It's the difference between a cliche and a trope. Trope are reused story devices for a reason: because they work, because they provide entertainment. Cliches are the same when they're done wrong/shallowly/repeated without good intention.
I would say, "No, you can't ever win this fight, you will automatically fail your save (even if you're tough as god) and be forced into a cutscene where the bad guy wins and gets away because this is bad plot railroading," is a bad RPG cliche.
On the other hand, "Now it's time to wander through the cool, well-designed ruins of a forgotten race with neat theme music" a good RPG trope.
Me, I always like the part of the game where you have to choose a faction to work for--provided it's well written. Frex, I liked in Baldur's Gate II when you had to choose between the thieves or the vampires--it was a matter of the lesser or greater of two evils, so it was kind of a dingy choice, but you had to save Imoen...
Speaking of which, if they ever used the distressed damsel schtick, at least they usually don't make said damsel helpless and useless--they were just in a bad place at a bad time (or made a bad decision) and you have a lot more reason to rescue them more than, "Because she's there and thou must."