Bubsy's back. No, just no.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Initial thoughts: "Eh, it's probably just someone making a 90's style platformer while using the brand awareness of something that actually existed back then. It could probably be okay, even if the mascot in question is not remembered fondly."

Thoughts while watching the trailer: "Woah, from that voice and those lines alone I can tell that this ain't my jam."

Thoughts when seeing the actual gameplay footage: "This looks similar to Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams... better check out Wikipedia... Oh, it is by Black Forest, same as this Bubsby reboot. And that game has 77/100 Metacritic. This could work."

So my initial impression has not changed much by watching the trailer. And the developer has experience with platformers. So I'd say it could work.


Lv.1 NPC
Apr 17, 2009
Think of this as the Karmic balancing of the Crash Bandicoot remaster this year.

Now what do I have to do to get a Jazz Jackrabbit game......


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I remember Bubsy from way back on the snes. I remember renting the game at the video store(remember those) when movies were still on shitty quality VHS cassettes and the porn section in the store that had a a little curtain for 'privacy'. :p Man, pre-internet those were the days. :p

Don't particularly care about this new Bubsy game but not gonna lie; it still tickles my nostalgic pickle. :p

ps I see Accolade is back from the dead as well. Wonder what's going to be revived next. Though that new Wonder Boy game was surprisingly fun.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
And Lo the sound of a billion gamers could be heard crying out "NOOOOOOO" as the beast of bubsy sat, staring intently before intoning the phrase "What could possibly go wrong?".

Hold on I thought Accolade were dead.... *does some research* How the fuck did a Bubsy game get Greenlit!?! DAMN YOU STEAM GREENLIGHT! THIS IS YOUR DOING!


New member
Jan 23, 2013
I honestly don't see what the problem is with the idea of a new bubsy game? They're before my time really but while I can see that (at least memetically) the Bubsy games were notoriously bad, that doesn't mean there couldn't be a good Bubsy game in future. Hell, the biggest problem I have is that the market seems rather inundated with retro inspired 2d puzzle platformers. and that's hardly Bubsy's fault.


New member
Jun 4, 2015
Can someone fill me in on why this is so bad please? I feel an overwhelming amount of... indifference about it. Like, how can this effect me? I am confused.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Cycloptomese said:
Can someone fill me in on why this is so bad please? I feel an overwhelming amount of... indifference about it. Like, how can this effect me? I am confused.
It's a mix of "I didn't ask for this" and "there are much more deserving franchises that can be brought back".


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
TrulyBritish said:
I honestly don't see what the problem is with the idea of a new bubsy game? They're before my time really but while I can see that (at least memetically) the Bubsy games were notoriously bad, that doesn't mean there couldn't be a good Bubsy game in future. Hell, the biggest problem I have is that the market seems rather inundated with retro inspired 2d puzzle platformers. and that's hardly Bubsy's fault.
Usually when old IPs get new games after decades of being gone, it's because there is a lot of nostalgia for the original title(s) or they made a lot of money back in the day. Bubsy...fits in neither category. None of the games were well-received, and similarly there's little evidence they made boatloads of cash. Plus as you pointed out, JonTron brought a lot of attention to Bubsy with his video, but not on a good way.

Bubsy is not an appealing character, he doesn't have much of a cult following, and gameplay-wise no Bubsy game has ever been more than mediocre. There's simply no reason for this IP to be given another chance. They could have at least chosen to reboot a Sonic clone that had some unique mechanics, like Ristar or something.

So the problem is the injustice that they are giving another chance to an IP nobody likes, as opposed to one of the many 2-D platformer IPs people actually like.


Sep 4, 2008
Cid Silverwing said:
That ************ is like Freddy Krueger. He just won't STAY DEAD!
BUBSY THE CAT! I specifically ordered you to remain dead!

I remember renting this for the SNES thinking it could be like Sega's Sonic - the art style was the same and it looked like it would be a fast paced game. Nope.

CaitSeith said:
My initial thoughts when I read this post. Those of you that never played it, he said that EVERY FRICKIN' TIME. Every time at the start of the stage or when you died. What could possibly go wrong? What could possibly go wrong? And then he'd die and jump off the screen with that stupid look on his face WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG. What a wasted weekend game rental.

BaldursGateTemple said:
I thought that Bubsy 3D killed that franchise for good.
There was a - *shivers* - 3D version? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I watched the video thinking, well maybe they're making it awesome. Maybe it'll be a surprise comeback.

