Bryan Singer to Direct New X-Men Movie


New member
Nov 22, 2009
BunJ said:
As a fan I wasn't happy but I liked Origins because it allowed for DEADPOOL:THE MOVIE!
Hugh Jackman was a great pick for Wolverine though.
Them having a way to tie X-men to the current more canon (Cannon? I don't know how to spell) universe would be baller.
I like Origins as well, but only the first half because that stuff was actually relevant to Wolverine and not like "hey guys I got an idea for a Wolverine movie!" The ending was meh, and I don't like that they decided to have Gambit randomly appear for just 2 or 3 scenes... Gambits my favorite character and a genuine B-A, he deserves more screen time T_T


New member
Dec 8, 2009
matrix3509 said:
Dear Fox, if you want me to see your X-Men movie:


Seriously Fox, what the fuck is your beef with Colosuss? Did he kill your kitten when you were young?
No, he griefed me soooooooooo much in MVC2


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Bryan Singer directs!? Phew, that's a relief, I almost thought Cyclops would get treated fairly for once -.-


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Frankly, I'd be happy to announce the third film as discontinuity if it makes it easier to write for this one. What I'm worried about is the Deadpool movie needs more loving.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
ok . . . I dont mind a new x-men movie been make // My question is more along the lines as to why // Then it comes to comics yes you can have 10 different comics all about the same characters but each one has a different set-up & comic book fans will understand this and pay it no heed // But when it comes to movies most people will assume that this one will have something to do with the ones that have come before or will at least come pair it to the ones that have come before and point out there all the inconsistency are

Doesn't Marvel have other characters that they could be making movies about?



Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
Samcanuck said:
Who cares, as an x-men fan that WHOLE franchise was crap. Especially how they gayed up Nightcrawler, and always had one huge noticable mistake (like wolverines shirt healing itself, or nightcrawler in the pit before he even teleports there). They were all cornball, badacted garbage and paid no fan care as far as I'm concerned. Those movies are like games based off of movies. If they never make another one, it will be too soon.
It hurts to remember...


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Untill they bring the Xmen out of the real world and put it back into the marvel universe circa 95 or so(befor they blew up the world and redid thigns) it sucks....stop using ultimate marvel crap... even the 99 series was ahella better....

Xmen 1 was kinda good but to realistic and dripping in hollywoodazations(and toad was a pretty boy....) the other 2 films sucked becuse they kept ditching with the fiction...and Juggernaut was a faq.... (not that I do not like fags, no offense and all but I hate character dcking when there dose not need to be any)


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I haven't been this happy in a long, long time. Singer made the first two movies great, only to let Ratner turn the third one into a generic action flick that simply didn't do the series justice. Excitement is overwhelming. :D


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Apr 15, 2009

It's no real shocker to anyone that the X-Men franchise has gotten significantly worse with each passing movie. X3 was a train wreck but at least made sense. Wolverine just through all internal logic out the door, leaving new fans confused and comic aficionados in uproar. It looks like they're trying to bring Singer back to salvage something from this franchise, but really, I think that feat's impossible.

One problem is that enough damage has been done to the series already, I don't know how many folks will be willing to endure a fourth movie. Another is Singer himself. The guy was a real talent at one point. I mean, he gave us The Usual Suspects, a real cinematic masterpiece. But after just seems as though all his creativity and drive went into those earlier films. The second X-Men movie and Superman Returns were both rather flat and uninspiring. I don't expect much better for this new film.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
funguy2121 said:
Donrad said:
should be a good one

would they be continuing where the third left off... or are they just gonna search through the past more?

im not complaining since i would like to see movies of the backgrounds more :p
Please, read the original post at least before responding. What you did is like going on a gay rights thread and saying, "Hey, everybody, is this a gay rights thread?"
ok, maybe you have me out of context, i read the original post and im just asking IN THE FUTURE
will they be continuing or not.
thats all


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Disaster Button said:
Samcanuck said:
Who cares, as an x-men fan that WHOLE franchise was crap. Especially how they gayed up Nightcrawler, and always had one huge noticable mistake (like wolverines shirt healing itself, or nightcrawler in the pit before he even teleports there). They were all cornball, badacted garbage and paid no fan care as far as I'm concerned. Those movies are like games based off of movies. If they never make another one, it will be too soon.
Someone's still nursing that boo boo on their tender fanboy spot because the movies didn't turn out exactly how they wanted them.

OT: At least Emma Frost will finally be in, but I always loved X Men 3, I never understood why people think its so bad.
The trick will be in finding an actor that can do a younger Beast as good as Kelsey Grammar surprisingly did with mature blue beast, but with more the flavor of the first comics. In fact if they do go for more of that flavor while still keeping the Bryan Singer touch that we enjoyed in 1 and 2, I will be content.
We may even find out in the X-men movie universe how Prof X ended up in his wheelchair, which won't be fun to watch but enriching all the same.
And someone could use a hug...and maybe a warm glass of milk.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Samcanuck said:
Who cares, as an x-men fan that WHOLE franchise was crap. Especially how they gayed up Nightcrawler, and always had one huge noticable mistake (like wolverines shirt healing itself, or nightcrawler in the pit before he even teleports there). They were all cornball, badacted garbage and paid no fan care as far as I'm concerned. Those movies are like games based off of movies. If they never make another one, it will be too soon.


Excellent comics lead to high expectations and the movies failed miserably. Seen Wolverine: Origins? Technically in the X-Men series. Note how every single freaking person is bouncing off of walls? Only people like Beast or Weapon XIII (or XII? Been a while since I read them) did that.

They completely dropped Nightcrawler from the third movie, after introducing him in the second which as one of my fav char's, is unacceptable. Even in the movie version of him. And they aren't really going anywhere. The story lurches from one marvel 'verse to the other, then to a whole new one they made. If it was at least focused then it would be better.

But anything that doesn't include decent versions of Gambit, Rogue and Nightcrawler is going to suck.


New member
May 28, 2009
JaredXE said:
If First Class is supposed to be an actual prequel to the trilogy, then yeah, it'll probably be Storm as the fourth member. If it doesn't need to follow the conventions, Iceman will most likely be cast.

But not the crappy twin of Jimmy Olsen please.
I'm really getting sick of these prequels/reboots. Batman Begins, Superman Returns, The Incredible Hulk, now First Class... And that's not even mentioning Halloween, Friday the 13th, Star Trek, The Fly, A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) and even Highlander (2010).


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I hated the X-Men movies. They f**ked with my continuity coherance.

The ONLY comic book I'm looking forward to is the animated "Under the Hood" by Judd Winick.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Disaster Button said:
Samcanuck said:
Who cares, as an x-men fan that WHOLE franchise was crap. Especially how they gayed up Nightcrawler, and always had one huge noticable mistake (like wolverines shirt healing itself, or nightcrawler in the pit before he even teleports there). They were all cornball, badacted garbage and paid no fan care as far as I'm concerned. Those movies are like games based off of movies. If they never make another one, it will be too soon.
Someone's still nursing that boo boo on their tender fanboy spot because the movies didn't turn out exactly how they wanted them.

OT: At least Emma Frost will finally be in, but I always loved X Men 3, I never understood why people think its so bad.
Pretty much because they killed off the best characters at the start of the movie, or simply removed them. Not to mention Jean's habitual reincarnation and subsequent annoyingness.

Okay, okay. Ian Mackellen as Magneto flying on a fucking bridge was awesome. But is that really worth the admission?

[Insert Name Here]

New member
Nov 26, 2009
At first, from what I heard, I thought this would be some sucky teen-friendly crapfest, but now I'm cautiously optimistic. So long as Stewart and McKellen are in it.