Borderlands split screen co-op on PC? 'fraid not.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
So I'm in my local game shop with an eye to picking up borderlands. Read a few reviews, seemed good and I have some mates who dig on splitscreen co-op action.

I have a PC and a 360 and I'm hovering between the two. cheaper on PC but 360 is going to have splitscreen. Out of interest I pick up the PC box to check the specs. And I see. "2 player split screen action" I can't believe my luck! I have two 360 pads, a big ass monitor I play my 360 on anyway and a pretty rad PC. I bound up to the counter teary eyed in gratitude at a merciful Cylon god and possibly Cylon developers.

I get home and load her up, pads in hand, ready to enjoy the gaming goodness. And there is no option for split screen. I look at the box to assure myself I am not going insane. and there is no mention of split screen.

I have been taking the brown sugar I think and then I notice the cardboard slip cover....

YES! they printed lies on the cardboard slip cover, while the box itself has the more realistic PC info. The outer box had all the specs and everything.

Now I cannot enjoy the game because all I see are lies and I cannot return it because my local video game shop treats PC games like a bird treats it's chicks.

Has anyone else fallen into this web of lies an if so are they as angry as I am?


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
Take it back to the shop anyway, since you've been genuinely cheated.

Although, what were you expecting? Splitscreen on PC almost never happens.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Tis what happens when they simply photocopy box art and never actually read what it says. Although that is kinda dumb..? I will have to look next time I turn on borderlands gimme a minute..


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Maybe try the lan game..? It potentially looks like you could do it from lan test it perhaps and google search it good luck! I dont know I only have my beloved keyboard and mouse and me. However I saw no option for a lan game. Good luck returning it however.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Take it back; threaten to sue.

If you aren't planning on going back there you can curse the hell out of them on your way out too.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
There will be a mod soon enough.

L4D has splitscreen, that is the most recent one I can remember but I know alot of splitscreen mods exist.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Lono Shrugged said:
Now I cannot enjoy the game because all I see are lies and I cannot return it because my local video game shop treats PC games like a bird treats it's chicks.
You absolutely can take it back, they sold you something on the basis it had features that it in reality doesn't.

Just go in, politely explain the situation and ask for a refund, if they try to palm you off with the 'our policy is not to yadda yadda,' schtick (and they will), immediately ask for the manager.

When the manager comes, explain yourself in full again (politely), if the manager is a good one, he will recognise straight away that you aren't leaving without a refund. It's ultimately his call who does and does not get refunds, he's the manager, he's paid to manage situations. You get the refund, all is well in the world.

If he's not a good manager you just have to be polite and stubborn, bad managers don't do it because it's the right thing, they do it because your holding up the queu and he wants you gone, but can't ask you to leave because you're behaving well and being reasonable.
Jan 23, 2009
Lono Shrugged said:
So I'm in my local game shop with an eye to picking up borderlands. Read a few reviews, seemed good and I have some mates who dig on splitscreen co-op action.

I have a PC and a 360 and I'm hovering between the two. cheaper on PC but 360 is going to have splitscreen. Out of interest I pick up the PC box to check the specs. And I see. "2 player split screen action" I can't believe my luck! I have two 360 pads, a big ass monitor I play my 360 on anyway and a pretty rad PC. I bound up to the counter teary eyed in gratitude at a merciful Cylon god and possibly Cylon developers.

I get home and load her up, pads in hand, ready to enjoy the gaming goodness. And there is no option for split screen. I look at the box to assure myself I am not going insane. and there is no mention of split screen.

I have been taking the brown sugar I think and then I notice the cardboard slip cover....

YES! they printed lies on the cardboard slip cover, while the box itself has the more realistic PC info. The outer box had all the specs and everything.

Now I cannot enjoy the game because all I see are lies and I cannot return it because my local video game shop treats PC games like a bird treats it's chicks.

