Can somebody please explain Why half-life is good

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
HentMas said:
Hamish Durie said:
Ok Ok please put down your pitchforks and torches.
So i just got the orange box of steam and then after it downloaded I finish portal and go to play some half life.....and Im not that impressed, ok ok it has a decent story but it was just really really dull for me and I'm trying to understand why Half-life was/is such a great game.

my main idea as to why I didn'y like it is because it was a *you had to be there* thing
the original Half Life was a success because it introduced several interesting mechanics into gameplay, for instance, a story where you are always in control of your movements, and triggered events that only happened if you were in the right place at the right time, the exploration of the whole facility was amazing because it did looked as thought you were in a ruined facility, and it invited you to explore it without consequence except maybe getting killed because of your oun stupidity, it had one of the most interactive puzzles ever seen in a FPS game and you could breeze past it without noticing anything weird, but it encouraged exploration, for example, you could have passed the whole ordeal without even noticing G-Man around, but if you played it over and over you always discovered new things, that´s what made it shine, the first time i played it i got into the room where you get the suite, and was thrilled by the fact that you could make the MW oven explode and your co-worker would get angry because you ruined his lunch XD, something you could have missed if you wanted, but things like that are what make it a great game, not just your average FPS, it was really amazing to see people around reacting to what you were doing, not just standing there as if you were acting OK when you are jumping up and down in their coffe table and turning off their lights

it was new, it was interesting, it had an intriguing story and a really great delivery, and the new games HL2 and EP1 and 2 had more of the things we all liked in the first one, except now with better graphics and gameplay :p

that answer enough for you?
to answer simply yes this is what I wanted when I made this thread


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I believe what most people like about the Half Life games is their stories, in particular the way that they leave you in complete control the whole time. Even while a supporting character is picking the lock on a door, providing exposition or both, you're free to either look at them, run around bunny-hopping or have fun with the physics. Other games that do the same thing well (with good gameplay to boot) include Bioshock and the Call of Duty games, although I can only confirm that Modern Warfare 1's story was good to begin with.

Aside from that, all I can do is agree with the guy above. Not everyone in existence likes every game in existence, or at least, every game they pick up. I don't really like WRPGs in general, but I can see why some people like Dragon Age over Dragon Warrior.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
sergnb said:
To all people blaming it on nostalgia... I call bullshit.

I had never played Half Life, none of the games. After hearing about it EVERY FUCKING WHERE, I decided to try it out.

And I was blown away. Putting graphics away, the game was fantastic. The pacing, the story, the characters, the gameplay, the level design. Everything was masterfully crafted.

It is not nostalgia what makes people think the game is awesome. It's that the game is, in fact, awesome.
Amen. Sure, the AI and physics from the first one is dated, and there's some suspiciously convenient air ducts here and there, but the game wouldn't be fun if you got stuck unavoidably.

That said, the actual combat in both games is somewhat lacking when you're put up against human enemies with guns. Zombies, Antlions, Striders, whatever are great to fight, but the human enemies sort of seem like a letdown in comparison.

Spambot 3000

New member
Aug 8, 2011
I liked the story, the puzzles and the headcrabs. And I only just started and finished it and Episode 1 and 2 in the last month.
Besides, I don't really care whether you liked it or not. Good for you.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
It's just not your type of game then. People who like it (me) enjoyed it because of the great story, atmosphere and characters. Not the gameplay.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
IMO, it WAS good, back in 2006 or whenever HL2 was released. since then, games like bioshock, fallout 3, even (can't believe im saying this COD) have come along and bettered it in every way. half life 3 has a lot to prove.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
daemon37 said:
Because it came out 7 years ago. When it was released, the graphical detail, realistic physics and attention to story were revolutionary.
Baby Tea said:
Those of us who played it when it first came out remember those times, and therefore still enjoy the game today, because we remember watching the tech-demo at E3 for the source engine with real-time model bending for non-actors (Things like mattresses), and seeing the in-game video-projection, seeing the awesome physics in action, and then finally playing the game ourselves, and just being wowed.
Please would people stop using this as an excuse. There are plenty of games as old or older than Half-life 2 and even Half-life that I loved then and love now. I would gladly replay Deus Ex, KOTOR, early Final Fantasies, hell even Duckhunt. I was there for the release of Half-life. I was there for the release of Half-life 2. I don't like Half-life. some people just don't like some games, end.

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
daemon37 said:
Because it came out 7 years ago. When it was released, the graphical detail, realistic physics and attention to story were revolutionary. But, a lot has changed since then. Go play some of the other games that came out around that time and maybe you'll understand.

