Black History Month


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
I said forgotten to the public. It is not like you can't find anything about these people. The information isn't wide spread or in main media or that shit.

You just emphasized the biggest problem about black history (or any minority).

"Teachers should already know some black history. If they can't teach their students basic lessons about American (I am just assuming we're talking about America)History dealing with some of its black citizens, then that teacher really isn't qualified. And like I just said, you can find information about black folks who have done great things or meager things if you looked. Heck, you can log on the internet and find million of black americans who did a lot of great stuff with complete ease."

The teachers aren't the weak link here, it's the curriculum behind the teachers. We all know the information is there to find. The simple fact is that people will rarely go out of their way to look for it unless they have to. If the tests or exams that are used to grade the students don't contain a certain aspect of history, the teacher will most likely not teach about it.

You seem to have very little knowledge of high school teachers. Fact is that high school teachers who take a course in teaching learn very little about the subjects they might teach. They are essentially taught how to be professional parents. Teachers who actually learned the courses they teach in detail are the ones that can be found at the college or university level of education.

"Please don't try to weigh the merits of Black History Month on the shoulders of weak teachers."

See above answer(s).


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Why not just celebrate a country's history for a month? And I do not mean by way of classes, I mean actual celebrating. Celebrate all great historical figures of a country, rather than just one race. Just not celebrating history at all sounds good, too, but that may just be for me.


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
Yegargeburble said:
Why not just celebrate a country's history for a month? And I do not mean by way of classes, I mean actual celebrating. Celebrate all great historical figures of a country, rather than just one race. Just not celebrating history at all sounds good, too, but that may just be for me.
You see this isn't such a terrible idea. The basic idea behind Black History Month is noble, but the effects it is having (or lack of) on our society is making its existence questionable.
Jul 16, 2008
Let me add something to that statement.

I said forgotten to the public. It is not like you can't find anything about these people. The information isn't wide spread or in main media or that shit; however, Black History Month is changing that. A lot of folks didn't know or care about Black History. Black History Month push kids and adults alike to learn more about blacks who contributed to the United States. Some people who then didn't care are now working to bring more black people who have done great and important deeds in the media's spotlight.


I actually do have some knowledge of high school teachers. Although it is not necessary from what I know that teachers have had the course in college, but it is recommended. If this wasn't true and everyone with a college level education on their subject only taught in an university or college, I wouldn't have been taught by half the teachers who taught me. Anyway, I didn't say the actually needed to have a college level of education of the subject to teach the subject; I said they should be able to teach basic history.


They're weak teachers because their too lazy to teach. If they do not teach, the students do not learn. That does not just account for history either.

And yeah, that entire post was just to describe to me that weak teachers are the standard.


Tyran107 said:
But on topic, I don't really see a reason for black history month. Like my american history teacher said "I don't teach black history month, I teach black history when we get to it." IE the time of equal rights movement and such.
Are you implying that blacks didn't contribute much to American Society before the Equal Rights Movements and such? If so, guess again.
--- I'm done here. I don't really feel like explaining why Black History Month is not a double standard or racism. It is too early for me to argue, anyway. If you couldn't get it from my time here, you're just not getting it. It wasn't a pleasant discussion anyway. ---


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
I do completely agree that there are a lot of weak teachers out there, and that they do pose a threat to our society.

Teachers today have a lot riding on them. They have to teach X amount of things in Y amount of time. It's not a question of laziness, it's a question of necessity. A teacher's job is to get kids to pass their exams and be qualified for a more focused education that can be found in college.

Teachers these days are getting way too much bad press though. It's unfortunate, but today's society is going head over heels to blame anyone but the parents on things like violence and ignorance, etc...

Are you implying that blacks didn't contribute much to American Society before the Equal Rights Movements and such? If so, guess again.

The teacher wasn't implying that blacks didn't contribute to American Society before the Equal Rights Movements. The teacher was simply implying that he WILL teach black history, but won't necessarily do it during Black History Month.

By the way my inside source on the current scholar system (at least here in Montreal) is my sister. She's an up and coming teacher who is both amazing with kids and she is also smart.
Jul 16, 2008
When I said that "Are you implying that blacks didn't contribute much to American Society before the Equal Rights Movements and such?" I was actually referring to "IE the time of equal rights movement and such".

Okay, I am gone for real this time.


Negro Heritage Week was a great effort to get Americans educated about African-American contribution to the United States. Woodson, who is the father of the idea, had hoped that the celebration would have been ended when black people were equal to white people. He had hoped by this time that African-American history was intergrated into American history. However, now I see, as time went on, Black History Month has lost it meaning. It is a shallow practice by the government and schools. I don't blame either for its degeneration.

I admit that much. I do still believe that Black History Month did teach people about African-American contribution to society. The event itself is not to blame for its shallow practice. The public is. People took what it meant out of context, and they have yet to care that they skewed what was an effort to educate a country about its people.

Sorry to those who are in Canada or the UK, I am speaking of the United States only.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
First of all I don't mind black history month too much.

Second I would like to turn your attention to a recent Offspring song.
It is entitled: Shit is Fucked Up.

Whenever you see something ridiculous in the world just remember that song.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
black history month is a seperate month specifically for black history. dont worry though, its equal with all the others.

also, i agree with some other posters here... the same thing EVERY FUCKING YEAR gets annoying after about the seventh or eighth time.