Has anyone else fallen into this web of lies an if so are they as angry as I am?
I have never seen split-screen on a PC

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
I know how rare it is for PC to have split screen. I heard L4D had something and I used to love playing serious sam on a gamepad years ago. I guess I made a fairly silly assumption that they would not blatantly lie on the box. Backed up by the fact it's more and more common for pc owners to have their rig as their entertainment centres and the whole cross platform control schemes


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Are you in America?

If yes, sue.

If No...write an angry letter and get money back.

Though I can't think of any big PC game in the past few years that has offered that option, their lies and deceptions should not go unpunished!

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Mr_Powers said:
Are you in America?

If yes, sue.

If No...write an angry letter and get money back.

Though I can't think of any big PC game in the past few years that has offered that option, their lies and deceptions should not go unpunished!
I live in Ireland, we solve our problems by saying "Ah sure it's ok"

I think I just got a bit irritated because my brother was recently burned on Operation Flashpoint 2 on the 360 that was touted to have a mission editor (as did the original on xbox) up until about 30 seconds before release. It's just getting a bit much.

If I ever meet peter molyneux I'm going to kick him in the teeth.


New member
May 22, 2009
Why is it so uncommon for PC'S to have splitscreen or indeed any two-player functionality at all?

fix-the-spade said:
I took the snip to this post.
Hit the nail on the head with what to do here. If after all that they still don't give you a refund, sue em.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
GamingAwesome1 said:
Why is it so uncommon for PC'S to have splitscreen or indeed any two-player functionality at all?
It's mostly to do with online gaming, it's so ubiquotous (sp?) on PC that split screen has largely been forgotten (and it's going that way on consoles too). Back in the 90's more PC games had split screen, but it was still minorities. I also think keyboard & mouse controls have something to do with it, setting up two is a pain.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Went in today and got the refund. Thanks to everyone for their advice. I would give everyone badges if I could.

The guy at the counter said "PC doesn't do split screen" I cited about ten games with a tired sigh and then he asked "How would that work?" I said "gamepad for one" and twiddled my thumbs to demonstrate. I spoke to the manager who had at least gotten far enough on the evolutionary ladder to understand my truth-speak.

I wish many floating guns controlled by murder thoughts.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
GamingAwesome1 said:
Why is it so uncommon for PC'S to have splitscreen or indeed any two-player functionality at all?
It's mostly to do with online gaming, it's so ubiquotous (sp?) on PC that split screen has largely been forgotten (and it's going that way on consoles too). Back in the 90's more PC games had split screen, but it was still minorities. I also think keyboard & mouse controls have something to do with it, setting up two is a pain.
Originally, PCs only had one port for a keyboard and mouse, the primary controls for PC games. With USB, things have changed since you can plug in more than one game controller. I'm not entirely sure, but I think only one keyboard and mouse would still be allowed, but there's no limit to joystick/gamepad controllers. Since the PCs were rarely used for split screen in the past, there's not a big demand for it now.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Mr_Powers said:
Though I can't think of any big PC game in the past few years that has offered that option, their lies and deceptions should not go unpunished!
Not really big, but Overlord had split screen, and IIRC Gears of War also had split screen.

With the ease of porting between PC and 360, it's actually more common to find a split screen option on the PC.


Token Irish Guy
Oct 22, 2008
Lono Shrugged said:
I live in Ireland, we solve our problems by saying "Ah sure it's ok"
You forget; Here in Ireland, people who took business whip out the Consumer Information Act and the Sale of Goods Act on their asses.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Left 4 Dead and UT3 are two games on PC that have split-screen. In reality, it's actually a glitch that allows you to access the feature, but I enjoy it all the same. Split-screen is the only advantage that consoles have over PC's (in my opinion), the only reason many PC games lack the feature is due to lazy programmers. Actually, it's worse, they're jerks and only include split-screen "accidentally". My monitor is only a 15 inch and it works fine for two-player split-screen.

When I first started reading the first post, I was getting excited and preparing to run out and get Borderlands, but I guess that's not happening now. Borderlands looks cool, but a 4-player co-op game without split-screen? That's bullshit.