other. Some dungeons are so big they?re broken up in 3 parts and will literally take hours to complete?. The Wii U Zelda game will also ?have mini-games and side quests, but these are still on the drawing board?. Finally, the game?s composers are creating a brand new orchestral soundtrack with ?hours of music?. No word on whether any characters will speak in the game. Regarding the story, he said ?I really can?t comment on that [the story] because I have no idea what it is. I dunno where it?s set in the Zelda timeline. I?ve seen a grown up Link who looks like a much higher detailed Link from Skyward Sword. I haven?t see any cut scenes or boss fights either at this point. I?m not sure they?ve made any of that yet?.
?Some dungeons are so big they?re broken up in 3 parts and will literally take hours to complete?One of the dungeons is said to be an entire forest. ?The first test dungeon they made was a giant forest running on early and buggy Wii U hardware ? the dungeon was bigger than the Hyrule field in Ocarina, and the whole thing is one dungeon. You use the gamepad to navigate, avoid traps, follow clues etc. It?s dark, lush, with a ton of trees, foliage, some which you have to cut your way through. Its scope and details are unlike anything you?ve seen in a Zelda game?. He added that the Wii U Zelda game is so big, it wouldn?t be possible without the 25 GB Blu-ray based storage that the console uses.

No online multiplayer, but will have online features
Zelda fans looking for online multiplayer will be somewhat disappointed, according to our source. ?Online multiplayer was never on the drawing board, they?re sticking with the tried and tested Zelda formula. It?ll have some online features like Miiverse and some sort of system where players can leave hints and help each other in the dungeons. That?s about it?.
The online component is still very much on the drawing board, according to our insider. ?As far as I know, none of this [online] stuff has begun development as of Summer 2012. It?s still on paper only and will probably be one of the last things they?ll add. It?s not a big priority for them. Unless they got some separate team elsewhere working on it?.

HD graphics, same visual style as Skyward Sword
Nintendo are said to be very pleased with the art direction and visual style of Skyward Sword, and are continuing this look. Of course, it?ll be in full HD with much improved quality compared to what we saw on the Wii. ?They?re using a new, state of the art engine that?s being built from ground up in parallel with the game. It?s got the most advanced visual features Nintendo has ever made, and includes a lot of third party tech like Havok for physics and rendering middleware from Umbra (which was recently confirmed for the Wii U)?.
He added, ?The Wii U Zelda stuff you saw at E3 2011 was just a tech demo, nothing else. I?ve seen none of that in the real game. The tech demo was even made by an entirely different team with an older engine?.

"Most innovative game ever"
The next Zelda won?t just use the GamePad, it?ll take it to a new level with never before seen features, showing just what?s possible. In fact, the game is said to have been influential to the design of the controller to begin with. ?At least one of the hardware features added to the GamePad were solely implemented because the Zelda team figured out they could do something cool with it?. ?Each dungeon will offer a different gameplay experience with the tablet controller? The Zelda game was designed from ground up with the tablet controller in mind, ?Zelda designers started sketching out concepts as soon as Nintendo decided to include a screen with the new console?, he said, adding, ?everything in the game is built around the controller and its unique abilities. Every single feature in the controller is used to its full potential. Some of this stuff is still in early stages of development, but they?ve already implemented enough to show just what?s possible with the new controller. They showed some of this stuff to key third party devs behind closed doors last year to get them to realize the possibilities of the new tech.?

The Wii U Zelda game will redefine gaming with its features and innovation, and will offer things that only the Wii U can do. ?It?ll have some revolutionizing gameplay. It has stuff that would never be possible on any other console, and it?s not just one cool feature, it?s one cool feature after another. Each dungeon will offer a different gameplay experience with the tablet controller. It?ll be the most innovative game ever, they got stuff that will be copied by others for years.?
So far, it looks like an epic Zelda game. Future Wii U owners definitely have something very special to look forward to. Even if we have to wait another two years for a chance to play it.

