Buyers regret.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
When I was younger, I would buy cheap spring loaded airsoft guns, such as rifles and shotguns, and they would never last more than 2 days. And yet, I bought 4 of them.

A more recent one would be those damn skinny khaki pants I bought at my favorite store. They were comfortable after 5 hours of wearing it, but for that first hours my legs were suffocating. The other day I tried to stretch it out once I put it on and it tore.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Evolve monster pc edition. Although technically I didn't buy it, my friend owed me money so I had him buy it for me, but I much rather would have had the money since the game seems like it might have been a rather large scam. No where near enough content for a multi only 60+ game and they still haven't patched the bugs or added new content.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I'm beginning to regret my purchase for a PS Vita. My top games keep crashing. I may have to retract my post of regret if I manage to fix the problem.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Bob_McMillan said:
When I was younger, I would buy cheap spring loaded airsoft guns, such as rifles and shotguns, and they would never last more than 2 days. And yet, I bought 4 of them.

A more recent one would be those damn skinny khaki pants I bought at my favorite store. They were comfortable after 5 hours of wearing it, but for that first hours my legs were suffocating. The other day I tried to stretch it out once I put it on and it tore.
Oh that reminds me of another buyers regret I have.. SO I bought these cute black pleather pants at the mall because they looked great and had a really good design. I wore them to take my driving test in the middle of August in the Texas heat where it is around 110F or 43.3C. My car is so hot when I get in, I cannot even touch the steering wheel. SO I take the driving portion of my test with the instructor in the car and when I go to exit the vehicle, my pants have melted to the leather seat and I get a 20.3 cm tear in the ass of the pants. SO now I have to go get my picture taken for my drivers license like this.. I am blushing and terribly embarrassed and trying to keep my hands over my ass since of course I ALSO chose to wear a thong that had kittens all over it so one of the guys who walked by me purred and meow'ed at me to make it worse. When they went to snap the picture they said "Smile for the camera Breezy!" and my drivers license photo has me beet red from embarrassment with my hands over my ass. WHY OH WHY DID I WEAR PLEATHER PANTS IN AUGUST??!! It is forever recorded with my picture on file with DPS.

EDIT: On another note, I had not thought about it until just seeing a "cat calling thread".. That gives a different perspective to cat calling.. LMAO

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Zaeseled said:
ESO. I played the open beta, didn't like it. A couple days ago my friend convinced me to give it a go. Bought the game, played it for a couple of hours and now I'm having serious buyers remorse. It's just not fun for me.
I was boycotting this due to zenimax being zenimax, race locked factions, and the payment model although I am a huge fan of the Elder scrolls series and have been considering picking it up with them dropping the subscription fees, if you do not mind me asking, are you more pve oriented or pvp oriented? and what about it put you off? I am pretty much a 99.999% pvp player, so that is where my primary focus would be, and I am curious as to the state of pvp in the game.


New member
May 17, 2011
Lil devils x said:
Zaeseled said:
ESO. I played the open beta, didn't like it. A couple days ago my friend convinced me to give it a go. Bought the game, played it for a couple of hours and now I'm having serious buyers remorse. It's just not fun for me.
I was boycotting this due to zenimax being zenimax, race locked factions, and the payment model although I am a huge fan of the Elder scrolls series and have been considering picking it up with them dropping the subscription fees, if you do not mind me asking, are you more pve oriented or pvp oriented? and what about it put you off? I am pretty much a 99.999% pvp player, so that is where my primary focus would be, and I am curious as to the state of pvp in the game.
I'm 100% PvE oriented in MMORPGs and I don't know anything about the PvP scene, sorry. I don't even know why I don't like it, I'm a huge lore nerd but for some reason I find the lore in Elders Scrolls to be really really boring.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Any and all hand held devices. Game-boy(with the light magnifier), Game-boy Advanced, DS...I'm sorry, but they're just crap. I get that they're meant for being on the literally crapper when a good book isn't to hand, but all the games were a waste of my time. They were IOS games before they were a thing. Just mindless and meaningless.

And yes, Pokemon and remakes and yadda yadda. Any and all remakes are all emulators, and, seriously without disrepect to Pokemon, they can kiss my dick. I did the first 151. Even cheated to get a level 151 Snorlax with Power Beam and a lvl 115 SandShrew...

but it meant nothing. those games are dead and Mouse and Smashy Punch are gone forever.

