It looks really good for what it is. A Cinematic FPS, the kinda thing COD always did well. Apparently this time it's gonna roughly capture the same feel but with some of the plot points changed up.Dirty Hipsters said:Honestly kind of excited for this one.
Haven't really cared about Call of Duty since they scrapped the "totally not titanfall" movement system that I really enjoyed in Black Ops 3. I hate battle royal games, and the WW2 game just didn't catch my eye at all.
From what I've heard about this game though it looks pretty great. Everyone is talking up the attempts at realism, realistic night vision, realistic camera footage, etc, as well as the new lighting and graphics engines, as well as realistically scaled levels, and I'm curious to see whether it improves how the game plays.
Just a bunch of little details that sound neat.
I can't find it now but there was an article out a day or so ago talking about how one story-line is gonna follow Tier 1(Special Forces) Operators while the other is gonna follow one of the rebels, a young woman from the middle east.
Which I'm sure will go over quite well with some people in the gaming world, who apparently get a bit twitchy when the playable camera with a gun attached ends up having a female rather then a male voice. Something, Something MUH REALISM! something something.