+ Nintendo is currently working on the next "Legend of Zelda" game for the WiiU.
+ The game will be in HD and use the same Art Style "Skyward Sword" used.
+ It will be larger then all the previous Legend of Zelda Games. A Test Dungeon, a Forest, is as big as Hyrule Field and is all in 1 Dungeon. Other parts of the game are so big they are divided into 3 Parts and will take hours to finish (Literally).
+ No Online Multiplayer, but there will be online features, such as the MiiVerse.
+ The game will be released in 2014, has the largest Nintendo EAD Staff has been working on it, and the game has a "4 Year Development".

So, what are your guys thoughts? I know the WiiU Is not really popular here, but the Legend of Zelda certainly is. Will this game make you wanna buy a WiiU?

Share with us!


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Sounds more like they are just making another SS and not just because of the graphics. And I mean it sounds cool having a giant Zelda dungeon. While part of it is nostalgia, but I just don't think it will work at all. Zelda dungeons should have some guidance.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I will have to wait and see if the WiiU is any good and if it has a decent library of games to buy one. I doubt I would buy one just to play a new Zelda as I am sick of Nintendo and their refusal to believe that people are happy to play games with a normal controller. I may pick it up when I can get it cheap or second hand, but no, it won't send me running to the store to hurl the contents of my wallet at the assistants working there.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I'll buy my copy and the WiiU on the day this game comes out, until then Nintendo won't receive any of my money

and its still too early this probably all just hype :/


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Well... Skyward Sword was pretty dissapointing so i hipe the next one is going to be better. And, you know, have a decent overworld. In Skyward Sword even the parts that were not dungeons felt like dungeons, if you know what i mean.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Hmmm... this is probably the first time I've ever been sceptical of a future Zelda game.

Some stuff sounds great, like the huge dungeons and how they all have unique mechanics to them, but other stuff kind of puts me off.

There were a lot of things I wasn't so keen on with Skyward Sword, so it doesn't enthuse me to hear they're trying to emulate that. They most certainly didn't hit a "sweet spot" with that game; there was a lot wrong with it. The repeat of the art style isn't thrilling either. It's not bad news, I liked the art style of SS, but I don't just want to have the same thing again. I guess I would be okay with it the game is a direct sequel to SS, but if not that's a bit disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing what kind of look they would come up with next with the new power of the WiiU. I wasn't looking for a repeat of the TP style or even anything "dark" (I've made many a rebuttal to this stupid meme that Zelda needs to be "dark"), but just something new.

Oh, also, how can they be making the "most innovative game ever" when they admit they're trying to copy a lot of SS and keeping to the "tried and tested" Zelda style? lolwut?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
They sure are making it sound grand.

I'm...cautiously optimistic. I love The Legend of Zelda, and I liked Skyward Sword a lot. Sticking to the same art style is fine by me, I liked the tone SS had. The huge dungeons sound awesome and damn, a Zelda game with an astrononmical budget in general sounds like good news to me!

What I'm concerned about is that they are betting it all on the uniqueness of the Wii U. If for some reason the Wii U's hardware doesn't mix with gameplay at all (think Kinect), the game is pretty much doomed. Of course it's still way too early to place a verdict, but I do worry.

And the guy going all "It's The most innovative game ever" comes off like a elementary schooler saying "This is going to be the best thing ever" when he's well on his way too DisneyLand. I just hope there's a fair bit of truth in that statement.

Power to you, Nintendo, make it happen!


New member
Jul 12, 2009
To come out with this big words already when there's 2-3 years until a release??
People gonna get all hyped in about 1.5 years and then it won't exceed the expectations? perhaps, but also when Nintendo said they would show with the Wii and Metroid Prime Corruption how a real FPS will work, and it did, it worked fantastically. They've showed they can hit it big before, just don't screw Zelda, Metroid or StarFox please!!!


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
"Largest development team ever" is not necessarily a good thing really, but whatever. I'm not gonna be sitting around for 2 years waiting. I'll get excited when it's closer and if it's looking good.


New member
May 3, 2010
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Well... Skyward Sword was pretty dissapointing so i hipe the next one is going to be better. And, you know, have a decent overworld. In Skyward Sword even the parts that were not dungeons felt like dungeons, if you know what i mean.
Eldin Volcano felt like a dungeon in and of itself. Then when you finally get into the Earth Temple it's like... "I'm going to take a nap before I do this part."

