BioWare Reveals Mass Effect 2 System Specs


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I remember when I had a mid level PC and specs like that scared the everloving golden liquid out of me. Now my system looks at those specs and says "Meh."

Dragon Age's DRM wasn't too obtrusive, still hate those social networking addins like GTA4 and Dragon Age have. Atleast it's not as bad as the system instabilities caused by SecueROM.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Nice. I'll be able to run it no problem, and without severe DRM... it's a done deal. I wonder, did EA grow a conscience, or did they actually lose enough sales over the whole Spore debacle to abandon the online activation garbage? Dragon Age, Sims 3 and now Mass Effect 2 without draconian DRM? From EA? What is this world coming to?


Elite Member
Nov 27, 2007
Seems odd to me that the System Requirements are significantly higher than that of the power of an Xbox360. I smell a lousy port.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Woot! I'm slightly shy of reccomended specs in the processor department, but beyond that I'm all set! :D

CyberAkuma said:
Seems odd to me that the System Requirements are significantly higher than that of the power of an Xbox360. I smell a lousy port.
Naw, you'll likely get the same graphical quality that ME1 had, Bioware just made sure to utilize the potential of PC hardware to allow those with better machines to have a slightly better visual experience.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
ZahrDalsk said:
Abengoshis said:
So it's telling me that it supports NVIDIA GeForce 6800 OR GREATER but it doesn't support NVIDIA GeForce 7300, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, and 9300.
From what I understand, those cards are not greater than the 6800.

The number in the thousands place indicates what line they're from. The number in the hundreds place indicates how new they are. So for example, 6800 would be greater than 7300, because 7300 is an older model from a different line.

If I'm just full of shit here though, someone more knowledgeable please let me know.
You are full of it. The first number is the generation, the second number is the performance. The x8xx series is usually the gaming card while the x9xx is 2 slapped together. The ones under x8xx are not gaming cards but budget cards. So the older generation 6800 is more powerful than the budget cards that came out after it.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Wow those specs arent that bad at all. But I'm betting to run it smoothly on max settings you'll need one beast of a system.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
haha since my 2 year old $600 frankenrig has almost double the ram and at the worst meeting required... well minus the CPU it's only a dual core 2.4ghz so almost... it seems i have no fear on the specs front... can't wait for the game.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
Oh I'm grateful most games i want to play come out on the 360...

I'd have to buy a whole new pc if I wanted to play anything modern. My ATI X850 is practically a relic now. Got left behind with Medal of Honour - Airbourne.

Even back then I struggled to run Doom 3 on High... Poverty sucks...

Royas said:
Nice. I'll be able to run it no problem, and without severe DRM... it's a done deal. I wonder, did EA grow a conscience, or did they actually lose enough sales over the whole Spore debacle to abandon the online activation garbage? Dragon Age, Sims 3 and now Mass Effect 2 without draconian DRM? From EA? What is this world coming to?
Did they grow a conscious? Did they fuck... Perhaps they became conscious of the fact people hated them for it. I revolted in my own way... That being my personal army of Giant Penis Monsters that flooded the severs mwah ha ha ha... Yes I'm that sad...


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Looks like I'll be sorted once I get my new GFX card :D I cannot frikkin wait!

Probably wont be able to play it on full, but I'll probably manage med-high :D


New member
Apr 19, 2009
I'm going to upgrade to Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 in December and I have a Geforce 8800GT, so this game should be a piece of cake.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Damn you pixel shader 3.0! You and your brother vertex shader are the bane of my existence!
ravens_nest said:
I'd have to buy a whole new pc if I wanted to play anything modern. My ATI X850 is practically a relic now.
I have the same card. At least we can play Tales of Monkey Island, though. I guess it's something.

Funny thing is, I just bought mine like less than a year ago. It was 30 bucks and had the dual monitor support I was looking for, so now I got to wait a little while before I really invest in a new one.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
and... I don't have the specs in only the video department.. Funny how that shit works. Give me acomputerthat can run twenty heavy programs at a time but holy shit no dice if you want to game.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Mass Effect 2 is to Mass Effect what Broodwar is to Starcraft, it`s what we called a expansion pack a few years back and what we call a "1.5 syndrome" now. This being said it is normal that it doesn`t have higher requirements than it`s predecessor.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Wait, you people were actually concerned about system specs?

OK, let me explain something to you - if you can run one multiplatform game, you can probably run all of them. All such games are developed so they can run on the 360 and/or PS3. The technical requirements CAN'T go up because the hardware in the consoles doesn't change. So games are developed at roughly the same technological level.

There was no way ME2 was going to have noticably higher system reqs than ME1 (or any other multiplatform release). Any differences in reqs between various games mostly come down to the quality of the coding and such.