Bring out your dead! *clank* (MASSIVE SPOLER!!! Mass Effect 2)


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I saved all of the Normandy's crew and all of my team members survived on my first playthrough. Then I restarted the final mission again and got the same result. I don't get how people manage to get their team members die unintentionally. I didn't even gain Zaeed's loyalty.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I thought things were going well in mine but lost:
All the crew sans Chakwa - turned to mush by the collectors (watching Kelly be sucked down that tube to the liqufier was bad, especially because of how much my shepard bonded with the crew, checking in with everyone, eavesdropping etc)
Tali - shot in the head while shutting the doors (sad to lose someone from the first game)
Zaeed - mortally wounded while leading the second squad (at least he died doing what he loved)

Managed to save Thane from falling off the edge, and both Thane and Garrus from the debris, then they saved me from a fall to my death. When Tali got hit I considered reverting to an earlier save, but in these types of games I like my decisions to be final and live with the concequences.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm assuming direct control!

I had Samara do the biotic shield and Legion got dragged away by the swarm while I was helping her stand up , so she isnt the best biotic.
The Professor got shot in the head after hacking the door.
Thane was killed while leading team 2 and Jack and Tali died on the Normandy upon initial approach
I did however save Kelly's sweet but and the rest of the crew


New member
Sep 26, 2009
well the first time i lost the dlc merc to getting shot.
Second time (I restarted mission to try to get achievement.) I lost tali from being carried off by a swarm.
Third time everyone survived.
I noticed that people lost people on approach.
I didn't lose people on approach but I got a suprised attack from a collector ship before I went to the omega relay. Is that standard or optional?


New member
May 1, 2009
I finished things off with a realatively low body count of 2: specifically, Garrus (I knew this was bound to happen) who heroically sacrificed himself, and Miranda, whom I was glad to see bite the dust.

Of course, it was all worth it to see Joker with that machine gun...


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
everyone lived for me
legion hacked, garrus led the squads twice and samara was the biotic and at the end I had grunt and psycho chick with me.... err jack

edit: oh and thane to lead survivors back


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Thane died when he was doing the sneaking to get us past the doors, and Samara died while commanding the second squad. I figured Thane was the sneaky guy, but I should probably have chosen another tech expert eh? And Miranda did mention choosing someone who could lead by experience, and I don't know how old Legion is, but Samara has a few hundred years to boast with.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Kelly got turned into bloody goop (blargh) because I had no idea you had to be fast after doing the IFF mission, and felt it would be more prudent to finish upgrading my gear and get Legion's mission done, rather than rush into a suicide mission unprepared. Mordin got murdered during the final stand, because I felt the crew would need actual protection on the way back to the ship and sent Garrus back with them instead. Silly me.
Jul 22, 2009
Everyone survived

My team all the way through - Jack and Thane

Vents - Tali

Leader of second team - Jacob

Normandy crew escort - Grunt

Biotic escort - Samara

I already had all Normandy upgrades before reaching the suicide mission so I managed to save the whole crew.

Everyone was loyal except Zaed, cause I wasn't going to let innocents die just for revenge.


New member
May 2, 2009
I wonder if being a paragon or a renegade influences if you're gonna lose team mates or not.

anyways on my 1st time i lost garrus, thane, legion and jack, the 1st 3 I liked, so fuck me.

2nd I lost garrus, legion, thane and doc, I liked the 4, so fuck me more.

3rd (actually i saved be4 picking who does what from the 2nd play through) jacob dided on the vents then jack somewhere else

also i had all upgrades for the ship, all loyalties and had the renegade bar almost full, with almost 50% of paragon bar full


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Everyone on my team survived.

I had Legion go through the vents, Garrus lead the first fire team, Grunt take the survivors back to the ship, Samara did the bubble, Jacob led the second fire team. Then I had Thane and Legion with me to take out the reaper.