Which raises a good point. I mean, I love Zelda and I'd like to get as much for my money as I can but dungeon crawling for hours on end becomes very mentally exhausting.


Regardless, I very much want a Wii U. I'm just waiting for a price tag before I'm considering shelling out. Anything over $200-250 and I'll woefully pass.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
burningdragoon said:
"Largest development team ever" is not necessarily a good thing really, but whatever. I'm not gonna be sitting around for 2 years waiting. I'll get excited when it's closer and if it's looking good.
I was thinking that too. Zelda games are very often the brainchild of Miyamoto, so I get the feeling that if the developer team gets too big then his vision could become lost in the sea of ideas. Then again, Miyamoto is known for being a stern task master. I don't think he will compromise on his ideas easily. Then again, is he even working on this game? Since he stepped down from his high up position in the company we don't really know. I'd hate for Zelda to be completely devoid of his influence and just have it another game designed by committee.

But it's too early to say anything about this, so I'm not going to get worried about it.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I ain't buying it (both figure and literal) until I've seen proper video to this upcoming game. Even then it better be a huge improvement over to Skyward Sword.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Mr.Mattress said:
+ The game will be in HD and use the same Art Style "Skyward Sword"
I wouldn't call that a +, it's a -.

Doesn't Nintendo remember what happened when they showed the Zelda Gamecube Demo, then the aftermath of handing us windwaker? This company, I swear... they have to be trying pretty hard to make history repeat this much.

After seeing Zelda more amazing then ever (again, just like with the E3 gamecube demo) people are going to start an epic shitstorm when the wiiU Zelda comes out and we see it looks just like Skyward Sword. Now that we know they are capable of making a Zelda game out of the hardest core fan's wet dream, they won't get away with deliver anything else. Again, they have severely overestimated how much we tolerate being teased.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
xPixelatedx said:
Mr.Mattress said:
+ The game will be in HD and use the same Art Style "Skyward Sword"
I wouldn't call that a +, it's a -.

Doesn't Nintendo remember what happened when they showed the Zelda Gamecube Demo, then the aftermath of handing us windwaker? This company, I swear... they have to be trying pretty hard to make history repeat this much.
Even though Wind Waker is easily one of the two best Zelda games to this point because they went with a simple art design, they could create a big world to enjoy, then polished it to a shine. While this won't get my hyped for a new zelda after Skyward Sword's disappointment. Maybe with the size of the game, they'll be able to innovate and add a host of fun side quests and more things to develop the character of link.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
I think it will have a very hard time contending with Darksiders 2 for the best Zelda game, plus they are locked to a single solitary platform.

Sadly none of that matters because Nintendo fandom will sell it big no matter what comes out.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
klown said:
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Just to be clear, I am in no way saying Wind Waker was a terrible game, I didn't dislike the art style and I played it through to the very fufilling end. I am just saying how things went down, because they did go down that way. Yes, Wind Waker is remembered fondly among the hard core Nintendo/Zelda fans, at least now it is... It certainly didn't have a very good reception when it first appeared. In fact it did so bad Nintendo had to make Twilight Princess just to save face, they even said so. Nintendo, (who is losing their casual audience by the droves and already been abandoned by many a hardcore gamer) simply doesn't have the leg room to make this kind of giant mistake again.

The reason why a great game like Wind Waker did so poorly is because it's not what people had already gotten excited for. Nintendo created expectations, then destroyed them. Nothing could have saved Wind Waker after that, and now Nintendo is content to pull the exact same stunt. Showing people exactly what they want to see in order to get them excited, only to "pull the rug out from under them" when it comes time to deliver. You simply don't do this when previous attempts were met with such spite and venom, it's a bad business practice.

To reiterate:

Showing people this:

Then giving them this:(again)

IS A BAD IDEA. Especially because of how up-hill a battle the next console race is going to be.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
As always I will cave like a ***** as soon as the next super smash brothers installment comes out and buy one, then buy Mario Kart whatever and Zelda whatever whatever, and I'll god damn enjoy it, begrudgingly.