That, my friend, it totally fucking sweet.Quaxar said:Oh hey, these are new series Daleks!
If only I had the money I would have started years ago... no, actually I wouldn't. But only because the first time I saw DW was not even a full year ago.
Now what about plans for this one, Mister Goldman?
[HEADING=3]This is only the beginning.Caliostro said:in b4 root
It was 3 am over here. He's sleeping.Irridium said:Root hasn't commented yet... probably starting his right now.
Oh dear, you do realize this means we won't see root for the next 3 weeks or so right?
I clicked the link. It made it soooo much better. People are looking at me funny for laughing out loud rather hard this late.The_root_of_all_evil said:[HEADING=3]This is only the beginning.Caliostro said:in b4 root
It was 3 am over here. He's sleeping.Irridium said:Root hasn't commented yet... probably starting his right now.
Oh dear, you do realize this means we won't see root for the next 3 weeks or so right?
We will prepare.
We will grow stronger.
When the time is right, we will emerge and take our rightful place as the supreme power of the UNIVERRRRRRRSE ! ! ! [/HEADING]
To each their own, as I said I love both series, they each have their ups and downs.WilliamRLBaker said:I'd disagree I watched the original doctor who series and quite frankly they were far too steeped in common British terms, and ideals back then, The current doctor who series actors are far far more worldly.Trogdor1138 said:They were also far better actors and better written characters than the modern series (I love both though for their reasons).WilliamRLBaker said:lol dude look at that cover! look at the old doctor who.....What was up with all the original doctors before the 2000's shows the doctors all looked like crotchity old men...with big poofy hair...
As for that its not a matter of acting, I've never seen such poofy hair and rickety old man looks before.