Bioware allows the release of "The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3" a tell all app for $2.99 WTF?!


Jan 4, 2010
United States
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Fappy said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
The more I hear about the ending, the less I want to play it. Its literally half an hour away. I could start the game right now and be with TIM in 5 minutes. But im still not sure I want to see the ending. Maybe I should just ignore it and be happier that way?
Do that. I beg you. Save yourself the mental torment.
I dunno, my man MiracleOfSound posted some interesting links on twitter today. Of course, I didnt read them yet, but he seemed to be pretty happy with them, saying they made the ending a lot better.

Fuck it, im going to go play the end in a few minutes. I have my Garrus cushion right here and my shower is operational, so according to Extra Credits, I am all set. Plus, then I can make that "Mass Effect 3: my final verdict" thread I have been burning to make.
Everything I have heard from Miracle about the ending has been of despair D:


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Huh. Bioware has locked down their forums.

I guess they were overwhelmed by the positive feedback they were getting regarding their new DLC.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Fappy said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
The more I hear about the ending, the less I want to play it. Its literally half an hour away. I could start the game right now and be with TIM in 5 minutes. But im still not sure I want to see the ending. Maybe I should just ignore it and be happier that way?
Do that. I beg you. Save yourself the mental torment.
I dunno, my man MiracleOfSound posted some interesting links on twitter today. Of course, I didnt read them yet, but he seemed to be pretty happy with them, saying they made the ending a lot better.

Fuck it, im going to go play the end in a few minutes. I have my Garrus cushion right here and my shower is operational, so according to Extra Credits, I am all set. Plus, then I can make that "Mass Effect 3: my final verdict" thread I have been burning to make.
I'm surprised you're playing it at all. What are your thoughts?

Mine echoes most people's: It's outstanding until the last ten minutes. Though Shepards talks way too damn much on his own. That got on my nerves from the start to the finish.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
alrekr said:
Adam Jensen said:
Like all the unanswered questions about the Island in LOST.
Hate to break it to you but everything in LOST got resolved and explained. They had the same ending as Ashes to Ashes (sequel to Life on Mars).


The island was like purgatory or a similar such thing and things like the polar bear? That was due to the comic that one guy was reading on the aeroplane(you can see a poalr bear on it during the plane ride (which is before they died))
Nice try. But I've seen LOST. 3 times.
Well after some further research turns out I'm confusing myself between the actual main LOST canon and the alt-timeline that is also canon (was it called the flash-sideways?). The main thing which caused this "confusion" is the comments of Cuse and Lindelof who have stated that the "two distinct timelines" are "equally real". No wonder I assumed that was the end when it was the real end but also not the brain hurts.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Y'know i'm over the ending of ME3 now... I'm strangely at peace with it. Weird.

I think all the overblown backlash just made me stop caring. Yeah it's bad but it didn't kill your father bro...
Emiscary said:
"Bioware/EA, the court of public opinion finds you guilty of repeatedly: misleading, disappointing and ignoring your customers. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty. We would also like it known we find both you and the jury childish and unreasonable, and would also like more of your money."

"Court of public opinion sentences you to lose any and all brand loyalty. Next case."

Anything else Bioware tells its fanbase apart from "sorry" may as well just be farting into the wind at this point. They've got no credibility left in the eyes of the people who's opinions they've clearly ignored. And since a 2.99 iphone app infodump is EA's pitiful attempt to defend this gobshite I can hardly blame said them for their cynicism.
Ah, you can't bring the courtroom into this without me throwing an...

At you XD

Seriously, yes the ending was pretty bad. Maybe that indoctrination theory makes it look better (need to find that at some point) Get over it. The rest of the game was pure awesomeness! Nobody seems to remember that and just harp the fuck on about the ending.

It was Bioware's best writing to date as far as i'm concerned. Remember Mordin's death? That bar in the sky? Drunk Tali?

One bad ending (or three) surely can't completely sour the entire rest of the game and the entire company can it?

Apparently so...

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
The rest of the game was pure awesomeness! Nobody seems to remember that and just harp the fuck on about the ending.
That's because the ending was equivalent to that of having a good dog for 10 years and one day he suddenly decides to murder your entire family. After that you don't remember the good times you had with the dog, you only remember the horror of seeing your entire family slaughtered by someone you trusted.

Maybe I'm overreacting with the killer dog analogy, but the point is that we were betrayed by someone we trusted for years. And it hurts.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Fappy said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
The more I hear about the ending, the less I want to play it. Its literally half an hour away. I could start the game right now and be with TIM in 5 minutes. But im still not sure I want to see the ending. Maybe I should just ignore it and be happier that way?
Do that. I beg you. Save yourself the mental torment.
I dunno, my man MiracleOfSound posted some interesting links on twitter today. Of course, I didnt read them yet, but he seemed to be pretty happy with them, saying they made the ending a lot better.

Fuck it, im going to go play the end in a few minutes. I have my Garrus cushion right here and my shower is operational, so according to Extra Credits, I am all set. Plus, then I can make that "Mass Effect 3: my final verdict" thread I have been burning to make.
That link to the theorycrafting page. I read all of it. All 80 pages, and I'll be damned if that's not convincing evidence for the meta ending theory doing the rounds.
Spoilered because people might not want to know about it. Also contains a link to a forum for discussing said theory civilly.
You know, the indoctrination of Shepard one? Here's the URL for those that want it []


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Yeah the original fight with TIM was supposed to make him look like a huge reaper monster
And they cut it out because they knew TIM wasn't about physical strength but more about his intelligence, and making some super reaper creature that wasn't recognizable as TIM would sorta kill the point of confronting him.

