So I have two thoughts on this.
First, obviously this is terrible and the people who abused this should feel ashamed of themselves, it is not an OK thing to do.
Secondly, Wadjet Eye has primarily themselves or their partners to blame. While most people are decent and wouldn't abuse a giveaway like this when millions of people know about your giveaway it only takes a small percentage of bad actors to completely ruin it.
Because Wadjet Eye was not properly prepared for the giveaway instead of being a great promotion that would have allowed a lot of people to experience their game, Wadjet Eye to get a lot of good word of mouth, now you have a lot of disappointed people and Wadjet Eye has only damaged their reputation among those who ended up not getting the free game.
This of course is always one of the risks of small developers, they don't always have the experience or manpower to really make sure these types of promotions go off smoothly without a hitch, which hurts them more than anyone.
Just to reiterate, the people who abused this situation showed a complete lack of ethics, they should feel ashamed of themselves though most surely don't care, but there are always people out there ready to take advantage. It is the responsibility of the company putting on the promotion to make sure things like this don't happen.