All the while, ten different Shepards endure on my Xbox.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Lil devils x said:
Oh the other thing I regret, is all these warranties I bought from radio shack on products I purchased there.. Radio shack is going out of business, how does a 5 year warranty work when that happens? LOL
Who is radio shack being bought out by? Whoever it is might honor the warranty in good faith.

I bought my first xbox 360 from a electronics store chain that no longer exists (I can't remember what it was anymore but it was bought out by another bigger chain) but I had bought a 3 year warranty on it (at the time it only came with a 1 year warranty which microsoft bumped up to a 3 year warranty later on) and a year and a half into its life-cycle the console red ringed on me. By that time the place I'd gotten the console from was no longer in business, but I went to the store location where I'd bought the console and talked to the manager of the new electronics store that was there. I explained my problem and showed him my extended warranty and receipt from the old store. The guy honored the warranty and had my console repaired free of charge. It red ringed again a year later.

The moral of the story is that the xbox 360 was a piece of shit.

Gunner 51

New member
Jun 21, 2009
Here's one for the "What the hell were you thinking" pile...

I actually paid full whack for The Order 1886. I thought maybe the nay-sayers were wrong, I read the reviews and seeing how I trust media about as much as I do a politician - I thought maybe it was well, wrong...

I was certainly wrong. At first the game didn't seem so bad. It was pretty if a bit shallow but I had thought "OK, it's not as bad as people say it is. Certtainly a very mediocre game...." And at that point, the bloody game had ended - sequel hook and all.

I was not so much as stupid to pay 50 quid for that game late tech demo, it was sheer arrogance on my part which I totally regret.


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
A few DS games here and there... Mainly Etrian Odyssey 4...
I really like the game, truly, I do...
But I just can't get into it at all, so I've played about 3 hours and just can't pick it back up again...

In terms of actual things worth more than $70AUD, I regret buying my car...

It's 12 months on now, so nothing I can do about it...

But... Well, it's story time...

About this time last year my car was written off in a crash (I used to own a Mazda RX8), but the insurance payout for total loss was about 5grand less than what I owed on it because said insurance company didn't offer agreed value insurance...

So I was $5,000 in a hole because some idiot didn't see me and smashed into the nose of my car, with no way to get to work (Which is a 20 minute drive in a relatively small city)

Now, the only option was to get a personal loan to cover the amount I still owed on the car AND the cost of replacement car on top.

So that's what I did... I had found a 2002 Toyota Celica in great condition (from a dealer) for about $7000... 12k loan, done... problem solved...

But my parents said that buying off a dealer was a stupid idea and that I should buy a this 2010 Lancer privately for ~11k...
And it is the worst thing they'd ever told me...

the thing has broken down on me three times in 12 months (and the mechanics keep saying it's my fault new things are going wrong when all I do is take it to work at 60Km/h every other day) and cost over $2,000 in repairs...
It's too big, it's too slow and I'd rather drive a sponge...

I shall never buy another Mitsubishi again...

Anyway, I'm going to go back to one of the best purchases I've (n)ever made and murder people in HM2... yay Aus government


New member
May 25, 2010
Two games come to mind. One would be Dark Souls 2 Collectors edition. Mainly because I tried to cancel it and get the regular version at the last minute, but they already charged my card and sent it to me. Apparently there was some sort of clause preventing me from sending it back. The statue and art book is quite nice, but I found the game to be a bit of a downgrade from the first in a couple areas. So not a bad purchase I guess, but one that I regret a little.

Second one would be pre-ordering Rage. I found rage to be a fun shooter, but it was quite short and reused assets as bad as Dragon Age 2. You would go through "different" levels, only backwards to ones you did previously. Some enemies were bullet sponges, and just annoying to deal with. On top of all that, the ending was completely lackluster and ended on a cliffhanger. I regret buying it for the 60 bucks, but it was still a fun experience, if a bit flawed.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Frezzato said:
No wait, I just looked it up and...yeah. Hmm. I guess I would be okay with that. Really, the one thing that probably ticked me off about the Sly series is that a raccoon, a hippo, and a turtle all can't swim. Um [] yeeeeeaaaaaaah []. Sure [].
Yeech... I'll give them not knowing a raccoon can swim, but the other two are KNOWN for spending a lot of time in the water.
(Well, to be fair it depends on whether it's a turtle or a tortoise, but still)

Hmm... Regrets... I'm inclined to say the cheap chinese tablet I bought online a while back.
But... That's a bit ambiguous.
It was pretty good, especially given what it cost, but... 3 months later it stopped working. So... In that sense, yeah. Kind of sucked...


