This is my view on steam-- I fell in love with steam about 3 years after I lost my Half life 2 cds, and decided to play them. Not only did reinstalling steam allow me to instantly download hl2, but I realized I had all sorts of other goodies attached to that account as well.uppitycracker said:He's right, you know. Steam is DRM. The only kind I find acceptable, because it not only has more pro's than con's, but the only con is really the need to have the program running. Considering the fact I can use it to download all my games anywhere, it saves quite a bit of data for quite a few games to the steam cloud, and I've found quite the online community as a result mean that it's so very worth it.
I'd say about 90% of purchases have been attached to steam since then, since i have moved every year for 10 years and have lost a LOT of games.
Endless online downloading is a huge win.
... it IS a single online activation... and then it can be played offline. Just like steam. So yeah, you make an account, but its otherwise playable one really said:snips
If a single online activation is too hard, when you are posting on the internet anyway, don't buy it.
Its the ubisoft U MUST BE ONLIEN business that I find offensive.