Surprisingly, as cynical as I've gotten in my old age, I'm kind of cautiously optimistic about the election. Not its outcome mind you, but specifically its fairness. Despite what our orange in chief constantly conspiracy theorizes (i.e. the "millions" of illegal votes cast by those dastardly illegal immigrants) in an effort to scare the stupid into voting for him, actual criminal voter activity is low enough to be statistically insignificant. After all, his own hand picked task force looking into voter fraud actually found so little evidence of it actually happening that it was quietly (and this administration does very little quietly) disbanded without reporting their findings, presumably meaning they spent millions and found nothing. The head of that task force was my state's Secretary of State, whom our then idiot Governor gave "prosecutorial authority" to in an effort to "combat" voter fraud. In 2 years he prosecuted a dozen cases, getting convictions in 7 misdemeanor cases. 6 of them involved elderly white people voting in 2 different districts, mostly because they didn't know they couldn't or didn't remember they already voted. One involved A Mexican woman. She immigrated to the U.S. and became a U.S. citizen, but was prosecuted because she registered to vote and voted before her citizenship had technically been finalized. Meaning he found 1 Mexican citizen in the U.S. legally who illegally cast a vote by mistake, but became a citizen before she was caught. The nation's foremost expert on illegal immigrants voting... that was his most prominent "success."
But he's half the reason why I'm optimistic, as KS's secretary of state he was our highest election official. And he ran for governor. He didn't recuse himself, continued to oversee the election... AND LOST. In as red a state as ours is he lost to a Democrat. The election was fair. He couldn't claim it wasn't, because it was his job to keep it fair. His bullshit was just so obvious that the voters didn't buy it. The other reason I'm optimistic is the voter manipulation we do know is happening, Russian interference, isn't something direct like fraud, impersonation, or hacking results. Its social media bots fanning partisan divides and not-to-subtly encouraging fascism. And I can live with that kind of manipulation. For one reason... victim blaming. If we fall for it; frankly, we deserve the consequences. Yes, they are guilty of interference. But we are correspondingly guilty of stupidity. And I call that fair enough.