Boycott Microsoft

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Yes, it's the B-word again. Thank God for the Jimquisition.

But I'm being legit here. It's barely been a month and already the 8th Generation of video game consoles seems exceptionally favorable for Sony/Nintendo while Microsoft is perpetually screwing itself with horrible decision after horrible decision.

I'm going to assume you're already familiar with the quite frankly patro-scending (patronising-condescending) attitude of M$'s spokespeople who are too old to understand just how fractured the digital infrastructure of the United States really is. That and/or they're too rich to reach out to anyone who ISN'T rich. Multiple videos on YouTube already draw comparisons between the Xbox One and PS4, with literally no positives for the Xbone and mostly positives for the PS4 (except the retarded forcing of PS Gold accounts, I don't support that shit).

I mean, do we even need any more evidence of just how excruciatingly out-of-touch Microsoft is with reality? The company has, overnight, turned into the EA of console manufacturing, with the conceited mouthpieces to match (remember that fuck who tweeted #dealwithit).

To this, I say - it's time to boycott Microsoft. There is no middle ground to be had, not after what the company has done in the past weeks. Recall that tidal wave of hatred BioEAware got slammed by for the literal false advertising of Mass Effect 3's ending that still didn't get the point across? I feel we need an even bigger display of contempt against the anti-consumer contempt (fight fire with fire, if you will).

How, exactly? Speak with your wallet. As an other Escapist user so appropriately worded it - the only two sounds the fatcats understand are the scraping and clicking noises of your wallets opening and closing. It's time to CLOSE our wallets collectively and take our business elsewhere - all other sounds are just noise to be ignored. Microsoft's stocks have indeed plummeted into a freefall, but quite frankly they need to flatline just to make it extra clear that we will not tolerate being treated as big mouth-shaped consuming cattle that wear designer-jeans full of money.

By the way - Before anyone tries to quote-mine Jim - This isn't supposed to be a repeat of the limp-dicked boycott of Modern Warfare 2 or Left 4 Dead 2 where everyone in the respective Steam groups ended up playing the game anyway. I genuinely and truly do not want to see Microsoft stay in the console business anymore. The sooner we are rid of this cancer, the better off everyone will be. But of course, don't forget you are never forced to make a choice between any of the three - you always have the option to NOT buy any of them at all. So don't take this as some kind of rally to Sony or Nintendo disguised as a hate post, as I won't be buying a PS4 myself, even after (and in fact BECAUSE of) having owned a PS1, PS2 and PS3.

Captcha: "love me?" - Wait, what?


New member
Apr 4, 2013
Yes, boycot Microsoft. Go PC gaming, where you will game on a... Microsoft machine.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
Requia said:
Yes, boycot Microsoft. Go PC gaming, where you will game on a... Microsoft machine.
Linux, that is all. And no, do not think of it at the Windows killer, as the people who think so are kidding themselves into thinking that Linux is some sort of Windows competitor. It's not, but it's a viable alternative.

OP, that's already done for me. The only reasons that I'm even on Windows are some games (for certain games, I have full faith that I can mess around in Wine) and my family being insanely resilient to change. I also don't have any Xboxes (as PS3 was a better option for me) around, and I've pretty much said to hell with MS a long, long time ago.

BUT. Lemme say this here:

I. Can. Not. Stop. Any. One. From. Using. A. Microsoft. Product.

I agree that MS has overstayed it's welcome, but it's going to be a difficult task ahead. Brand names are pretty strong in games for now, and I don't see that changing for a bit. There's also the fact that the Xbox One is a better option for people, and I don't mind. What I will do is vote with MY wallet and MY OWN decisions regarding the Xbox One. Just a disclaimer that I'd like to put up there.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Surely boycotting Microsoft is actually the same as just supporting Nintendo or Sony? In the gaming industry, I don't think a huge amount of people buy for various platforms.
That said, on this forum I've been defending Xbox One a lot, and I'll just say here and now... I'm sick of it. Every time I try to defend it, Microsoft says 'oh, he doesn't hate us yet' and throws another spanner in the works making it just impossible for me to sympathise. C'mon Microsoft, it's as though you're asking for it :'(
So yeah, Sony fanboy now. Burn dem XOs!


