Blitz Games: Kinect Detractors Lack "Vision"


New member
May 25, 2009
So the eyetoy with a mic is genius? The eyetoy was actually better than Kinect. It could read 4 people, even those with long skirts and background matching colors that aren't at least 3 ft away. No mic, but there isn't much call for one.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
No, vision is the reason I don't like 3D.

I don't like Kinect because on top of everything else, it flat out doesn't work.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
AmrasCalmacil said:

So far it's the only thing that could possibly convince me to buy Kinect, it's obviously in need of fine tuning but it does look interesting.
Or it could just be another Wii Force Unleashed disappointment.

In truth, not worth the extra money, but interesting none-the-less, I'd say.
Pre-rendered lies. Lies and name-plugging without any development.

And on top of that it's a damn rail shooter. Give me an immersive Star Wars game where I can move about and wave a lightsaber effectively, and you've actually got my attention.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
I have a vision... a vision that has also seen the Wii. A vision who has seen the Wii loved by all for about 5 minutes and then put away and never touched again.

Look... Kinect, the Wii, the Move... they're all pretty much the same idea of moving around and trying to "revolutionize gaming" but in all honesty they're fun for about 10 minutes. Sure it makes money for a while... but rarely do I hear of anyone who played their Wii every day or at least plays it for more than two hours at a time. It's just the fate of these kinds of things.

And taking a good look at lineup of games... they seem like the exact kind of company who would be behind Kinect.

Furburt said:
Right, okay. You say that I lack vision because I don't like Kinect? Fair enough.

Well then, Mr Oliver, I challenge you. Make a game that uses Kinect to the fullest, engages me, and draws me into the game, and I'll take back everything bad I've ever said about Kinect and personally send a letter of apology to Microsoft. Of course, it might be a bit of a tall order for a company that makes games like Bratz Girls Really Rock to make a game such as the one I've described, but hey, life is hard.
Exactly. I just can't see playing a Metal Gear Solid or BioShock on a... thing like this. I can't imagine staying up all night to finish a game because I'm so drawn into the story that I just don't want to put it down. I can't even imagine playing a game like Left 4 Dead 2 where I spend hours at a time sitting in front of the Kinect and have to bring snacks into the room so I don't die of starvation because I don't want to leave the game. I can't see myself being emotionally affected at any time by any Kinect game further than "Oh, that was pretty fun."


New member
Mar 8, 2010
He mentions that Kinect takes things to a new level. That's all it does. It's an improvement, not a game changer like the Wii was four years ago. A short-term fad that will fade away the moment it's target audience start feeling uncomfortable shouting "xbox pause" whenever they want to talk to someone on the phone. On the other hand, Child of Eden looks interesting.

That Eeyore

New member
Aug 18, 2009
Kinect, from the way I see it, has three problems:

1) The price. Think of it this way. You're a casual gamer with no game systems, and you want to buy one of those fancy new motion controlled systems so you can play for short bursts of time to have a little fun. Are you gonna go for:
a) The Wii, costs $200 before tax, comes with everything you need to play most games on it single player and even a few multiplayer ones (the "pass the controller" type), or
b) The XBox 360 + Kinect, the Kinect alone costing $150 before tax, added to the amount you have to pay for an actual XBox 360 unit to play it on, the cheapest of which I've seen being $99 before tax and shipping via Amazon. (and that's pre-owned)

Although I will concede that Kinect's price point would be kinda better if you were to want to do multiplayer with more than 2 players, but in order for that to even come up you should consider-

2) whether or not the thing works well enough to make an enjoyable experience. Will it be comfortable to play? Will it be able to accurately track, during multiplayer, which player is making which motions? Will it even to plausible, space-wise, to play multiplayer on it?
Which would be a moot point, if no thought is put into

3) the games. Need I say more?


New member
Jul 29, 2010
No, I don't lack vision. I just want to come home after a hard day of work, lay down on the couch, and not irritate my bad knee by jumping up and down like a moron.

However, if someone creates a homebrew where you score points by repeatedly *****-slapping people like these, I may consider...


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Another knot on the rope of why I dont like this...I really do hope Kinect will flop, god knows it might make them see sense


New member
Apr 23, 2010
well i still don't plan on buying it, might let my brother buy it though and give it a go.


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
The only game I want for connect is Dance Central. I will get move instead, and wait until the price drops and there is more decent games.
I like the look of that sorcery game on move, and golf actually looked good too.
Come to think of it, I will probably not get either at release anyway, but at the moment at least move is looking more appealing.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I see *potential* but in the universe there's a whole lot of potential energy... so until that *potential* turns into "Kinect", no optimism here.
Yes, it was a pun and a bad one, sue me and enjoy your lawyer fees.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
You know, there's nothing wrong with a controller. Everything I've seen from Kinect is me-too (or should that be "Wii-too", har har) nonsense, most of which has been seen on four year old technology. Nothing, with the distinct possibility of Dance Central, has justified Kinect for me. As far as I see it, it's a nifty, expensive menu system.

Mr Oliver, do whatever the hell you want with Kinect, but don't insult me.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I have plenty of vision. I use it to look back at the wii and eyetoy and remember that their motion controls bored me in five minutes.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Except it's buggy as hell (obviously given the company making it) and no one cares about motion controls except the gimmick crowd, and they aren't very loyal.


This is a Forum Title.
Oct 2, 2008
mikozero said:
what is it with companys telling their customers they are stupid recently ? i've seen at least 3 at it in recent months. is this their response to the global recession ?

"why aren't customers going for our new product Bob ?"
"well products great sir but we think all the potential customers may be retarded as they can't seem to grasp how great it is and we are telling them this via the media now sir"
"you are telling them how great the new product is ?"
"no sir we are telling them they are retarded"

anyway the way i see it real problem with this thing is basically most gamers want to sit on their ass unless they have mates over and want to stick a "party game" on and the main reason the wii caught on with non gamers and thus made extra sales was because it was/is cheap and cheerful.

be in the movies my ass. no you won't. you'll be standing in your living room waving your arms around like a twat and getting even more tired than you were when you came in from work.

i don't care if it ever works as advertised i'll never buy one of these things or anything like it.
Honestly? Yes. That's the bullshit we're spoon-fed. People not buying enough of Product X or Service Y? Then you're just not selling hard enough. The fault is with YOU, it isn't that people don't have the money to spend. If you tell them the right things, they'll MAGICALLY be able to spend the $1000 that they needed for rent, food, and utilities ten seconds ago.

Of course, as long as people just *TAKE IT* and don't actually bother *COMPLAINING* to these companies, it will just get worse.