Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - Four Out Of Fhtagn Stars


New member
Jun 4, 2014
ExileNZ said:
UmberHulk said:
I fond this game intensely frustrating. Maybe its a side effect of being raised on more modern shooters but the lack of a sprint button made thins game feel too sluggish to be enjoyable and the scare factor goes away once you realize that almost any enemy can be killed if you wait around a corner and aim for the head.
What are you talking about? There WAS a sprint button, but it sapped your ability to aim and it made any wounds bleed out faster.
There was? Well now I feel stupid.


New member
Dec 15, 2007
UmberHulk said:
ExileNZ said:
UmberHulk said:
I fond this game intensely frustrating. Maybe its a side effect of being raised on more modern shooters but the lack of a sprint button made thins game feel too sluggish to be enjoyable and the scare factor goes away once you realize that almost any enemy can be killed if you wait around a corner and aim for the head.
What are you talking about? There WAS a sprint button, but it sapped your ability to aim and it made any wounds bleed out faster.
There was? Well now I feel stupid.
Okay, correction: apparently that was only patched into the PC version. If you played it on Xbox then chances are you had no way to run (but at least your save system worked).


sneaky sneaky
Jul 23, 2009
BeerTent said:
I always felt like DCOTE was two games lopped into one. Straight up weaponless horror, and then there was the armed section, which I wasn't so sure what to think of. I felt powerful, the enemies around me were fish-people who clearly didn't know how to handle a gun quite right. But the thing about guns was that you didn't need to know how to handle them properly to land a shot, and kill Jack, as quite easily evidenced in the street chase.

And then in the latest stages, the game took your guns away. THAT, was terrifying... But i was able to beat it. To me, it was just the right level of scary, and I wish I could go back and replay it properly.
It was also two stories in one. The prologue is from "The Shadow Out of Time" as is the backstory with the Yithians and memory loss. The rest is an adaptation of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth".

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
Fanghawk said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Does the Escapist have to post spoiler pics of every game they review, and on the damn front page? It seems like I've seen the monsters for every horror game from Amnesia to Silent Hill to CoC, all against my wishes. God help those unwitting visitors to the Escapist who are scared of monsters and scary stuff, and I wouldn't be surprised if you've caused a few heart attacks.
Um, what?

That front page image is the game cover.

I wouldn't consider anything in those images spoilers. But even if they were, there's far more to the game and its monsters than those six screenshots.
I'm just going to say that is a mind-numbingly stupid cover for a Lovecraft-inspired game. Lovecraft's monsters were unfathomable abominations, not explicitly rendered creatures for perusal before you've even encountered them. This is probably the same reason that Lovecraftian games - especially shooters where you face off against monsters every 5 seconds - generally suck. The more subtle games like Shadow of the Comet, are vastly superior. Or Amnesia, even.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
DCotE is one of those games where it sounds like a great idea, but the execution is pretty terrible. The game is a decent creepy sneaky game but a crappy FPS once guns are introduced and everything after you initially escape is pretty lackluster. It's a shame because the federal raid on Innsmouth is somethign I'd wanted to see and instead ends up being a terrible COD clone(not the mention the whole bit on the ship shows an appalling lack of research, not to mention being buggy as hell).

So while I like the atmosphere, the gameplay and bugs are more then enough to ruin it for me.