California Senator Wants Fewer Guns in Games


New member
Dec 26, 2012
FEichinger said:
Dear, America ...

your obsession with guns has caused this. You allow children to touch real guns, teach them how to shoot them and glorify it with your insane defense of the 2nd Ammendment.

Fake guns are not the problem. They are a safe way to live your gun obsession, without harming anyone. This does not teach anyone how to shoot a real gun. It does not make them violent sociopaths. It does not give them access to guns. It is just fiction.

If you want to reduce gun violence, don't do it by removing a harmless alternative. Think about why people get guns to begin with. Think about what causes people to be paranoid enough to want guns to begin with. I can tell you, it's not arcade boxes and video games.

It's a state full of idiots. A state with legislators focused on personal gain. A state with a justice system that is flawed from start to finish. A state that refuses to act in favor of its population in fear of "socialism" and "oppression". It's a state full of parents who act without thinking and hand their children items they should not have at all.

I don't disagree that you have taken far too long to fix this. It may well be impossible now. But don't stomp your feet like a child and pretend there is something else that is responsible, other than your own faults.

Best Regards,
Keep your European ideas on your side of the Atlantic. My ancestors hated your ancestors so much they risked everything to cut ties with them. The most recent was my grandfather decided to leave the Utopia you Europeans to create and the utopia soaked your continent in blood.

" I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get plied upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe."

Thomas Jefferson


New member
Feb 24, 2011
She fought a good fight against SOPA but yeah, this is pretty stupid.

How about focus on fixing up the economy instead? I'm pretty sick of budget cuts at my school.


Notably Neutral
Jan 12, 2010
So.. I had to wait for about a minute to reply to this because that's how long I spent laughing uncontrollably.

Senator, you want less guns in games and I want less shitty reality television invading my favorite channels. You can wish in one hand and shit in the other, which do you think is gonna fill up first?

There are plenty of video games (granted not a majority) that do not have guns in them. If you want there to be less guns in game, why don't 'you' try and design a game to push non-gun related combat? I mean, if you want them to go away then please, breath some fresh ideas into the industry. Cause you know, it's the GUN'S fault and VIDEO GAMES that make the back things happen, not the person pulling the trigger.

Just... shut the fuck up and mind you own god damn business instead of trying to turn your opinion into more than that, your opinion.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
It would be interesting if guns were banned in games for a couple of years. We may just get some original ideas again.

Go Dianne!


New member
Apr 4, 2013
Hmm, does other people having guns count? Because I've slaughtered New Vegas a couple times with nothing but an axe and a lot of drugs, but people kept shooting at me for some reason while I did it.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
aelreth said:
FEichinger said:
Dear, America ...

your obsession with guns has caused this. You allow children to touch real guns, teach them how to shoot them and glorify it with your insane defense of the 2nd Ammendment.

Fake guns are not the problem. They are a safe way to live your gun obsession, without harming anyone. This does not teach anyone how to shoot a real gun. It does not make them violent sociopaths. It does not give them access to guns. It is just fiction.

If you want to reduce gun violence, don't do it by removing a harmless alternative. Think about why people get guns to begin with. Think about what causes people to be paranoid enough to want guns to begin with. I can tell you, it's not arcade boxes and video games.

It's a state full of idiots. A state with legislators focused on personal gain. A state with a justice system that is flawed from start to finish. A state that refuses to act in favor of its population in fear of "socialism" and "oppression". It's a state full of parents who act without thinking and hand their children items they should not have at all.

I don't disagree that you have taken far too long to fix this. It may well be impossible now. But don't stomp your feet like a child and pretend there is something else that is responsible, other than your own faults.

Best Regards,
Keep your European ideas on your side of the Atlantic. My ancestors hated your ancestors so much they risked everything to cut ties with them. The most recent was my grandfather decided to leave the Utopia you Europeans to create and the utopia soaked your continent in blood.

" I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get plied upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe."

Thomas Jefferson
Seeing how the US can't manage to keep its politics out of the rest of the world, this is something I genuinely couldn't care less about.

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
KingsGambit said:
Maybe take actual guns away from teenagers, rather than virtual ones. I'm fairly sure digital bullets aren't nearly so dangerous as their physical counterparts.
I have an idea. Maybe just keep the guns in the games and just charge for the digital bullets. ..Oh wait nevermind :/


New member
Dec 26, 2012
FEichinger said:
Seeing how the US can't manage to keep its politics out of the rest of the world, this is something I genuinely couldn't care less about.
On that we agree.

