GoddyofAus said:
Chyeah, good luck with this. Since when have the majority of gamers been compassionate enough to take up any cause except playing Half Life 2 to try and get Valves attention. As others have stated, this is perfect bait for fuckwits like Fox News to latch onto.
It has nothing to do with compassion. The reason not to do this is because it IS perfect bait for fuckwits like Fox News. They'll take this as gamers accepting that games are responsible for shootings.
Fuck that shit. We need to get a counter movement going to play even more shooter games than normal during that exact same time period to stand up and say "We are well adjusted human beings who play shooters and have not and will never shoot up a school, office, or any other real life place. Games are not at fault for this tragedy, the fucked up gunmen are." If I want to show compassion for the victims I can find plenty of better and more helpful ways to do it than giving the media an excuse to blame me and my hobby for the shooting.
I've just made a note on my calender to pop Killzone 3 in and play as much of it as I can on the 21st. And I urge everyone else to pop in whatever shooter you like and play it. CoD, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, Halo, whatever the fuck it is, who cares. As long as you can shoot things in it, play the SHIT out of it on the 21st and show that you will not take blame for the actions of two mentally disturbed people and are not willing to give up your hobby because of them. And then do something really nice for the victims like donating to a relevant charity.
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
No, it would look like an act of empathy. All it would say is "Hey, I realise you're grieving right now, so out of respect I'm going to spend today not shooting people online." It would be an act by the gaming community to at least try and show some sympathy for those currently suffering from violence, by actively refusing to take part in violence for just one day. Trying to say this would make gaming culpable is like trying to say having a minute's silence on November 11th makes you culpable for World War I.
Except that is completely wrong. Not playing a video game is not an act of empathy. Here's an act of empathy: nobody go hunting. Nobody go to the gun range. Nobody do anything related to guns that's just for sport (obviously I would not be asking the police or army to go without guns for the day, that would be stupid). THAT would be an act of empathy that says "Hey, I realize your grieving right now, so out of respect I'm going to spend today
not shooting real guns in the real world."
Actively refusing to take part in violence? News flash: there's nothing violent about pushing buttons on a controller. There's nothing violent about playing video games. How about you get everyone to agree to not be violent? As in, REAL violence? Or at least extend this stupidity of not taking part of violence by not doing things that aren't violent in the first place by also refusing to watch movies and TV shows, read books, or listen to music that also have violent acts depicted. After all, there's absolutely nothing violent about sitting on the couch watching Die Hard, but maybe people should not do that too because reasons.
Not playing games implies there's a reason to not play games, and that reason would only be because games are somehow responsible for this. They aren't, so play on. As for the terrible moment of silence comparison... No. Just no. Where did you come up with that crap? Although a moment of silence would be a much better idea for an act of empathy than not doing something that had absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy. Hey, I bet the gunmen wore clothes, right? Maybe out of respect we can all be naked on the 21st as well.
Or maybe... Just maybe... We could do something
intelligent and
logical instead of something stupid and irrational like not playing video games and giving the media a nice opportunity to blame our hobby for the actions of two fucktards.
Rblade said:
very funny, actually a very good example. Just because it's not our fault doesn't mean we can't in anyway give ground. Common it's possible to say you regret something happened without admitting guilt.
The point is to give ground in a way that makes sense. To say we regret something happened in a way that makes sense. Nobody stops playing soccer if someone dies from being kicked not because they don't regret that it happened. They don't stop playing soccer because it would be STUPID.
As many others have pointed out, there are far better alternatives. Raise money. Stop the use of real life guns for a day instead of fake digital ones. Have a moment of silence.