New member
Sep 6, 2009
In Star Trek online, I bought 10,000zen ($100 give or take) and I used it to buy 100 lockbox keys to use on the ingame lockboxes. I figured my odds of getting a rare ship drop were pretty good. No they weren't. Not one single ship. Not even a mirror universe ship.

What's funny is, on a Friday the 13th, I exchanged Refined Dilithium (free ingame harvested resource) for Zen and bought some keys. On my last two keys, I won two very rare ships; The Undine Bioship and Dominion Heavy Escort.

I'm still not planning on spending real money for Zen ever again.


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
I was like 12-14 something and was in charge of upgrading the computer. The intel website said "good for gaming", it just an i7 (an old one) and no GPU. Fuck I was salty, but I was so-so young so it's to be expected.
Same thing with choosing an internet plan, cept I got ripped off. About the same age, asked the operator if bits were the same as bytes, she said yes, and I signed up for a 1Mb/s plan.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
I had a few cases of buyer's remorse over the years, but nothing big enough for me to remember except for two:

The first one is buying a 40" HD TV in 2009 to replace the 36" CRT behemoth that needed to "preheat" for a few minutes when the basement was humid. I should have just waited until that set died, since the picture was fine after a couple minutes of warmup time and in about 2 years LCDs would be much cheaper. Also, the first set was a lemon I had to take back the next day, and I bought it from Circuit City, 2-3 months before finding out they were bankrupt and about to hold their last sale. Bullet dodged and lessons learned about both not being a (sort of) early adopter and never buying expensive things from liquidation sales. (Manufacturers' warranties would still be in effect, but you don't have the convenience of bringing a dead item you just bought back when the store that is gone the two days.)

About three years, ago my grandmother bought a new snow blower for my Mom, since she runs a daycare out of the home and has a long path for them to walk. I was looking with her, expecting that we would check out a few stores before deciding. She was sold on the first doodad we looked at, this thing that has controls make it easier to turn, since the old blower it is replacing is a 25 year old tracked tank of a machine that only my dad and I are strong enough to steer. I went with it since the old one was the same brand (and reliable enough that it might still be running for whoever Gram sold it to).

After using it, I have found the gearing is all wrong. First gear is too fast and both bogs down the augers in 1.5 foot deep snow and is too hard to steer with around the tight corner in the walkway I mentioned, even with the magic wheel controlls. You have to push it around tight corners. Sixth gear, the transport only speed, is really slow, compared to the blinding speed of the old guy. Both reverse gears are abysmally slow, to the point I always pull it back with my strength, even up a slight hill.

It has this dumb joystick to aim the chute, but the joystick is really loose compared to the old hand crank/screw gear style. I try to aim it down sometimes, to control my finish pass between the house and a big fence, but it usually shoots back up soon afterwards. Then there are time when the chute shifts left or right slightly, since the locking mechanism on the joystick wasn't engaged yet and slipped. That isn't a big issue.

The augers are also made out of wayyy to thin steel. I've hit a few things and the shear pins (things designed to break instead of more expensive parts) didn't break before the augers bent a little. I eventually had to bend one side back. The old tank probably would have mulched most of the things hidden in the snow.

Finally something that isn't about poor engineering, it has 2 wheels. Sure, that makes it easier to steer, but it has no way to lock the front end down. The old tracked blower had a lever that could keep the blade on the front scraping against the ground. It could tear up snow that was packed down and stuck to the ground. The new one jumps over that kind of snow.

TL;DR They just don't make them like they used to. At least Craftsman sure doesn't. I miss my old tank of a snow blower and wish my grandmother would stop buying cars, snow blowers and other expensive things without actually shopping first.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Dirty Hipsters said:
Lil devils x said:
Oh the other thing I regret, is all these warranties I bought from radio shack on products I purchased there.. Radio shack is going out of business, how does a 5 year warranty work when that happens? LOL
Who is radio shack being bought out by? Whoever it is might honor the warranty in good faith.

I bought my first xbox 360 from a electronics store chain that no longer exists (I can't remember what it was anymore but it was bought out by another bigger chain) but I had bought a 3 year warranty on it (at the time it only came with a 1 year warranty which microsoft bumped up to a 3 year warranty later on) and a year and a half into its life-cycle the console red ringed on me. By that time the place I'd gotten the console from was no longer in business, but I went to the store location where I'd bought the console and talked to the manager of the new electronics store that was there. I explained my problem and showed him my extended warranty and receipt from the old store. The guy honored the warranty and had my console repaired free of charge. It red ringed again a year later.

