BioShock's Creative Director Gives Away Infinite Secrets


New member
Oct 19, 2009
BioShock's Creative Director Gives Away Infinite Secrets

Ken Levine talks music composers and development secrets in an extended Reddit session.

Fortunate Reddit users got to ask Ken Levine, creative director of BioShock, pretty much anything, and Levine let slip some interesting scraps about his latest game, BioShock Infinite []. The one piece of information sure to please fans of the original's soundtrack, is that Garry Schyman, composer for both the previous BioShock games, returns to the composer's chair for BioShock Infinite.

But Levine didn't stop there. He started talking about the game's backstory, and what will make it different than the previous games. Without wanting to spoil, Levine said, the past will matter a great deal in Inifinte. Except that "where the last game was about Archeology," Levine added, "this game is also about Anthropology, in other words, you get stories from both the living and the dead in Infinite."

Levine's challenge is to make a sequel that isn't a sequel. "We knew BioShock is really a hard game to sequelize," said Levine, while acknowledging that corporations like to make money from franchises. "There's no real standard formula," Levine added, "and if you use a standard formula, the fans are going to be turned off. So, in other words, we invented a franchise that is nearly impossible to sequelize."

However Levine did go on to say that there was a formula, as such, for BioShock. Step one: make sure it takes place in a world that is grounded in reality and fantastical. Step two: combat has to have a strong improvisational nature, allowing players to tackle each fight in a different way. But those are just the bare bones of a BioShock game; the heart of it was love. "I can't imagine doing it if we weren't in love with the idea," Levine said.

BioShock Infinte, the latest entrant to the series, is due out in 2013 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: Reddit []



The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Oh, quit teasing me and just release the damn thing you magnificent bastard.


New member
May 5, 2010
Eh? Can someone explain "Without wanting to spoil, Levine said, the past will matter a great deal in Inifinte. Except that "where the last game was about Archeology,"? Is that in reference to it taking place under water?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
No formula? Sure there is. Take a world philosophy to its logical extreme, then set it in an unusual location (IE: underwater/the skies) and then throw a clueless dipshit into the mix who's somehow the key to everything that's going on without actually knowing anything about it (oddly common in RPGs).


New member
Oct 14, 2010
LetalisK said:
Except that "where the last game was about Archeology,"? Is that in reference to it taking place under water?
No, he meant that most of the characters only appeared in audio logs and most of them were dead. "Anthropology" means we will probably meet more living people.

Killer 1 90

New member
Sep 2, 2010
LetalisK said:
Eh? Can someone explain "Without wanting to spoil, Levine said, the past will matter a great deal in Inifinte. Except that "where the last game was about Archeology,"? Is that in reference to it taking place under water?
When he says "Archeology" he means that Rapture was basically a dead city when we got there and we only got glimpses into it's past, though recordings and the such, to see what it was like when it was a full living city. In comparison Columbia is still a full working city when we arrive, with people living out there day to day lives but with darkness just below the surface, aka racism, massive class divisions and large social unrest. This means that while the past of Columbia is important so is the stories happen in the present.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
So, instead of coming in to clean up everybody's mess, we'll be right in the middle of said mess while it's happening. Fun times.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Not to derail the thread but im surprised no one has said anything on the costume change Elizabeth has gone through?