Can the Xbox one and PS4 Keep momentum?


New member
Aug 23, 2012
So the honeymoon period is over and all we have to look forward too are dull FPS other than watchdogs name one game worth getting excited for. Titanfall and destiny look like the same shit done before. I am getting so tired. Where are the new ideas??? You cant just rely on indies otherwise why did we bother upgrading, as most indie games can e done on PS2's

Why initial sales don't mean shit.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Do I expect the PS4's and Xbox One's to keep flying off the shelf as they come in? Of course not.

However, unlike the poor Wii U, I expect software to carry these two systems much much farther than the Wii U has gotten. Personally, I would never purchase a system this early in the launch (I usually wait for at least two years; my quota is five games that I must play) but the people who have are going to want to play them. Microsoft/Sony have a MUCH better third-party dev relationship than Nintendo so I see no reason that the new systems will be any different.

As more games come out, people like myself will come out from under their 360's/PS3's and pick up the new systems.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
You do realize that the Xbox 360 and PS3 sales picked up tremendously a couple years after their release? I don't expect to see the same growth this generation, but I'd imagine we're far from seeing these consoles struggling in terms of sales. We'll just have to wait and see what comes our way over the next couple of years, as that will largely determine how these consoles continue to grow in the future.

Also, even if you don't like the look of Titanfall or Destiny, that doesn't mean that there isn't hype around them or that they don't have the potential to increase sales for the new consoles. Of course, given that they're releasing for the 360 and/or PS3, they may not be the games that really get people to make the switch. I'd imagine that will start coming more when fewer games are releasing for last generation's consoles.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I don't see this momentum flagging at all. The third-parties are on board with the new generation and the software sales and initial sales aren't discouraging. Over the next year and a half we'll begin to get our first real exclusives, they might not be games that you like, but I'm going to guess that you probably aren't normally a first adopter for Sony/Microsoft so it doesn't matter, you're not the target audience that drives the initial launch of these consoles, nor am I because I always wait at least a year. Other people are hyped for Destiny, Titanfall and Watchdogs. Moreover Infamous Second Son is going to be a legitimately fantastic game. There's always a core of people who don't like the idea that they're playing the non-best versions of the game (PC games are awkward to run at max settings which makes them 'worse' in a different way to this type of person). Everyone has faith that these consoles are going to take off, so buying one now is an investment to them.

We're going to see a softer transition with more cross-generation titles, but we've also got things like Twitch fueling desire in a new way. Within the next couple of years more developers will be fed up of trying to make the game run on 256mb of RAM, and they'll make the switch too and then the deal will be sealed.

I'm about 80-90% certain that both consoles will sell more units this coming December than they did last. Which means that we're talking 20 million combined sales by 2015. That will be getting too large for publishers to ignore

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Oddworld: New 'n Tasty

A total graphical overhaul of one of my favourite games ever made? Yes please!

And I doubt games like Don't Starve or whatever that new game Jonathan Blow is working on can be done on the PS2. Just because a game is titled 'indie' doesn't mean it doesn't require a lot of computing power.


New member
Nov 2, 2013
Not unless they start producing quality games! As it looks right now there are at most 2 ok games per console and thats it. All you have is an expensive system.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Wasnt everyone celebrating the fact that they already sold a shit ton of consoles, even the Xbox One? We blame publishers for trying to make every game sell COD numbers yet if somehow a console starts selling less after christmas and launch period then everyone takes that as if it means that the company will go bankrupt in a month.

They sold very well and are still selling fine considering the period that it is (the big releases are always after the summer up to christmas).

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Easily, as long as AAA continues to produce hits for them.
And the console producers themselves don't decide to implement some new horrifying DRM post-purchase.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Name one game other than Watch_Dogs? Ok. Infamous Second Son. Want me to keep going? Because there's tons of stuff to be excited for. Other than that this thread only seems like a load of negativity just to be negative. And in that case you really don'y have anyone other than yourself to blame for not being excited about the fact that we finally got some new hardware on the console market.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
josemlopes said:
Wasnt everyone celebrating the fact that they already sold a shit ton of consoles, even the Xbox One? We blame publishers for trying to make every game sell COD numbers yet if somehow a console starts selling less after christmas and launch period then everyone takes that as if it means that the company will go bankrupt in a month.

They sold very well and are still selling fine considering the period that it is (the big releases are always after the summer up to christmas).
I mean we haven't finished January yet, so we don't even know if sales are slowing down, because the last month we had info on was December which was doing great. only has 3 PS4's left, despite a resupply, so I suspect they're both probably selling well