Bungie Talks Destiny: The Taken King Details


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
More then a DLC...It's a GAME.

At 40$ I fucking hope so, and that it comes with blackjack and hookers too AND does my tax forms so I don't have to.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Chaos Isaac said:
Outcast107 said:
Reach sucked imo. It introduce Armor abilities, DMR, mess up the lore with a whole bunch of plot holes, and other shit. Halo 2 was the best halo by far. With Halo 4 (just the story imo) coming in 2nd.
Really, i'd say the opposite. Armor Abilities changed the gameplay, mostly for the better. (Though Armor Lock was a problem.) The DMR is a favorite addition of mine, sure better then the BR in every way.

And I find four's plot being hilariously bad. Being absolutely terrible for the lore. I still don't get how hardlight, in any way, can do what Cortana has it do. (Considering how it's constructed.) The big bad is just... too boring, and flat.

Iunno. I know differing opinions and all, but man total opposites here.
Well, I had a post I was writing up for you and it just disappear. So instead of writing it all out again I'll just do little points.

- It's cool to have different opinions
- Halo 4's true enemy wasn't Didact, it was Cortana going insane and Chief unable to do anything about it.
- I think both halo 4 and reach MP were meh at best.
- Halo reach felt wasted in not introducing any S-II and breaking a lot lore the books set up.
- I know people will say that game trumps books, but I feel like it like the movie. Why change things when you don't need too.
- Halo 5 beta felt like halo 2 back in the good old days, yet brings new things to the table.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
Sheo_Dagana said:
Oh, it's an entire game? So... why does it need the base version of the game to work? Sounds like DLC to me. I don't have time for that. Your initial game did not impress - what makes you think I'd hand over $40 just to see if your game has gotten on par with other MMOs out there? Not a single person has taken a look at this price and said "wow! Can't wait to get my hands on that." Fuck you, Bungie. Destiny is a fun experiment, but at the end of the day, you have only ever proven that you are in over your head when making anything other than a competitive first-person shooter.

Frankly, I just hope this franchise will capsize already so Bungie can make something else.
Personally I like the base game. I recognize that it isn't for everyone and it was waaaay overhyped but I thoroughly enjoyed it. DLC 1 was weak but still an enjoyable addition while DLC 2 was awesome and showed that Bungie listened to all the complaints people had about DLC 1. In short I don't feel betrayed by Bungie like a lot of others.

So with that said I'm going to withhold judgement on the price point of this until I hear more information.

Depending on how many story missions it has, the size of the dreadnought map area, and generally how much additional content it includes I could totally see this being Destiny: 1.5 instead of simply being DLC 3.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Frankster said:
More then a DLC...It's a GAME.

At 40$ I fucking hope so, and that it comes with blackjack and hookers too AND does my tax forms so I don't have to.
Good news: It does. Bad news: it also reports the hookers on your tax returns, leading to an audit. :p


Australian Justice
Jan 30, 2010
Starke said:
Frankster said:
More then a DLC...It's a GAME.

At 40$ I fucking hope so, and that it comes with blackjack and hookers too AND does my tax forms so I don't have to.
Good news: It does. Bad news: it also reports the hookers on your tax returns, leading to an audit. :p
Honestly with the amount of money required to experiance full version of video games, hanging with hookers sounds like the cheaper alternative at this point. Plus I can always get a happy ending AND cry myself to sleep at night.