Canada Jumps On the PSN Bandwagon


New member
May 27, 2010
Vigilantis said:
ShadowKatt said:
Well, this keeps up the Playstation is going to be dead. The US has limitations on punishments, for example under the US constitution 24.5 billion would be considered "excessive" as well as "cruel and unusual". However, I don't know what's to stop the rest of the countries of the world from bankrupting Sony into oblivion and then stomping on the ashes to see if any more coins pop out.
^ This, disappointing that noone seems to be trying to help the problem instead of add to it.
I wonder if anyone is even bothering to search for the hacker(s). Everyone just seems to be trying to find out how accountable Sony is. Shouldn't finding the person who took all of the information before they have a chance to do anything with it be a higher priority? Just go do whatever to Sony after the mini-crisis is dealt with.

It's not like Sony will suddenly vanish into thin air in the meantime.

Anyway, for all the people saying they'll stop buying Sony's products...I'm actually going out to grab a PS3 after the price inevitably plummets. If Sony somehow survives this incident, you know that they're going to get the best protection possible...and if they don't, well, the PS3 games that already exist won't vanish into thin air, either.

Disgaea 3/4 will be mine, dammit!


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Echo136 said:
Im starting to think buying a PS3 a few months ago was a mistake, if only because every government in the world is going to want to bankrupt Sony now.

i bought mine last tuesday >.>


New member
Dec 19, 2010
lomylithruldor said:
Baresark said:
Hugums said:
DAMN IT CANADA! This why you're the butt of every joke
As the article points out, they did this on the tails of the US and UK Governments.

OT: I have no great love for Sony, but at no point should government be involved in this. Now I'm just annoyed.
It's a government's job to protect it's citizens. When someone steal their private information because of a lack of security, they better get involved.
It's a government jobs to protect it's citizens from threat of violence, or slavery, or forceful removal of personal rights. Not bad business, nor poor information security. And it also depends the government for that matter. For instance, it's not the US governments job to do this, as dictated by the charter we call the Constitution. It's no governments job to protect it's citizens from their own poor choices, such as putting up private info onto a database owned by Sony.

Like I stated previously, intervention isn't necessary in this case. Why can't we all agree to not buy Sony products if it's so offensive? At worst, they will fine Sony, and then Sony will turn around and put that onto it's customers, because that is what a massive, uncaring, and apathetic corporation like Sony will do.

Yay, government will save the day and increase the cost of products from Sony, thanks government. Then what, perhaps pricing controls?

LOL, it's all kinda laughable.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Braedan said:

Wow. This is like instead of your dad asking why you forgot to lock the door and someone stole your tv, your dad, mom, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, other uncle, both grandma's, both Grandpa's and the gas station clerk asking why. Give it a rest already.
This is nothing like that.
I will be a hella surprised if Canada somehow helps this case at all.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
*sigh* News threads like this only further convince me to stay away from gaming websites until this whole thing blows over. This, the class action lawsuit, the "24.5 billion dollars" that Sony is going to lose over this, the apparent 1/5 of 77 million people leaving the PS3.


What proof has anyone found of fraud linked to this situation? It's been a week, more than long enough for someone to find something. And yet here we are, nothing. Just more shit piling on based on what? Possibility? Maybe's? You can't bring assumptions and maybe's to court and walk out with a conviction. You need evidence.

Essentially here's a quick wrap up of what we know has happened:

- hacker got into PSN

- hacker likely saw roughly 77 million users private information (i.e: Names, Postal code, email address)

- Sony shuts down PSN within 24hrs of breach.

- Sony let's everyone know the whole situation some days later.

- We remain waiting for PSN to come back.

And.. That's it. People are just being stupid and hysterical. There's nothing you can't do listed that can be appropriately taken care within 20 minutes. Calm down and grow up for fucks sake. This isn't the end of the PS3, it's not the end of Sony. People said the same about Toyota when the gas pedal fiasco happened, and where's Toyota now? They're still here, they were found NOT GUILTY on all charges, and they're still better off than GM and Ford.

Go do something else for once. PSN is down for time being; So tough it out, get a new hobby, shit will be back up and running soon.

I'm out.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Skopintsev said:
*sigh* News threads like this only further convince me to stay away from gaming websites until this whole thing blows over. This, the class action lawsuit, the "24.5 billion dollars" that Sony is going to lose over this, the apparent 1/5 of 77 million people leaving the PS3.


What proof has anyone found of fraud linked to this situation? It's been a week, more than long enough for someone to find something. And yet here we are, nothing. Just more shit piling on based on what? Possibility? Maybe's? You can't bring assumptions and maybe's to court and walk out with a conviction. You need evidence.

Essentially here's a quick wrap up of what we know has happened:

- hacker got into PSN

- hacker likely saw roughly 77 million users private information (i.e: Names, Postal code, email address)

- Sony shuts down PSN within 24hrs of breach.

- Sony let's everyone know the whole situation some days later.

- We remain waiting for PSN to come back.