The moral of the story is that the xbox 360 was a piece of shit.
I think they just filed for bankruptcy and have been shutting down a ton of stores, not that anyone is buying them out, at least not yet. I am not sure what happens to warranties when they file for bankruptcy.
I agree in the 360 issues.. ugh I went through so many.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I try to avoid that with good research, asking questions, and so on. Still, I did buy Final Fantasy 8. Oh, the agony...

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Zaeseled said:
Lil devils x said:
Zaeseled said:
ESO. I played the open beta, didn't like it. A couple days ago my friend convinced me to give it a go. Bought the game, played it for a couple of hours and now I'm having serious buyers remorse. It's just not fun for me.
I was boycotting this due to zenimax being zenimax, race locked factions, and the payment model although I am a huge fan of the Elder scrolls series and have been considering picking it up with them dropping the subscription fees, if you do not mind me asking, are you more pve oriented or pvp oriented? and what about it put you off? I am pretty much a 99.999% pvp player, so that is where my primary focus would be, and I am curious as to the state of pvp in the game.
I'm 100% PvE oriented in MMORPGs and I don't know anything about the PvP scene, sorry. I don't even know why I don't like it, I'm a huge lore nerd but for some reason I find the lore in Elders Scrolls to be really really boring.
Part of the problem with the lore in ESO vs the rest of the Elder scrolls series is they actually had to change it to make their scenario fit. They changed the time period by 200 years to bring the elves into it and made races that did not have issues with one another in the actual story line at war here. I am not big on the whole race war angle, and that is what they pushed here.

Personally, I think it would have been better if they had allowed players to be whatever race they wanted on whatever side they wanted and that would have greatly improved the pvp rather than forcing enemies and allies like that trying to change the original story line just to make their scenario fit.

I am still not sure whether it is worth my time investment or not yet, I hate getting things and then have them go in a box and stay there.


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
My GTX 970 graphics card. It's a great card, and I'm very pleased with the performance overall. The whole thing with the 3.5 vs 4 gb of memory is totally not a big deal for me. The thing is, I bought an nVidia card instead of an AMD card almost solely because I wanted to be able to get an nVidia Shield somewhere down the line and stream my PC games to it. Now that I've finally saved up enough to get one, I find out that they've been discontinued, and the used ones on ebay are selling for double the list price!

Also, my PS3. I got it late in the lifecycle of the system, so I only paid about $120 for it, and I only really bought it to play a handful of exclusives anyway, but the way things have shaken out I just haven't had the time to get around to it. So, I've owned a PS3 for a little over a year, and haven't even attempted to play a single game on it yet. I could easily have waited and saved a few more dollars. Or just skipped it altogether, since it looks increasingly likely that I'm never again going to have enough free time for "Uncharted" or "God of War III" to float to the top of my "to play" list.

Scarim Coral said:
A few Gundam models that I "fail" to assemble like the Zeta Gundam 2.0, Re-Gz, the Non HG Victory Gundam and etc. The problem with any models is that you pretty much got one shot to build it all perfectly and without a scratch and I was an ameteur back then. I suppose this is the reason why I no longer buy any transforming Gundam models, well ok the only successful one I did build was the HG Clauche custom.
Holy crap, I know *exactly* what you mean. I've got an otherwise beautiful Qubeley Mark II that's got an ugly blemish on its right shoulder armor from where I accidentally hit it with a stray drop of glue. And the paintjob on my God Gundam is just... *so bad*. The slightly off-kilter angle of the kanji on my Hyaku-Shiki's left should makes me twitch whenever I look at it. There have actually been a couple of times (Gundam Epyon, GM Sniper) where I've screwed up so badly I bought another kit.

And yeah, transforming kits are kind crappy, even when you build them right (glares at the Double Zeta and Asshimar kits).


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
With nearly every single thing I've ever bought there's always this small voice that whispers "was it REALLY worth buying? couldn't you have done something better with all that money?".
Even for the things I've loved.

However, for all that it happens, one time the voice was less a whisper and more a shoulder mounted public address system.
I bought a mobile phone.
Some 3g monstrosity in grainy silver with an odd shaped screen and a top mounted camera that could rotate to face in any of two directions, all with the power of almost quarter of a megapixel of resolution.
To add to this, it could get the internet.
If you happened to be sitting so closer to a wifi hub, you may as well be using a usb cable.

I hate mobile phones.
I probably always will but this one, for some unknown reason had me excited on purchase, was the one I'll think of every time I try to articulate why.