Also, I replayed the end mission from about 4-5 hours away. Turns out, if you don't upgrade your ship all the way, you lose a random team member in the crash(I lost Legion, my favorite team member.) also, whoever you send to unlock the doors will die unless you have their loyalty. Same goes for whoever you send to take the survivors back to the Normandy.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
milz said:
I'm assuming direct control!

Oy. Harbinger was really cool and all, but it really started to wear thin the 346th time he said it.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
The only one who died for me was Jacob. I put him in a role he wasn't suited for, and he paid for it. I will fix that next time.


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
I lost:

Garris. sent him through the heat pipe.

Thane. lead the second group...


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
First playthrough

Samara: Eaten by bugs
Jack: died from a fall

Second playthrough that I only did because my shephard looked weird and I accidentally deleted the first one:

Tali: Ship got shot and the room she was in exploded
Thane: Ship hit something and he flew across the room, broke through the window and got sucked into space
Mordin: Got shot in the head trying to close the door
Zaheed: Died escorting kelly, the cook and the doctor back to the normandy
Garrus: Got shot leading the second assault team and bled out
Jack: Died holding the door
Legion: I decided to ship him out to Cerberus for the luls

In the end my only surviving teammates where Miranda, Samara, and Grunt.


New member
Dec 6, 2008
My casualty list looked something like this:

On Approach: Tali died when the mass effect core overloaded. I wasn't surprised by this, as I hadn't completed her loyalty mission (did this on purpose, as I wanted incentive to play through again).

First Stretch of the Mission:
Tech Specialist: Thane died after sneaking through the vents. This made me really sad: Thane was one of my favorite characters and a standard squadmate, but I assumed he would have the best chance as he was the sneakiest of the bunch. I didn't realize it would so heavily depend on tech use. I guess I should've gathered that by when it said "Tech Specialist".
Fire Team Leader: Samara made it through with her team intact. I was glad no one else died.
Normandy Crew Escort: The majority of the Normandy crew had been taken by the Collector's in a surprise attack. I found Kelly, Dr. Chakwas and another random dude in some tubes and managed to save them. When they made their way back to the ship, I sent no one with them, as it seemed like the Renegade thing to do. As a result, none of them made it back to the ship. Sad times, but it was a suicide mission. (That was my inner-Renegade speaking.)

Second Stretch of the Mission:
Biotic Specialist: Jack held the biotic barrier all the way through, then overloaded it and tossed it back in the Collectors' collective face. I was glad that she made it, and that neither Garrus nor Mordin (who replaced Thane as my second squadmate) died. Though I honestly would not have been pleased had she failed, as she is obviously the strongest biotic member of your team.
Fire Team Leader: Zaaed died while coming through the last door. I didn't care about this, and actually assigned him to lead the second fire team specifically because I knew he would die. I hated that character; he was a needless addition to the game, in my mind. An afterthought, really. I hope any other DLC characters have full-on conversation options that develop the character naturally.

Final Stretch of the Mission:
Rearguard: I left Samara once again in charge once again, seeing as how she managed so well the first time I put her in charge of the team. She managed to keep the team alive and got them back to the ship in time to get away.
Shepard's Squad: I took Garrus and Mordin with me to the final confrontation. Both of them survived; I managed to grab Mordin's hand before he fell off the platform, and both of them remained conscious after the fall. I then managed to survive the last jump to the ship as Mordin returned the favor and grabbed my hand while Garrus and Joker covered us.

Total Casualties: Three squad members.
- Tali
- Thane
- Zaaed
- Plus the crew of the Normandy

I was moderately happy with the results, especially given the fact that I was not a pure Renegade or Paragon (was more half-and-half). I was really disappointed that Tali died so easy and that Thane died at all, but, otherwise, I think we can mark the mission a success. We did save the galaxy again, after all.


New member
Jun 18, 2007
I Had my entire team live butttt i did lose half the crew of the Normandy and my hot assistant i took up to my room =( what i did was

Legion hacker in vents
garrus lead the other teams always
jaccob escorted what was left of the normandy crew back to the ship
the justicar cant remember her name held the biotic shield in place
with me was Miranda and jack