Bungie Officially Working on "Massively Multiplayer Action Game"

Dec 14, 2008
Blank Kold said:
All of my assumptions aside, I simply found the health and weapon mechanics to be abhorrent. It should never take more than one shot in the head to kill someone that isn't miles tall. The fact that there was always a best weapon and that not using said weapon gimped you severely also did not hold water with me.
I'd say it taking more than a single shot to the head to kill someone makes sense considering every character (campaign, and multiplayer) is wearing a helmet. And every weapon could be used effectively if you knew how to use it.

OT:I'm with everyone else in hoping for more flying missions from Bungie.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I just hope it stays MMO-action game. What would be really fucking epic would be something like Planetside but for the Halo franchise.

Blank Kold

New member
Aug 24, 2010
philosophicalbastard said:
I'd say it taking more than a single shot to the head to kill someone makes sense considering every character (campaign, and multiplayer) is wearing a helmet. And every weapon could be used effectively if you knew how to use it.

OT:I'm with everyone else in hoping for more flying missions from Bungie.
The force of a bullet doesn't just disappear, wearing an armored helmet will protect you the same way it will from a morning star mace; you'll have a huge crack in your skull, but you might live. Unless your spine breaks.

And yes, there are shields, but once you start to think about those, that 'force doesn't disappear' problem crops up again.

The "flying" part in halo reach was nothing more than a third person shooter with lock on and bullet travel delay. ie: a gimmick.

I implore all of you to stop quoting me before I offend someone too heavily.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Better not be Halo related. WOW is bad enough but to slander an excellent series such as Halo....and to bring it down to the bottom of the barrel like Warcraft.......that would be too much to bear.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Well since Activision is publishing it, we have to assume that Bobby Kotick will want to slap a monthly subscription on it. And he will also want it to be marketed as WoW in space. Other than that, I'm excited. Bungie is really good at creating immersive universes and at making damn fun games.
Dec 14, 2008
Blank Kold said:
philosophicalbastard said:
I'd say it taking more than a single shot to the head to kill someone makes sense considering every character (campaign, and multiplayer) is wearing a helmet. And every weapon could be used effectively if you knew how to use it.

OT:I'm with everyone else in hoping for more flying missions from Bungie.
The force of a bullet doesn't just disappear, wearing an armored helmet will protect you the same way it will from a morning star mace; you'll have a huge crack in your skull, but you might live. Unless your spine breaks.

And yes, there are shields, but once you start to think about those, that 'force doesn't disappear' problem crops up again.

The "flying" part in halo reach was nothing more than a third person shooter with lock on and bullet travel delay. ie: a gimmick.

I implore all of you to stop quoting me before I offend someone too heavily.
I assume technologies would become available in the future that can diminish the force of a bullet upon impact. And the energy shields are energy shields, an invisble field that protects the player from anything that could endanger them. These are simply fun sci-fi concepts that should automatically suspend any dis-belief. Of course we're speaking of Halo as if Halo is supposed to be realistic when its just fun pulp sci-fi.

I'd also like to note that you pretty much described every arcade flight game with Halo: Reach's "flying".

Blank Kold

New member
Aug 24, 2010
Conservation of energy. The force has to go somewhere. A forcefield could divert or absorb it, in theory. But moving with a near body tight forcefield creates a slight problem for the negation of force.

Things like needler bullets sticking in you while your shields are but break suspension of disbelief.

By arcade flight games, i assume you mean games like afterburner, which are played in a limited frame. Halo's "space combat" has simplified controls, like arcade flight games, with a full range of motion. Personally, I found that shit to be abhorrent.

If you mean flight combat sims, then you should actually go play a flight combat sim and notice the difference in the speed and difficulty of gameplay between the two.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009

Seriously folks this "confirmation" was take out of context. It's not an MMO. It's still unconfirmed as anything.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
I see a lot of folks in here shootin' their mouths off about stuff they don't know or don't understand. This amuses me, the way watching a chihuahua trying to show how brave it is does. Do please keep going on, I need the laughs.

As far as facts on the ground go, here's Bungie's version:

Bungie Weekly Update: [http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=30859]
Unfortunately, most people can't figure David out - they can't process him. And we don't expect them to. You can't process David Aldridge with a normal brain. You'd need tiger blood and Adonis DNA.
Take from that what you will.

-- Steve

PS: [censored] reCaptcha, does my Canadian IP address somehow look Greek to you? Why put a pi, omicron, epsilon, and alpha into your [censored] cue wnen they're not on my [censored] keyboard?