As for the 2nd amendment that was settled in 1791.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
So she wants GAME to regulate guns, but not gun sellers & collectors?

Next she'll want to regulate swords & arrows & we'll have to beat the shit out of eachother with shrapnel stuffed socks & dads will get 25 year prison sentences for playing Duck Hunt with their daughters.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Guess what? These same games are sold in other countries to, but it's our kids shooting up schools. People just don't want to admit it's American culture that's at fault, and not the evil 1s and 0s. Take some responsibility for not raising your kids right, if your kid shoots up a school chances are you did something terribly wrong as a parent, even if that thing was just not recognizing your kid was nuts and getting them the help they needed early in life.
I believe that was a popular topic with a recent shooting, the fact that everyone knew the guy was crazy beforehand and no one did anything to get him help.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
You elected her, California. Miss Arnold yet? Also...

xPixelatedx said:
Guess what? These same games are sold in other countries to, but it's our kids shooting up schools. People just don't want to admit it's American culture that's at fault, and not the evil 1s and 0s.
That is correct, take a bow, sir, and please go through the double-doors to receive your free internets!


New member
Mar 19, 2013
In Yahtzee's own words: "What I find comforting is that they are old, and old people will die first. We're the ones who get to pass on our values next generation. Old people have always opposed what's new and scary because it reminds them they're losing control of the world."



New member
Jun 29, 2009
Some psycho shoots up a school and people want to blame something. Crazy people are irrational and theres nothing you can do to stop a irrational person. Take away guns they'll stab people, take away knifes they'll beat people with blunt objects and ect ect. Some people are terrible. why are they? I don't know but I know its not because of pixels or objects.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Obviously there should be fewer guns in games, why ask parents to BE parents and actually care about what their kids play, cuz there's not a single marker that says games have guns or violence in them, it's not like most games with guns have a big ass M right on the cover or something.

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
I'm not even sure how you'd be able to regulate something like that, I mean I know she's still marveling at these magical things called discs but she can't honestly believe a game developer knows exactly how many guns are in their games. I mean look at the call of duty series they have infinite bad guys until you've moved up to a specific boundary and then it stops spawning them, there's no way a developer would know how long it could take a player to get to that point which is why it isn't a set number of enemies.

That's not even a good reason to be opposed to her bill for one reason it's monumentally stupid, I'd actually like to hear her arguments for this because it'd be the funniest thing in the world to hear her excuses once you start poking holes in her logic.

Also after I read the article and looked at the picture all I could think was someone told her the small device they were holding was a camera and it took a picture in only a few seconds and that the picture would be in color.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Ugh.. Is this can of worms really being opened again? One day they'll blame the person who shoots people, rather than blame their leisure activities.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
But why reduce virtual guns that do no harm to anyone other than irritation? Especially when there are plenty of -real- guns that can and do? It would be a tenable position to hold if she was actually advocating nigh on universal gun control but it doesn't seem like she is....

Your Gaffer

New member
Oct 10, 2012
I created a petition on the White House's "We the People" page about this issue, I invite everyone here to check it out:

*Escapist, if you don't want me posting this link just let me know. After all video games have gone through to gain acceptance, after the Supreme Court trial, after Biden brought the industry in to talk about real world gun violence, the senator's comments were the straw that broke the camel's back. I know these petitions don't usually go anywhere, but it would be great if gamers everywhere could show our government what we think about this issue.


New member
May 30, 2010
With this thread in its 6th page, it's likely someone has mentioned this by now, but hey, maybe she's right - younger kids shouldn't be exposed to excessive videogame violence, at least without parental supervision. In order to accomplish this I suggest that the industry create a board to rate entertainment software. An "Entertainment Software Rating Board" if you will. The job of this "ESRB" would be to rate games based on content, so parents could take some responsibility and have a hand in deciding what their kids should and shouldn't be exposed to.

Crazy, I know.

Oh, and by the way, since the Sandy Hook shootings keep being brought up, remember those news reports that mentioned one of the games the shooter played a lot was Dynasty Warriors? Well, I've played an UNGODLY amount of Dynasty Warriors myself over the last couple of DECADES, and oddly enough I have NO desire to massacre children. In fact, the only way that game has affected me was making me interested in reading the book it's based on, Romance of the Three Kingdoms [] (which is, in turn, based on the "Three Kingdoms" period of Chinese history).

Also, Feinestein is, unfortunately, my representative. The really scary part is that the people who ran against her in the Democratic primary are so far out there that SHE was actually the reasonable one by comparison!