Pseudonym said:
It looks like a bad 2d platformer. There are a billion 2d platformers around, about a million of which are also good. Why would anyone want this?
Nope it looks like garbage. The movement speed looks so slow (I wonder if that's because of the complaints that the original went too fast for you to see what you were going to hit). Though the graphics look ok, it just looks like a generic 2D game and even worse the control of Bubsy looks horrible.

Yoshi178 said:
Fuck Yeah! GOTY 2017!!!
As with how my initial reactions have been over things versus how well they are received, this is likely! Watch it just have the most amazing gameplay or story or something and it's loved by so many people. I should preorder now so I don't miss out.


Sep 4, 2008
You know what, NO. NO. NO! I'm not going to go out like that. Bubsy and Accolade and all you bastards that made this abomination you sit right the hell down and listen to me for a minute.

I mean, they could've pulled a Conker's Bad Fur Day with this thing, switched Bubsy up so he's gone off the damn deep end or something lost his mind cause he couldn't capture the hearts of gamers back in the day and now he's back and he's pissed off. Turn it into a dark comedy type thing. Have him chasing down and mauling Sonic and Mario look-a-likes to hilarious dialogue: "That's-a my face!" - THEN you'd have something everyone is interested in.

Hold on hold on I'm going to scroll up and watch that video again don't go anywhere anyone.

Okay first off The Woolies Strike Back? What the hell? You're referencing an old Star Wars movie? I mean call it "What Could Possibly Go Wrong" and just play it out at how terrible you were.

You know what? I'm not even going to go watch that video again. It's taking too long to load at work and it's just not worth another watch. It is what it is in the video, you can all see that.

BESIDES, this is GOLD, EVEN Sonic the Hedgehog is slamming Bubsy:

[tweet t=https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/872946127296897024]

[tweet t=https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/872989607394025472]


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Diablo2000 said:
CoCage said:
What did you expect? We made his games into meme, we increased his notoriety, we are to blame for this too.

Whatta ya mean we? I never brought the memes of how bad he was. The worst I ever did was watch some of Screw Attacks videos about him back in the day. Other than that my conversation rarely involved him. It's not my fault. squint eyes and darts them back and forth supicously. Don't look at me! Don't look att-t-t-t me-e-e-eeee!

Diablo2000" post="9.960253.23996889 said:
On a more serious note, it looks "meh" to me.

True, but there are so many games deserving a reboot than Bubsy. I rather take Aero the Acrobat than this shitty cat.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
bluegate said:
So, what's everyone's problem with Bubsy? 😕
Ok, do you know how the 90's spawned a whole slew of mascot platformers with 'tude following the success of Sonic? Cool Spot, Sparkster, Crash Bandicoot, Gex and so on. So was Bubsy.

He was all 90s attitude, but somehow considered too obnoxious even then, and had little else to offer. His first game was a mediocre platformer with some rather poor design decisions. Granted, there's worse, but also far better (Ristar, Klonoa, Earthworm Jim, Dynamite Heady). What probably didn't help was the aggressive marketing push hyping it up as 'the most radical thing ever', which turned out ... otherwise. Still, he apparently sold enough to warrant two more 2d platformers, both also mediocre, until Bubsy 3D took a jump into the next gen so disastrously bad it is the stuff of legends and the proverbial nail in the coffin for the franchise.

In essence, Bubsy is the posterboy for many of the wrongs with 90's mascot platformers. Style ('tude) over substance, some early examples of overhyping and an inability to go with the times. And from what I can tell from this new game, nothing has been learned.

As others have already pointed out, the problem people have is a mix of 'I didn't ask for this' and the feeling that there are old IPs more deserving of a revival than middling problem child Bubsy.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Neverhoodian said:
Of all the game series out there they decide to revive Bubsy?!

DS remake:

Twisted Dreams - Director's cut (PS4 port):

It seems that they found another generic platforming game series to revive.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
SmugFrog said:
BESIDES, this is GOLD, EVEN Sonic the Hedgehog is slamming Bubsy:
[tweet t=https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/872946127296897024]

[tweet t=https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/872989607394025472]
These tweets almost make the new game worth it. Almost...


New member
Oct 23, 2016
I gotta be honest, the first thought that popped in my head was "Yay, we're gonna get a new JonTron video!'.