I disagree with most of Bob's article.
To start... saying Pee-Wee Big Adventure is a good movie is a normal movie critic thing to say.
For anyone else looking for an enjoyable movie... Pee-Wee wasn't!
I know it's part of the character, but I just can't stand his face, laughter and I couldn't care less about him finding his freakin' bike back. What a stupid premise.
I don't know what people are expecting from Burton's movies.
Overall, most of them are style over content... meaning, that we should approach the analysis from a different perspective.
Every time I want to watch one of his movie, I tell myself "hey Burton, bring me to some crazy place and make me discover crazy and deviant characters"
To that, most of his movies were successful; Mars Attack, Batman, Nightmare, Edward, Sleepy, Sweeney, Corpse Bride, Willy Wonka and I'm sure Alice will too.
I like approaching his movie as a opportunity to discover a new universe.
Planet of the Ape almost did it if it wasn't for the fact that none of the main human characters were capable of displaying believable emotions.
See for me, the one that failed was Big Fish... I appreciated the effort of moving somewhere else and some of the character design, but the movie left me indifferent. Not saying, it's a bad movie, just that it didn't spoke to me.
The biggest problem I believe is when movies aren't meeting the expectations and having expectation made us the only one to blame. I rather be surprise by a movie than having it answers exactly what I wanted to be. Instead of blaming the movie for not matching the exact scenario that we had in our head... why don't we don't write it down and send them to Hollywood?
Personnally, I prefer seeing someone try and fail 9 times out of 10 and be blown away the 10th time. I prefer creative movies that failed than being served the same rehash movies.