Bioware letting us choose CanonFemShepFaceTM for *third* game

The Serpent

New member
Jun 20, 2011
How will it work?

If you've payed 1 and 2 with OldStandardFemShepFaceTM and then transfer your save to ME3 will her face change? Is the new and improved face only for people who play the third game on a fresh save?

I've always played ME with CanonMaleShepFaceTM, but Option 5 FemShepFace, which is winning the Facebook-poll; I'm really fond of. Would have been cool to play through all ME games with that.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I wish they did this earlyer.....

I dont like my shepard being overshadowed by bitchface Mirranda

radioactive lemur

New member
May 26, 2010
Vault101 said:
I wish they did this earlyer.....

I dont like my shepard being overshadowed by bitchface Mirranda
Don't kid yourself. Miranda is still WAAAAAAAAAY hotter than any of the Femsheps, even the blonde one.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
It'll work in the same way the maleshep default works. So basically, nothing will change in-game.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
radioactive lemur said:
Vault101 said:
I wish they did this earlyer.....

I dont like my shepard being overshadowed by bitchface Mirranda
Don't kid yourself. Miranda is still WAAAAAAAAAY hotter than any of the Femsheps, even the blonde one.
not with her insanely weird teeth she isnt
on topic, i wish they'd just spruce up the defaul femshep, i quite like my redhaired shep :(


New member
Mar 9, 2011
I think the "canon" FemShep is just for advertising purposes and for the default setting in-game. If you want to keep your old FemShep you'll be able to, as well as creating a brand new one.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
When you import a game, you get to reconfigure your appearance, so your old appearance will carry over, but you can change it (to the new default, if you wish).


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Just putting it out there, as it's semi related, it may help us get a red-headed fem shep if you go through the comments on facebook and "like" all of the comments suggesting it and add in one of your own. I commented that #5 needs to be a red and I have about 8-10 likes on it and I'm not the only one to suggest it.

The Serpent

New member
Jun 20, 2011
DanDanikov said:
When you import a game, you get to reconfigure your appearance, so your old appearance will carry over, but you can change it (to the new default, if you wish).
That clears it up for me! Thanks to everyone who's answered.

ScRaT_the_destroyer said:
maybe they'll grandfather the new canonfemshep into the previous games via a patch...
Sounds like a good idea to me as I like symmetry and continuity, but it might piss off some fans.

StBishop said:
Just putting it out there, as it's semi related, it may help us get a red-headed fem shep if you go through the comments on facebook and "like" all of the comments suggesting it and add in one of your own. I commented that #5 needs to be a red and I have about 8-10 likes on it and I'm not the only one to suggest it.
Good idea for people that agree. I'm on your side, and think "hot blonde Shepard" would be much cooler as a fiery redhead.

Even if she doesn't get switched; she has the right hair-style/face to be poster-material. I know several people have complained that all the guys are voting for the most appealing one, and that it degrades the character and the point. Honestly I think it's for the greater good (of the IP) that when people see FemShep; they think "Who's she? Need to see more of her.". It's not just that she looks prettier, but she has a much more striking/memorable appearance. I think the old face is more than pretty enough, it's not like Bioware failed the first time around, but it's not a face I could imaging being the face of an IP like Mass Effect. In fact I think the male face also looks pretty boring/generic (Yahtzee's "grizzly brown-haired" comes to mind), but he's become famous from sheer exposure.

I really understand that when Bioware started putting FemShep on posters and cover-art they must have thought: "This isn't working, she looks like an NPC snuck on the cover."


New member
Dec 28, 2008
For what it's worth, I voted for the redhead in the poll... I just have a weakness for that red hair. I think the military look is more accurate- after all, Shepard comes from the military, and I think it suits her and Shepard's personality- whether it's by paragon or renegade, she's going to get the job done and save the galaxy.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
radioactive lemur said:
Vault101 said:
I wish they did this earlyer.....

I dont like my shepard being overshadowed by bitchface Mirranda
Don't kid yourself. Miranda is still WAAAAAAAAAY hotter than any of the Femsheps, even the blonde one.
Well your milage may vary, unfortunatley Mirandas "hotness" comes across as uncanny to many

anyway its not that I want my shepard to be "hotter" (because that really doesnt matter) than miranda, I just want her to have her own distinctive look rather than a plain old "default"

The Serpent

New member
Jun 20, 2011
ruthaford_jive said:
This is a non-issue, gimmick BS deal. There's too much useless crap, articles and lame ass interviews with no real information surrounding this game. It's hyped up the butt. Chances are, it's going to be good, so just leave it at that and let's wait for next spring. But that won't happen, game marketing departments have been in overdrives for years now.
Perhaps, but it is a pretty smart move. Bioware wanted to change the face, but knew the nerds would rage, so they give the nerds choices and then fool them into thinking they were part of the initial decision to change it. ;)

Am I the only one hoping NewCanonFemShep gets named after the number her face was in the poll? Like "The 5th FemShep" as in Doctor Who?