Blizzard Hints at Pandaren Expansion


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a law in China outlawing the depiction of violence towards pandas? Being as a good number of WoW's subscriber-base resides in China, this would lead me to believe that having them as a playable race is completely out of the picture. Besides, "Mists of Panderia" sounds so much like an April Fools joke that it hurts.

EDIT: Upon further (read: actual) research, it seems as though there is no such provision in Chinese law. There have been motions to restrict the cultural exploitation of pandas, but nothing really substantial.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
the only thing that interest me about this is that they may make a brewmaster class that would be fun it the class makes use of all the types of alcohol that is in the game.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
This news is like nearly 2 weeks old, and has been discussed by about a million different threads on any other gaming website. Fail sir, fail!


New member
Jul 22, 2011
dreadbolt said:
Aeshi said:
I'm going to be calling bullshit if either become playable, since both the Pandaren and the Ethereals are neutral and have no reason to help either side.
Didn't the goblins use to be all about being neutral? Didn't the worgen refuse to interact with the world outside Gilneas? Things change :)
Only the Bilgewater Cartel is on the Horde's side, all the other cartel still are neutral doing what they do best, making coin. Gilneas is a totally different story, the Forsaken brought the fight to them, knocked down the Greymane wall and invaded, this left them with little choice but to side with the Alliance.

OT: Blizzard would just right them into the appropriate factions with loose stories. Same as they did for the Blood Elves and space cows.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Mist of Pandaria could be made epic. Imagine mist rolls in and out come panda invaders slaughtering horde and alliance... mostly horde.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Blizzard promised they would not include Pandarans in WoW, because they simply don't exist within the lore. But again... I suppose money > fans for companies. Who cares anymore, the lore is getting its fair share of punches left and right anyway.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Aeshi said:
I'm going to be calling bullshit if either become playable, since both the Pandaren and the Ethereals are neutral and have no reason to help either side.
Yeah seriously, even the Goblins... oh... wait...


New member
Dec 4, 2010
The_State said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a law in China outlawing the depiction of violence towards pandas? Being as a good number of WoW's subscriber-base resides in China, this would lead me to believe that having them as a playable race is completely out of the picture. Besides, "Mists of Panderia" sounds so much like an April Fools joke that it hurts.

EDIT: Upon further (read: actual) research, it seems as though there is no such provision in Chinese law. There have been motions to restrict the cultural exploitation of pandas, but nothing really substantial.
Violence toward endangered species.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
JasonKaotic said:
I seriously doubt there'll be an expansion centred around Pandaria. We'll probably only have three more, more than likely Azshara, Sargeras and Old Gods, in that order. Or maybe Sargeras and the Old Gods the other way 'round. That's my theory, anyway. But an expansion based mainly on Pandaria wouldn't make much sense.
And also the Pandaren are completely neutral and the Ethereals only want what's convenient for them, so I doubt they'd be playable races. And as it's already been said, Blizzard have said a lot of times that the Pandaren won't be in WoW.
/nerd mode

Seeing as it's leaked by Boubouille he's probably not lying, it will probably be either a patch or an entirely new game or something. Or a book.
I would put at 2 more. The next one will wrap up the remaining Old God (pretty sure there were 5, 1 has a sword in his skull, C'thun, Yogg-Saron, That thing in Twilight Highlands, and the next one.) and possibly Azshara, to tie up Azeroth nicely. Will probably open up the South Seas as well, which would be cool. After that, I imagine we go to Argus to take on the Burning Legion directly, meeting up with Turylon and Alleria and culminating with assisting the Titans in taking out Sargeras, with the other raids being devoted to killing Kil-Jaeden (he's not dead, we just kept him from spawning) and the Nazarethm.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Next news article: Blizzard has officially declared that they don't give a shit anymore.

Devs were quoted as saying, "Honestly we can't believe we had to do something like this to make people realize it but here we are. Was it really not as obvious as we thought ?"


Enthusiast Magician
Jan 16, 2011
Personally, perhaps the Void Storage is a shared bank NPC where you can go to with any character then log into another to withdraw things...obviously Horde/Alliance couldn't transfer stuff to eachover....or perhaps some way of adding specific 'Account Bound' items (such as the Onyxian Whelpling) so that All your characters could get.

And i think the Transmogrifiyer is some sort of Tabard morphing NPC, maybe you'll show him Tabards that you have obtained, and he'll gain the ability to convert them for a nominal fee of either coins or random enchanting supplies (mostly lower leveled dusts), naturally there should be an achievement attatched to him so that it's easier to track which tabards you have definately worn and shown without using long, confusing scripts to relay info back from the server to show you which ones you've worn. :O

EDIT: the possibilities are limitless, they might even have the ability to convert a set of PvP/PvE currency armor sets if they wanted to....i really don't want to throw out my Khadgar's, it's too nostalgic! D:

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
I think the best way to get subscribers back is to stop making you have to pay for new expansions since it gets kind of ridiculous how much it costs to get all of them, also the next one should have what I think would attract a lot of old players for pure interest - a third faction. It may sound funny but I think having the scourge as a playable faction including Naga, ogre, skeleton, lich and dreadlord or some characters like that would be amazing, also the 3 way fighting battlegrounds would be awesome, just saying :)


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Random Fella said:
I think the best way to get subscribers back is to stop making you have to pay for new expansions since it gets kind of ridiculous how much it costs to get all of them, also the next one should have what I think would attract a lot of old players for pure interest - a third faction. It may sound funny but I think having the scourge as a playable faction including Naga, ogre, skeleton, lich and dreadlord or some characters like that would be amazing, also the 3 way fighting battlegrounds would be awesome, just saying :)
Except that most of the enemies you listed have their leaders as raid bosses. I suppose the undead could be justified since Arthas is dead in Lore, but then you have Fordring in charge, and he is supposed to be keeping them back. The Naga serve Azshara, and the Dreadlords are part of the Burning Legion.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
if this is real, i will be so happy. it will be something for them to create lore for a few new races that haven't even been seen much. it'll be refreshing to see some new lore, because i am a lore fanatic. love the shit. another thing i would like to see from blizzard is them to leave azaroth and the outlands. i want them to make a warcraft that isn't about azaroth, but maybe a following of sargeras from the great titan warrior to the leader of the burning crusade. it'd definitely be an interesting game. come one bliz, let's see it

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Sean951 said:
Random Fella said:
I think the best way to get subscribers back is to stop making you have to pay for new expansions since it gets kind of ridiculous how much it costs to get all of them, also the next one should have what I think would attract a lot of old players for pure interest - a third faction. It may sound funny but I think having the scourge as a playable faction including Naga, ogre, skeleton, lich and dreadlord or some characters like that would be amazing, also the 3 way fighting battlegrounds would be awesome, just saying :)
Except that most of the enemies you listed have their leaders as raid bosses. I suppose the undead could be justified since Arthas is dead in Lore, but then you have Fordring in charge, and he is supposed to be keeping them back. The Naga serve Azshara, and the Dreadlords are part of the Burning Legion.
Yeah it's called building story onto it, like how the orcs are part of the horde yet the original orcs are in outlands. Just say the naga joined some guys with their leader and stuff and i'm probably not making any sense but you get my jist of a third faction ideal.
It would be awesome.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
teebeeohh said:
wait, do we get to kill pandas? like exterminate the entire race in order to unlock raid content?
pretty please, those useless furballs are being kept alive in the real for no reason, at least let me kill them ingame.
Would the Chinese permit it? Seriously.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
assuming this is true...just stop it, blizzard. its starting to get a little sad. giant pandas arent going to bring back the subscribers you have lost