Blizzard Releases StarCraft II Battle Report #3


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Lvl 64 Klutz said:
These videos make me want SCII less and less. They just continue to remind me how terrible I am at this genre.
Me too.

Which is why I'm kinda looking forward to D3.

Then I realise that I suck at that too :(


New member
Sep 5, 2008
I see that warp prisms and warp in are still retardedly OP. Way to go on that blizz.

Currently, I see infestors as being the best caster unit we have seen in game so far. Also: banelings as the new spidermines, but controlled. I really see little hope for terrans right now. They remain a very static race with armies based largely on positioning, but with SC2 having so many buffs in zerg and toss mobility as well as both races having hard counters for siege tanks, the backbone has been effectively removed from the terran army.

As to weather medivac dropships, hellions, and the raven will be able to counteract this, I do not know, but I remain pessimistic.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
My crystal ball is whispering to me... Banelings will be declared IMBA and will be tthe object of most whining when the game comes out. Seriously, in every battle report featuring the Zerg it's always the Banelings that save the Zerg player's arse.

Dirty Apple

New member
Apr 24, 2008
I know I'm a hopeless geek because that was fun to watch. When the Zerg ambushed the Protoss with those Banelings, I actually yelled Boom! And it just goes to show you, no matter how good you are, there's some dude in Seoul just waiting to kick your ass. Good Times.


New member
May 4, 2008
DerpyDerpyDerp said:
They just took the micro management from Starcraft and upped it ten fold. Should be amazing.
They haven't upped it very much, but merely added new abilities. Have you ever seen a pro tournament, particularly one with Korean players?

iyaerP said:
I see that warp prisms and warp in are still retardedly OP. Way to go on that blizz.

Currently, I see infestors as being the best caster unit we have seen in game so far. Also: banelings as the new spidermines, but controlled. I really see little hope for terrans right now. They remain a very static race with armies based largely on positioning, but with SC2 having so many buffs in zerg and toss mobility as well as both races having hard counters for siege tanks, the backbone has been effectively removed from the terran army.

As to weather medivac dropships, hellions, and the raven will be able to counteract this, I do not know, but I remain pessimistic.
In case you haven't noticed, Blizzard isn't showing all the units. I've counted several that have been left out entirely from these reports.

Sci-Fi luver437 said:
Zerg need to be less OP because in SC1 it was so hard to win.
As I've said, just wait for the rest of the units to be unveiled.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I watch GomTV Avaratec Intel Classic Season 3 at the moment, and watching Starcraft is much more fun than playing it for me. I suck at RTS games too, so when SC2 comes out I will play the single player campaign to enjoy the story and then proceed to watching tons of high quality korean e-sports.

I really hope Nick "Tasteless" Plott will be commentating on SC2.

Edit: I just watched a discussion on youtube with Tasteless, NonY and Artosis, and he said he will be casting in SC2, but he will have to play competetively for some time in order to gain the insight that makes him a good caster.


New member
May 7, 2008
To every SC player here feeling inadequate:

These guys are frickin' GOSU, and I'm not just saying that: I'm pretty sure both players make a living playing Starcraft. The tactical insight and use of special abilities are just breathtaking o_O Not to mention those sweet micros.

So don't feel bad guys: we can't all be Korean. I, for one, will be spamming Immortals and Zealots from 6 Gateways at a time, and that would be the best strategy I'd have. And I'll probably even win a game or two.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
My main strategy as the zerg would be to riddle every single expansion full of banelings and fight a war of attrition untill the enemy runs ot of resources, not necessarily winning in actual combat.

In large FFA matches i would draw two enemies out at the same time and lead them to each other's base.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
I can't wait for the bloody thing to be released. Many, many, many hours will be lost in this game.

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
I actually feel like I'm watching NFL playbacks when I watch these. All we need is John Madden with a telestrator and it'd be awesome. But yeah, Infestors seem completely OP. If they hadn't taken over those Colossus that would have been over much quicker. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go curse my lack of funds which stops me getting a computer capable of running that.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
...Awesome. Gotta love just how close your are to your enemy.
And plus, you're in SPACE. On giant floating platforms. The map is really something special. The destrucible rocks would be a place to ambush other players. It would be epic to attack from there, and from the direction of the watchtower. Too bad the Zurg lost.