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I'm more a Sony fan so with the assumption that next gen was going to be like this gen (PS3 and 360 really just being very similar) I would have went with its not really a Boycott on my part.

However if Sony pulled this shit and MS didn't, I'd be jumping ship.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Generally local boycotts are more effective than Global ones they are easier to organize and sustain. Its very easy to say this now but when the hype machine starts up full swing and the peer pressure starts alot of people are going to fold under and buy.

Also if i did that totally i would have to toss mc pc and i'm not doing that.

Edit: Also most successful boycotts are outgrowths of social movements anyway. i doubt a grand social movement will come from what is in effect the very definition of "white people problems".


Filthy Console Peasant
May 27, 2013
Don't tell me what to do.

In all seriousness, people need to be informed on the pros and cons and left to make their own decisions. This whole fiasco will not make them broke by any means due to the fact that they are the owner of most likely the most widely used OPSYS in the world.

I really wanted an xbox1, but I will not be buying it on launch. I will wait to see how everything pans out first.



New member
Nov 2, 2009
Organised Boycotts just don't work.

You don't like the Xbox One, don't buy it. You really want to stick it to Redmond, and you're a PC Gamer... well, things get harder.

Personally I'll stick with primarily gaming on Windows 7 (not 8 as I hate it), and will probably eventually get a PS4 when enough of the must-have exclusives comes out.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
I cancelled my Xbox live, personally. I've been wanting to try PS+ instead for a while anyway, and it's a happy coincidence that MS are on my shitlist right now.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
MrWunderful said:
Don't tell me what to do.

In all seriousness, people need to be informed on the pros and cons and left to make their own decisions. This whole fiasco will not make them broke by any means due to the fact that they are the owner of most likely the most widely used OPSYS in the world.

I really wanted an xbox1, but I will not be buying it on launch. I will wait to see how everything pans out first.

It's great that you don't want the Xbox One. I am in full agreement with that sentiment and as long as 'once per 24 hour connection' is required, that device will not be in my house and I will encourage everyone I know to not purchase it. I am convinced that if this system succeeds, it WILL be bad for gaming and we shall suffer for it.

With that said, if someone decides that their consumer rights is a fair trade for the convenience and pros that the Xbox One offers them, who am I to tell them that they shouldn't buy it? I will give them as many reasons as I can think of why they shouldn't buy it as well as the few pros that the thing does indeed offer and I will leave it up to them what they wish.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
The only way possible to boycott Microsoft would be for a company like say Google to make a bad ass highly compatible and secure operating system that does the opposite of everything Microsoft does and they would pretty much become the new giant. That hasn't happened however, and as long as they are the only one with a horse in the race, it doesn't matter what they weigh that horse down with it is still going to win.

Although this would be the ideal time for a major player to put out an operating system and become the next " Bill Gates". Even a less powerful horse could still win the race at this point simply because of the baggage attached to the only horse in the race is causing it's knees to buckle. At this point that horse will still win even if it is pushed across.:p

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
To this, I say - it's time to boycott Microsoft
Why? Oh I can understand the general purpose of a boycott but surely the over riding feature of a boycott is that the product or item that is being boycotted would normally be purchased. That in general it has a number of large enough redeeming features that in normal circumstances you would go ahead and buy the product. The reason you are boycotting it is because the company has introduced or done something that may or may not be related to the product you wish to buy but the act is so reprehensible that it forces you NOT to buy this product you would other wise have purchased.

So how does this relate to the XBone, well laying aside the general attitude that some key figures in Microsoft are showing towards their potential user base for one second, the XBone as a package has no redeemable features whatsoever. You don't need to boycott the console because when compared to the competition (specifically the PS4) Microsoft have done a good enough job of making their console so bad that their is no reason to buy it in the first place. Oh sure you can maybe throw in the odd exclusive game here and there but really more Halo, more Gears of War. more uh... well I can't really name any more note worthy XBone exclusives.