The game hold us remarkably well too. I mean, how often have you compared 7 year old games to brand new ones? And for that matter, how often do you buy 7 year old games?
This. I play it often now and I still think it's awesome.

HOWEVER, daemon37, I buy 7 year old games all the time, usually older. It's only games that old that run on my netbook. I just bought Civ 3 for it on Steam, released in 1999.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
halo was better. seriously, i dont care about that ai in that video, it never felt like the ai was that good. Prehaps they were simply restricted by the enviroments. After the fluid movement of halo half life 2 felt stiff and unwieldy.


New member
Dec 2, 2010
I have this exact problem with the original Deus Ex. For some reason it passed my by and I just never got around to it. When I decided to finally give it a look with the new game coming out, I could barely stand playing it for 10 minutes! It just seemed old and outdated, and I do not mean graphics-wise. People who are on their tenth playthrough will tell you that it still stands up even today, and they probably do see it like that, but I had no nostalgia value going in and felt nothing even though I tried to like it.

On the other hand I have played through the original half-life maybe a dozen times, and each new playthough seems as fresh as the first, heady experience over a decade ago.

This is of course by no means a universal rule. I myself am far more forgiving when it comes to trying old 2D games, and some games just don't hold up over time no matter how good you thought they were when they were released.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
i only played both games this year around january (because fuck are valve fanboys anoying) but both games were excellent.

i think it was because it showed me there are people out there who put thought into their games, alot of thought. i'd just had the last shreds of my halo love severely beat out of me and was seriously thinking of turning my back on a medium i saw content to stagnate in complacency. So Half life convinced me people who create games care about what they do, and the comentary made me want to make games which eventually led me here.

i think wether you like it or not you can't deny a great deal of technical and artistic thought was put into these games.


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
It really isn't all that, and in my opinion it hasn't aged well. Most shooters don't, because games that age well are those that are very story-centric. You can cling to the Half-Life story, and get something out of it, but you'll be wanting something more halfway through, and probably end up playing something far more engaging, or current.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
As someone who didn't play HL2 until well after EP2 was out: it's pretty decent.
I remember the original being put in with the rest of the "Old Single Player FPS" category, just before the onslaught of Multiplayer titles completely took over (later to be replaced by Halo an its clones).

I liked the little caches of goodies stashed away in some odd places, and the combat scenarios range from "meh, aim for the head" to amusing (dragging hacked turrets around a level for instance).

The story and characters had a bit more depth to them than your prototypical "I'm badass with a curious resistance to bullets" character. I still find them to be over-glorified, but not bad in their own right.
The industry had so many shallow, terrible and/or unrelatable characters in most shooters at the time that anyone who put the slightest bit of effort into making them real was going to look amazing in comparison. The runners up at the time were Samus Aran (Metroid Prime's "text-backstory") and Master Chief (a character who completely defined "Generic Shooter Badass").

Which isn't to say Gordon Freeman was any better than them, but the company he kept sure was.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Half life 1 or 2? The first one is somewhat generic of the time period and pretty much consists of killing shit and jumping around as to reach the next level. Half life 2 was better because of the amount of character they put into it. There are also puzzles but most of them were easy. The story is a little bit drawn out and hard to grasp.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Confession time for me. I loved the original. When I finally did get around to play HL2 a few years back, I wasn't that impressed.

Graphically I couldn't fault it. I've played worse.

But the story, and the way Valve tells that story in their non-cutscene cutscenes really drew me out a bit.

I think somewhere between HL1 and playing HL2 I got tired of the silent protagonist. Its a design decision where "the player" can sort of impress themselves onto the main character. I never felt like Gordon was a character. I just felt like he was a hovering camera with an arm attachment. I think it was for this reason that my enjoyment suffered. Simply, I couldn't "relate" to Gordon, and subsequently, anything in the game had less emotional impact.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
TF2 is the best game on Orange Box IMO (Provided you play it on PC where it gets support)

I never really liked half life. I didn't even find the story all that impressive, honestly. Oh well. I didn't really like KotoR that much either. Or Shadow of the Colossus. Or Portal. So apparently I'm not even a gamer.

(In Order: KotoR had a fantastic story but it was too slow and combat was too repetitive,
The exploration in Shadow was too empty. There was a big huge world and all I wanted to do was get to the next giant monster fight. The fights were, however, quite fantastic.
Portal was just too short, honestly. Love Portal two, because it fixed that, but honestly Portal 1 never really got challenging.)