BioWare Talks Tech In Mass Effect 2


New member
Jul 13, 2006
Does that mean I don't have to upgrade my machine to get a better frame rate? Mass Effect was just tolerable at medium settings for me, but it'll be interesting to see how much they've improved the overall performance.

One thing I will say though is that I wish BioWare would create games that run on low system specs, like Blizzard does. All this high-end 3D feels a little unnecessary at times. The GameCube had some fantastic looking games... there's something to be said for combining efficient and artistic design.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Lock the frame down to 30fps? Thats Bloody awful!I hope he is talking consoles only. Mine never dropped below 60 with Fraps running.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Doug said:
Woohoo, looking forward to this.

SkylerRock said:
If they can fix the AI so your NPC allies don't run directly in front of you during a gunfight they could probably forget about most of the other upgrades. Sorry, just my personal bugbear with an otherwise enjoyable game.
Oh...really? I don't think I've ever had this problem. Or if I have, I've not noticed.
It was a flaw with the AI's need to get into the fight and then find cover, generally they would take the most direct path which was usually straight through my line of fire. It got to the point on side missions that I would block the doorway until I was satisfied that I had cleared enough enemies for us to make a respectable advance into the room.