Bob's Game Guy Gives Up

the jellyman

New member
Jul 24, 2008
This is really sad, actually. Imagine the poor guy's family and friends? He can't have been that stable to begin with if he thinks that he can make a next gen title all on his own, and even less lucid if he thought Nintendo will care about him at all.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Jimmyjames said:
This isn't Nam, this is game creation. There are rules.
"Shomer fucking shabbat!"

Aaaanyways, it's a shame that this guy didn't get the SDK (assuming his game was actually good), but the excerpts from the story seem to make him out as an egotistical and overconfident individual (though I have to say that that's better than the many people who are too shy or self-doubting to make a game on their own). Rather than sit like a ***** in a dark room for over a quarter of a year, he should have just immediately jumped for other options. He won't get far in that industry if he can't take more initiative and responsibility.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
DJPirtu said:
jamesworkshop said:
Or just buy a SDK nintendo don't just give them away for free
Well, that is what he was trying to accomplish. To buy a Nintendo SDK. From Nintendo.
no he wanted them to give it to him

Samah said:
He's comparing himself with Carmack in terms of "I can make a whole crappy game by myself" whereas Carmack could design and write an advanced 3D engine in his sleep (and he probably does).
The Carmack was years ahead of his time for what he can do and still can do.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I'm inclined to be sympathetic, it sounds like his delirium was a result of him being stuck in that room.

Still, the whole protest was a dumb idea to begin with.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Let me get this straight -- the guy allegedly has this game running on something, but he decides to go all Henry David Thoreau in order to get Nintendo to give/sell him the tools to port his software?

Either my attention honar just pinged, or someone is making a pot pie in my kitchen without asking me first.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
nimrandir said:
Let me get this straight -- the guy allegedly has this game running on something, but he decides to go all Henry David Thoreau in order to get Nintendo to give/sell him the tools to port his software?

Either my attention honar just pinged, or someone is making a pot pie in my kitchen without asking me first.
...I'm not sure what that means but uh.. YEAH! WHAT THAT GUY SAID! Pot pie and... and stuff!


New member
Dec 28, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
I'm inclined to be sympathetic, it sounds like his delirium was a result of him being stuck in that room.

Still, the whole protest was a dumb idea to begin with.
I mentioned something to him about this in an email, telling him it would be better if he looked for other small DS developers and worked with them in getting a kit.

His response left me thinking he was a bit sketchy.

Also, he's started his counter again. It's at 32 currently.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
nimrandir said:
Let me get this straight -- the guy allegedly has this game running on something, but he decides to go all Henry David Thoreau in order to get Nintendo to give/sell him the tools to port his software?

Either my attention honar just pinged, or someone is making a pot pie in my kitchen without asking me first.
...I'm not sure what that means but uh.. YEAH! WHAT THAT GUY SAID! Pot pie and... and stuff!
Was it the Thoreau reference? I thought it safer to point to "Civil Disobedience" rather than risk offense by comparing Mr. Pelloni to Gandhi or King.

The last sentence was merely a play on the acronym-turned-word sonar []. I suppose I told the Internet how old I am in using it.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
I now present to you The Escapist forum user timeline of this protest

Protest Starts: "Go Bob! Defeat evil Nintendo!"
Protest Ends: "Damn you Nintendo, you evil, heartless bastards!
Actual Information about Bob's insanity comes out: "What an idiot!"

Meanwhile I feel good knowing that my belief that somebody demanding an SDK from a company is not all there was right. I mean seriously, this guy's comparing himself to Carmack, Miyamoto, et. al, and he didn't even think "hm maybe I should get this SDK up first..." but no. I have no sympathy for such craziness. I have less sympathy for the people who thought that he somehow was in the right. Like people should just hand out SDKs to complete nutcases. Not to mention the fact that hey, he could've just gone through XNA and made something for Arcade. Seems to me this was just a thinly veiled attempt at attention whoring.

Hell he doesn't even rate a John Romero.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
RogueDarkJedi said:
TsunamiWombat said:
I'm inclined to be sympathetic, it sounds like his delirium was a result of him being stuck in that room.

Still, the whole protest was a dumb idea to begin with.
I mentioned something to him about this in an email, telling him it would be better if he looked for other small DS developers and worked with them in getting a kit.

His response left me thinking he was a bit sketchy.

Also, he's started his counter again. It's at 32 currently.
So even with food in is belly and sleep in his head, he's a crazy. Okay.


New member
Nov 24, 2008
cleverlymadeup said:
DJPirtu said:
jamesworkshop said:
Or just buy a SDK nintendo don't just give them away for free
Well, that is what he was trying to accomplish. To buy a Nintendo SDK. From Nintendo.
no he wanted them to give it to him
From the Bob's Game site [], 2008-12-28 entry (emphasis by me):
"I explained to him that I had worked for several years on a console game for DS, and that I wanted to purchase the NITRO SDK in order to finish the title."


New member
Dec 6, 2007
The cause is just, but the method and attitude of going about it - I just don't really think I can chalk it up to isolation and psychological stress, at least not completely.

We all make conscious choices in our lives and we have to take responsibility for them. Looks like he came to his senses after realizing what he was doing - at least I think so, anyway.

