Bob's Game: Nintendo Talks Back


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Jumplion said:
""We have an evaluation process. We evaluated the opportunity." Apparently after evaluation, Nintendo decided, for whatever reason, that Pelloni "did not meet the requirements to be a licensed developer."

If that was true then why the hell do you have crap like "Imagine: Babyz"!?!?!
This pretty much. Bob's Game seems to be pretty interesting. It's a pity they didn't decide to fund him, so I support his homebrew cause. Might grab myself a copy when it comes out, if it ever does.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Once again I remind everybody defending Bob that they are in fact defending a crazy attention-whore who is biting the hand that he wanted to have feed him but decided not to. Then again with people using the "but *insert shovelware here* got licensed, why not this?" argument as if Nintendo is the only company that will sign off on crap, I'm really not surprised.

Plus I see nobody here has actual input on whether the game is actually good. Perhaps it just simply isn't. Just because someone gets shot down by a company doesn't mean their idea is too good for them. I mean jeez, people. If Uwe Boll did this I doubt we'd be blindly defending him.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
The tantrum was obviously a tactic to get media attention, after being refused by Nintendo. He's probably working on the Steam version as we speak.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
The guy spends 15,000 hours making a DS RPG. That in itself is admirable enough. Then, however, he demands a dev kit without releasing a demo, and... locks himself in his room when he's refused, loudly proclaiming that he's better than Miyamoto, Kojima, Carmack and Wright combined.

And Nintendo is supposed to be the bad guy in this?