Burning Chainsaw reviews:Unreal tournament 3


New member
Mar 18, 2010
this is my second review,so humor me afterwords.

Unreal tournament 3 is an FPS that i think is worth mentioning.It was made by Unreal technology,a company i doubt five out of twelve gamers have heard of.It's the latest and probrably last of the the Unreal series.It is on PC and PS3.

Unreal Tournament 3 takes place somewhere in the future, as they always do, where aliens and have waged war etc.The plot isn't that hard to understand, considering it's pretty much the same as most FPS plot's go.Don't expect a thrilling, breath taking story either, as this lies is mostly about multiplayer.A campaign is there, It's just not that good.Most of the characters are manly soldiers or alien species with hard to pronouce names.The protaganists's seem to be copypasted straight from Gears of War, if not exactly like them, grunting like a sailor with a hang over.

As for gameplay wise, this is where the game strikes me as amazingly good.You know how Yahtzee liked Painkiller for it's unique weapons?the same rule apply's for this game.Instead of having a shotgun, you have a gun that fires like several shotguns.And you know how rocket launchers in games are like six foot tubes with triggers, and fire rocket shaped tubes of death?this game somehow mobilized a rocket launcher, into a handheld death rifle.This game truly has some of the most unique weapons i've seen since fallout 3.As far as multiplayer goes, you pretty much have standard deathmatch team deathmatch, blah blah blah.Still, blowing someone into a nice sweet smelling fragince with the completely overpowering lock-on mini nuke launcher has never been so sastisfying.Oh, and there's a vehicle section, that handle like a seven year old girl in a pizza hut delivery car.But nevertheless, this game is an experince I hope you all to enjoy.

this is pyrosaw, signing off.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Good god this is awful, a six feet tube?

A six foot tube would be the correct way to say.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
Well you got me to read it because of the title. Burning Chainsaw... Hells Yeah!


New member
Jul 15, 2009
I'm not sure how people that havn't played the earlier games feel when they play this one, but I was awfuly dissapointed after having played Unreal Tournament 2003 and the original.

I just didn't like it, I don't know why.

darth jacen

Sith Reviewer
Jul 15, 2009
Punctuate then space, as shown by the coma in this sentence. Then once you begin a new sentence put a space after the period. Also proof read for some grammatical mistakes it will help us enjoy your review. Also some detail would be a lovely addition. I suggest before you write another review look at this section. Look at some of NewClassic, Pimppeter2, domble, and strangerofsort's reviews (there are 100 others I just listed first 4 to mind) as examples, each has a style all their own but present their reviews very well. You could learn a thing or two from reading them.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
thank you for shunning my review for grammatical mistakes.What are you, the grammar police or something?Then again Im on the Escapist, so I have expected as much.

darth jacen said:
Punctuate then space, as shown by the coma in this sentence. Then once you begin a new sentence put a space after the period. Also proof read for some grammatical mistakes it will help us enjoy your review. Also some detail would be a lovely addition. I suggest before you write another review look at this section. Look at some of NewClassic, Pimppeter2, domble, and strangerofsort's reviews (there are 100 others I just listed first 4 to mind) as examples, each has a style all their own but present their reviews very well. You could learn a thing or two from reading them.

thanks man.


New member
May 30, 2008
The Unreal Tournament series is made by Epic Games, the same folks who make the Gears of War series. They also make the Unreal Engine, which many games are built on, and what I guess is really meant by the 'Unreal Technology' you mention.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Unusual_Bulge said:
The Unreal Tournament series is made by Epic Games, the same folks who make the Gears of War series. They also make the Unreal Engine, which many games are built on, and what I guess is really meant by the 'Unreal Technology' you mention.
Thanks, i thought it was the engine.