Also I don't see what the big deal about a "Behind the Scenes of ME3" really is. I mean all they are going to talk about is how they created it, and how they brainstormed, not really much in terms of "These are the answers you were looking for"

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
The Wykydtron said:
The rest of the game was pure awesomeness! Nobody seems to remember that and just harp the fuck on about the ending.
That's because the ending was equivalent to that of having a good dog for 10 years and one day he suddenly decides to murder your entire family. After that you don't remember the good times you had with the dog, you only remember the horror of seeing your entire family slaughtered by someone you trusted.

Maybe I'm overreacting with the killer dog analogy, but the point is that we were betrayed by someone we trusted for years. And it hurts.
About two days ago I would have agreed with you. But I just can't get worked up about it anymore. The bullshit, overdone, ridiculous rage just nullifies the badness somehow. I was upset over the ending originally but after going through all the rage comments I just can't care anymore.

Oh the Relays got blown up and regressed everyone back to the stone age? Effectively ruining the entire epic sci-fi world that has been built up over the past three games? And Tali will never have her house on the homeworld?

Well who'd a thunk it?

My problem can be summed up in three words:

Complete. Global. Oversaturation.


New member
May 6, 2011
So here's what I'm curious about - are all the hints at indoctrination supposed to be there, or are they an artifact of the design process?

Also, here's how to make indoctrination work with the dialogue mechanics: have auto-dialogue, with interrupts that give Shep precious seconds of free will and allow the player to make dialogue choices for a short time. How was this hard to implement?


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Well, this makes sense. Looking back on it, probably not the best decision they could have made. But hey, that's hindsight.
Mar 9, 2012
I think RedLetterMedia said it best (paraphrased):

"Stories doesn't necessarily have to conform to the rules. But unless you really know what you are doing, you shouldn't stray too far away from the known formula."

In the end, neither Mac Walters or Casey Hudson had the required competence. In the end it just comes across as trying too hard to rip off the Matrix, 2001, and Deus Ex, when they should have sticked to the Star Wars/Star Trek vibe they had going so far.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
Y'know i'm over the ending of ME3 now... I'm strangely at peace with it. Weird.
How'd you do that, I'm still torn between:

Anger and Depression!

The Wykydtron said:
It was Bioware's best writing to date as far as i'm concerned. Remember Mordin's death? That bar in the sky? Drunk Tali?
Agreed, Garrus' goodbye with my femshep was beautiful.

OT: I'd moan about this, but,
1: I know I'd buy it
2:I don't have an ipad


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Aisaku said:
The iPad only $2.99 app is meant to give inside info on the ending and development of Mass Effect. Everything that would've made this make sense: Fighting TIM, questioning the god-child... it was proposed, then scrapped. WTFFFFF!?

Snippets from the original post:
Just a heads up, this isn't an official bioware release, some chap over at Gametrailer or some such site cobbled this together. Bioware shut down part of the forums due to the misunderstanding this caused earlier tonight.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I see.

They actually thought that a closure-free pile of plot holes and space magic was the perfect ending. And they want me to pay to see them justify it.


The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
putowtin said:
The Wykydtron said:
Y'know i'm over the ending of ME3 now... I'm strangely at peace with it. Weird.
How'd you do that, I'm still torn between:

Anger and Depression!

The Wykydtron said:
It was Bioware's best writing to date as far as i'm concerned. Remember Mordin's death? That bar in the sky? Drunk Tali?
Agreed, Garrus' goodbye with my femshep was beautiful.

OT: I'd moan about this, but,
1: I know I'd buy it
2:I don't have an ipad
Redact everything I have ever said about ME3's ending. It is genius, pure genius. If you go look at the Indoctrination Theory over in the Bioware forums it makes perfect sense. It's just too damn smart for its own good!

Fuck it's amazing, the basic version is... No just read it, 'tis awesome

Let me just bring up the one I read.

Mind = blown

Or i'm just scrambling for any reason to believe that the ending didn't just plain suck. But seriously it is really damn convincing and I felt I was missing something while I was playing but couldn't quite place it.

I'll look out for this stuff during my second playthrough. But my memory of the ending does fit this theory really well.

It's like DA2's ending all over again. Epic tragedy or massive fuck you depending on who you speak too. Except this game isn't rushed as fuck! Go EA for not throwing ME3 out the door about six months too early!


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Aisaku said:
Let's see:

1. You didn't just remove unneeded knowledge, you removed all pretext of actually having a conversation with this thing. Not only did we actually get no questions answered whatsoever, but Shepard just sort of stood there and went, "...Kay."

2. We don't need anything before or after. We need a satisfactory conclusion to the series other than the pile of fecal matter Bioware tried passing off as an ending.

3. Should have delayed it another month. Maybe then you could've come up with an actual ending.

It was The Illusive Man. Every single person playing the games wanted the glory of taking that know-it-all terrorist down. It could have been so amazing. You could have made him a powerfully engineered biotic. But no, instead we fight SPACE NINJA LACKEY who was introduced OVER HALFWAY THROUGH THE FINAL GAME.

It was pathetically obvious that you wanted me to hate him, but seriously I had no motivation. "Oh, yeah, he got in my way, what a dick." But who sent him to get in my way? THE ILLUSIVE MAN.

5. Oh, yeah, you made the fans speculate alright.
They're speculating because they're hoping that the ending is ANYTHING other than the ending they got. There are some people who hope the ending was Shepard being indoctrinated. They're believing that because they don't want to believe that it was as shit as they know it was.