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
Lets look at the logic here:
Bungie's publishing company is Activision-Blizzard for this project.
Blizzard is working on an MMO called "Project Titan"

"Project Titan" has hinted several times in rumors that it may be an FPS.

What we do know is that Activision-Blizzard would not "green light" two similar MMOs.

At the most we'll get a FPS MMO, as for the other we'll be in the dark for quite a while to come as the earliest information about "Project Titan" won't happen until October this year or maybe next year.

Both games have been confirmed several times to be completely new IPs, so no Halo or World of Starcraft or anything like that.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
Of course this game won't be WoW in space!.. SWTOR is, duh!

Might I also add to my rather pointless post that I to am fed up with the term "WoW killer" and I don't even like the game!

The only game that would be capable of killing WoW is this next MMO Blizzard has planned I've heard about before.. and that might end up killing itself along with WoW, go go gadget kamikaze! I won't elaborate because I'm a jerk and rather tired.. forgive me.

While I'm at it let me just say this.. there will NEVER EVER be another game as big as WoW. It has nothing to do with the game itself really.. it's more of a perfect storm kind of deal. There were many factors that contributed to it being as big as it was and is. For instance the low system specs, the brand/lore already behind it from my understanding, and the increase in people who actually play MMOs.. look, this is just my opinion and a poor example but this upcoming Star Wars MMO could have been WoW back in the day.. if it was released back in the day. They just got lucky with how big it got.. no one will capture lightening in a bottle like that ever again.

I haven't exactly been playing MMOs for a long time, maybe since 2000.. but I kind of wish things would just get toned down.. wasn't an MMO insane if it could pull in 2 million subs before the days of WoW? I mean.. there are way to many MMOs being released for starters for any other game to even think about climbing up to WoW numbers but seriously.. >.<

Kind of tired of the whole.. "I have more numbers than you so I'm more awesome" thing. Hell.. a majority of the time I was playing FFXI it didn't even have anywhere near 2 million subs and the game was an absolute blast. Plenty of content, loads of updates and expansions, and plenty of people to do stuff with. So it's not like a game can't be successful if it doesn't pull in such huge numbers I mean look at FFXI.. it's STILL going after all these years.

I know how some people can get, personally I am KIND of one of them, but really.. if you see a new MMO that you might enjoy out that doesn't do so great out of the gate.. that doesn't pull in those huge numbers, don't let that stuff get to you. Going to take heat for this but yes I'm going to play FFXIV.. have a copy of the game and I can't wait to start it. Just waiting on my laptop, old one died, and even though I'm aware of all of the flaws of the game and how it's just cool to hate on it.. I could careless! I'll enjoy it and I'll watch it turn into a better game.. and if it doesn't I won't play it. Who gives a damn what other people think.. hell, I DETEST WoW and think it caters to the lowest common denominator but if you enjoy it more power to you. Don't let any gaming site score, anyone's opinion, or any amount of numbers deter you!

Everyone is biased.. it's impossible not to be even if it's only slightly. Wow.. kind of went overboard there and I don't know the point of half of what I said.. but screw just not posting it.. post!


Jul 26, 2006
Yup. Totally official. Except for the part where in this week's Bungie Update, they say it was a joke.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
I don't know...Isn't Blizzard's new MMO going to be an FPS? (Damn it all...I love Blizzard but I hate FPSs.)

Why would Activision have two competing MMOs of the same type?

Anyway, I would play WoW in space. Bungie SHOULD make it. They'd probably be truer to Blizz's lore than Blizz is...


New member
Mar 3, 2011
This has been mentioned repeatedly before in this thread but on the off chance anyone is reading, it was a joke, Bungie clarified this in their weekly update.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
If its an MMO/FPS hybrid it would be difficult. Specs would go down too but way I see it, I'll wait till E3 comes along.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
This just made me the happiest geek on earth,being both a MMO player and a big Bungie fan,


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Well, what can I say? I'm not too big on MMO's. And as some have suggested, this was just a joke.
But maybe, just maybe (I'm just guessing here, no real facts!)... They will release a game 2014, since that number has two connections with the number 7. This little guess is based on Bungies love for the number 7. There are a lot of references to 7 in their games, a few examples are the numbers of Master Chief (117), it ends with a 7.
5 spartans in Noble Team's numbers adds up to something that can be divided into 7, or simply adds up to seven. These are just a few examples, but trust me there is more. :3