So no I won't boycott Microsoft, firstly because as a PC gamer it is next to impossible to game on the PC without some sort of interaction with Microsoft, despite what Gabe and the Linux crowd would like to have you think. I just won't buy an XBone, simply because it offers no features of ANY note.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Laughing Man said:
To this, I say - it's time to boycott Microsoft
Why? Oh I can understand the general purpose of a boycott but surely the over riding feature of a boycott is that the product or item that is being boycotted would normally be purchased. That in general it has a number of large enough redeeming features that in normal circumstances you would go ahead and buy the product. The reason you are boycotting it is because the company has introduced or done something that may or may not be related to the product you wish to buy but the act is so reprehensible that it forces you NOT to buy this product you would other wise have purchased.

So how does this relate to the XBone, well laying aside the general attitude that some key figures in Microsoft are showing towards their potential user base for one second, the XBone as a package has no redeemable features whatsoever. You don't need to boycott the console because when compared to the competition (specifically the PS4) Microsoft have done a good enough job of making their console so bad that their is no reason to buy it in the first place. Oh sure you can maybe throw in the odd exclusive game here and there but really more Halo, more Gears of War. more uh... well I can't really name any more note worthy XBone exclusives.

So no I won't boycott Microsoft, firstly because as a PC gamer it is next to impossible to game on the PC without some sort of interaction with Microsoft, despite what Gabe and the Linux crowd would like to have you think. I just won't buy an XBone, simply because it offers no features of ANY note.
This does relate to Xbone, because yes, I do buy the new consoles, both the playstation and xbox but yes, they have not included enough redeeming features to make it worth " settling for" instead they added crap that has repulsed me from buying it at all. This time around I will just not be buying theirs at all, and am considering not renewing my current xbox live memberships as well due to the poor manufacturing of the xbox360 and microsofts record.

If they had not taken it this direction, and instead focused on durability and quality of service I would have been buying multiple xbones. They chose unstability and unreliability and tried to handcuff you to the parts you hated to begin with. No Thanks.

This isn't just the "linux crowd" they have put off here. It is those that have 4 consoles sitting in their living room at parties.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
No need for a boycott, just be a consumer, If the Xbone or something related to its software and/or services isn't suited to your needs or wants simply don't buy one. Unless they back peddle a boycott wont be necessary, the Xbone is to inclusive and a lot of people will be avoiding it because of its restrictions.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Short answer...

Alfador_VII said:
Organised Boycotts just don't work.
...My answer...

It seems like ever since the Xbox One reveal, Microsoft has done and, said nothing endearing. They've lain their cards on the table and completely refuse to back down when it comes to how their console will function and what services you needs if you want to join in on it's brand of fun. I genuinely enjoy my Xbox Classic and 360 but the last few days and weeks have retroactively made me dislike them somewhat, to the point that I'm not even sure I want to add the Classic and 360 exclusives I haven't yet picked up to my collections (not counting Kinect and its games which I'm plan to never buy anyway).

I haven't been a member of Xbox Live Gold for years and there still isn't a reason to join up. Most of the games I want that I could grab on the 360 are also available on the PS3 or Wii U. I made my choice during the console reveal that the Xbox One wasn't for me but in the days since then I'm not even sure Microsoft in general is. I can defend Xbox exclusives well enough but I'm done when it comes to defending the hardware that hosts them.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Sorry, I'm sticking to Microsoft, and sticking to Windows on my computer, Apple Macs don't support SLI. Plus I don't like paying extra for my hardware to be encased in aluminium.


New member
Apr 4, 2013
thesilentman said:
Requia said:
Yes, boycot Microsoft. Go PC gaming, where you will game on a... Microsoft machine.
Linux, that is all. And no, do not think of it at the Windows killer, as the people who think so are kidding themselves into thinking that Linux is some sort of Windows competitor. It's not, but it's a viable alternative.
Speakingas a Linux user for the last 9 years: You're crazy if you think it's a viable gaming platform (barring the industry doing a 180 and actually supporting it).