It will be interesting to see if anything happens, and what fingers are being pointed at. I'm a Christian, but seriously doubt it will be "The Second Coming" because as others have pointed out, there aren't supposed to be any signs like astrological ones pointing to the event. It will probably be the most unremarkable day possible oddly enough, at least as far as the general population is concerned. That said a "great event" is always possible, but great doesn't always mean flashy. If say some new prophet or saint was to be born it would be signifigant, even if that person didn't do anything for many years to come.
We'll see what happens, but I'm personally pretty sure it will just be a rare, but otherwise unimpressive, stellar event.
Truthfully, I'm kind of hoping it will be a return of benevolent alien sponsors. I could really use some near-magical (by our standards) medical technology (like a lot of people I imagine). I mean heck, if we're going to dream about massive change that ends the world as we know it, we might as well be optimistic! Some of these events could potentially be good, and change things so even I won't have to be a grim pessimist anymore.