There's a really thin line between sticking to your principles and being foolish and bull-headed. Whether or not you think Bob is one or the other is a matter of opinion.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
nimrandir said:
Let me get this straight -- the guy allegedly has this game running on something, but he decides to go all Henry David Thoreau in order to get Nintendo to give/sell him the tools to port his software?

Either my attention honar just pinged, or someone is making a pot pie in my kitchen without asking me first.
Here's a newsflash for you. All games are programmed on PCs. Usually they end up quite functional on those PCs.

An SDK is the tool that allows you to optimise and publish the game so it will actually run on the target hardware.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Malygris said:
Bob's Game Guy Gives Up

Robert Pelloni, the developer of Nintendo's [] refusal to give him a software development kit, is ending his protest after experiencing increasingly negative side effects from the solitary confinement.

Pelloni has single-handedly developed Bob's Game, a "retail-length RPG type console game" which he claims to have invested five years and 15,000 hours in creating. But after Nintendo allegedly jerked him around when he tried to get the SDK, leaving him unable to legitimately publish the game, Pelloni decided to draw attention to his plight by isolating himself in a room for 100 days [] with no contact with the outside world beyond updates on his blog and a webcam that allowed the curious to peek in on his torment.

But as things dragged on, Pelloni's updates grew increasingly rage-filled and erratic. On January 6, he wrote, "There is nobody like me. I have created the entire game, start to finish. I am far better than Miyamoto, Itoi, Kojima, Carmack, and Wright COMBINED. NONE of these 'designers' could create the entire thing if their lives depended on it! They rely on the assistance of others- and take all the credit. They don't even deserve their titles! I have bested them all by far." Two days later he simultaneously apologized to Nintendo for his words and vowed to exact a horrific vengeance if the company continued to deny him the SDK, and began complaining of a persistent headache and feelings of paranoia. Finally, only a few weeks after the protest began, he decided to bring it to a close January 10 with one final, intensely bitter blog update.

"It was foolish of me to think Nintendo would hear my pleas," he wrote. "They're just another heartless corporation, only interested in the biggest profits. The core gamers don't matter anymore. It's not about the games or the fans, it's about spreading out and getting casual gamers to buy Wii Fit []."

"I've had enough. I'm ending the protest. I give up on getting the SDK," he continued. "I really tried my best. Show's over. It's just not going to work. Sorry, everyone. I just can't stay in here. My head won't stop pounding. I feel like I'm losing my mind. It's like I'm splitting in half. I keep seeing these posts that I apparently wrote, but I can't remember writing them. I'm afraid I'm becoming someone else entirely."

But is it really the end? Bob's still not the most coherent guy on the planet but he seemed to imply on his site that his protest isn't actually over just yet. "The mild-mannered programmer of Bob's Game, hopelessly tormented into a state of apparent madness from solitary confinement, has been valiantly pulled from the tragic wreckage of his former office by the local authorities- but they were too late," the blog says. "Once again barricading himself inside of what appears to the untrained eye to be the same office but is assuredly a secret dungeon lair, he will begin carrying out his ridiculous, meticulous, deluded, convoluted, senseless mess of vengeance... Or has he already begun?"

Stay tuned!

via: GameCyte []

I already made this (not in the news room but made none the less).


New member
Jul 7, 2008
DJPirtu said:
cleverlymadeup said:
DJPirtu said:
jamesworkshop said:
Or just buy a SDK nintendo don't just give them away for free
Well, that is what he was trying to accomplish. To buy a Nintendo SDK. From Nintendo.
no he wanted them to give it to him
From the Bob's Game site [], 2008-12-28 entry (emphasis by me):
"I explained to him that I had worked for several years on a console game for DS, and that I wanted to purchase the NITRO SDK in order to finish the title."
Also from this same site

"The mild-mannered programmer of "bob's game," hopelessly tormented into a state of apparent madness from solitary confinement,
has been valiantly pulled from the tragic wreckage of his former office by the local authorities- but they were too late."
(lol, fanfiction about oneself!)

And also the word "yuu" a lot.

and also this

"Denioll" - When someone is "troled" SO HARD their brain completely rejects it and
puts them into a temporary, malfunctioning state of irrational excuse-seeking.

I should win a Nobel prize for this discovery. ;}
Yes I would trust a person like this with an SDK, no question [/sarcasm]

The man is not balanced. And again you don't secure an SDK last. In fact, I would think that's one of the first things you get a hold on so that you don't waste your time making a game.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
GloatingSwine said:
nimrandir said:
Let me get this straight -- the guy allegedly has this game running on something, but he decides to go all Henry David Thoreau in order to get Nintendo to give/sell him the tools to port his software?

Either my attention honar just pinged, or someone is making a pot pie in my kitchen without asking me first.
Here's a newsflash for you. All games are programmed on PCs. Usually they end up quite functional on those PCs.

An SDK is the tool that allows you to optimise and publish the game so it will actually run on the target hardware.
Thanks for the info. Amend my previous statement to read ". . . the guy decides to go . . ." and de-emphasize the word "port." The rest still stands, although I made myself want a pot pie, blast it.