Necrozius said:
FirstNameLastName said:
The closest thing I've found to outrage over this character is someone on twitter whinging about Blizzard taking diversity too far, and insisting there will be a wheelchair bound hero next, but no signs of the dreaded feminist anger.
In this futuristic setting, cybernetics are the norm, it seems, so including a physically disabled character would be badass, actually. Either we get a dude/dudette with robot legs or a Professor X hover-chair. Either way, pretty cool.
EDIT: yeah I know that there are other physical disabilities than being wheelchair-bound. That's just one example.
I feel that complaints about there being too many disabled characters is ironic and an indication that the person in question doesn't actually pay any real close attention to the games background.
Like almost half the characters in this game are/were disabled in some way.
Junkrat lost his leg and his arm. It's replaced by Cypernetics
Symettra had lost her arm at some point. Replaced by Cybernetics
It's implied through armor design of the joints in Pharahs suit that she had at some point lost all of her limbs.
Genji is basically a dead cyborg
Reindhart is implied to be a part robot part human as well (in the same vein as Pharah.)
Trobjorn lost his arm at some point.
McCree lost his arm at some point.
Whether some of those lost limbs were a personal choice or not in the traditional sense most of the characters in the game were disabled/dead at some point and through advanced technology were able to regain their normal functions and then some.
At that point someone being wheelchair bound in a world where your dead ass can live on as a cyborg or a literal undead corpse would be a personal choice.
So unless you were exceptionally poor or you hate anything to do with tech, disabled people playing heros isn't exactly a far stretch. Any more than in todays terms where one can get 20/20 vision through laser eye surgery.