And.. That's it. People are just being stupid and hysterical. There's nothing you can't do listed that can be appropriately taken care within 20 minutes. Calm down and grow up for fucks sake. This isn't the end of the PS3, it's not the end of Sony. People said the same about Toyota when the gas pedal fiasco happened, and where's Toyota now? They're still here, they were found NOT GUILTY on all charges, and they're still better off than GM and Ford.

Go do something else for once. PSN is down for time being; So tough it out, get a new hobby, shit will be back up and running soon.

I'm out.
agree! fully agree. its all bullshit. as for the 1/5 of user leaving... lol CouponCodes4U... sounds legit!


New member
Feb 25, 2009
As a Canadian, I can disgustedly say that I wish those stagnant bureaucrats would jump on our real internal issues with as much haste. Not to point any fingers. I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU RCMP!!!


New member
Aug 6, 2010
To be fair, we've got an election coming up in a few days, so I can understand why something like this would fly under the radar for a few days.
Either way, its just hilarious that Sony gets another set of crosshairs aimed at them.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
joebear15 said:
Baresark said:
lomylithruldor said:
Baresark said:
Hugums said:
It's a government jobs to protect it's citizens from threat of violence, or slavery, or forceful removal of personal rights. Not bad business, nor poor information security. And it also depends the government for that matter. For instance, it's not the US governments job to do this, as dictated by the charter we call the Constitution. It's no governments job to protect it's citizens from their own poor choices, such as putting up private info onto a database owned by Sony.

Like I stated previously, intervention isn't necessary in this case. Why can't we all agree to not buy Sony products if it's so offensive? At worst, they will fine Sony, and then Sony will turn around and put that onto it's customers, because that is what a massive, uncaring, and apathetic corporation like Sony will do.

Yay, government will save the day and increase the cost of products from Sony, thanks government. Then what, perhaps pricing controls?

LOL, it's all kinda laughable.
Sony already tried price increases and people made it perfectly clear what they were willing to pay for Sony systems, if credit card fraud starts becoming a problem due to sonies incompetence then sonies video game sections is without a doubt finished.
I wouldn't mind seeing them out of the business at all. They are unscrupulous and think they can dictate things to the customer base that are unreasonable. Also, interestingly enough, I received their email response to the situation and none of it mentioned credit cards at all. I have to wonder if Sony was a)smart enough to store those on a different more secure server and, b)if the whole credit card part of the equation wasn't just media sensationalism on the part of anyone who reported on the matter. There is also the "c" option where they are lying through their teeth about it.

Also, the ridiculous price of the PS3 is really just them trying to compensate for the piss poor business decision in making a system that was out of reach for the average consumer. Both Sony and Microsoft lost money on the releases of the console generation, for quite a while at that. Both these companies only survive because they do more than just make video games. They have their own safety net, and I can only hope we see the end of these safety nets in the near future, then perhaps they will make better business decisions.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
joebear15 said:
ShadowKatt said:
Well, this keeps up the Playstation is going to be dead. The US has limitations on punishments, for example under the US constitution 24.5 billion would be considered "excessive" as well as "cruel and unusual". However, I don't know what's to stop the rest of the countries of the world from bankrupting Sony into oblivion and then stomping on the ashes to see if any more coins pop out.
not for 77 million violations it would not be, that is like less then 50$ per account stolen, If you are making that statement you have not scene the judgment proposed against lime wire.
I didn't do the research, so I'm running off...essentially heresay on this one. But someone suggested that it would be stupid to think Sony would close down the playstation division over this. They said it was something atune to 2/3 of their revenue for the year of 2010. If that was a household, that wouldn't be enough to live on. Being a corperation, it's not enough to do business on. It would destroy Sony to have to pay that, assuming that it is levied.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
"Sony's PSN antics"? THEY. GOT. HACKED.What now, the girl that got raped was "up to her smutty antics?"


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Baresark said:
It's a government jobs to protect it's citizens from threat of violence, or slavery, or forceful removal of personal rights. Not bad business, nor poor information security. And it also depends the government for that matter. For instance, it's not the US governments job to do this, as dictated by the charter we call the Constitution. It's no governments job to protect it's citizens from their own poor choices, such as putting up private info onto a database owned by Sony.

Like I stated previously, intervention isn't necessary in this case. Why can't we all agree to not buy Sony products if it's so offensive? At worst, they will fine Sony, and then Sony will turn around and put that onto it's customers, because that is what a massive, uncaring, and apathetic corporation like Sony will do.

Yay, government will save the day and increase the cost of products from Sony, thanks government. Then what, perhaps pricing controls?

LOL, it's all kinda laughable.
I don't care about the constitution or the US government, we're talking about a whole different country here. In Quebec, we've got the Office de la Protection du Consommateur (Office of consumer's protection). It's mission is: The Office enforces legislation under its jurisdiction, it informs consumers collectively and individually, it educates consumers and receives their complaints. Moreover, the Office fosters concerted action between socioeconomic agents.

The Office of the Privacy Commissionner of Canada is mostly the same thing. It investigate complaints about privacy in the public and private sector to publicly inform the population about the situation and it may pursue legal action before the Federal Courts.

What's wrong with the government investigating swindlers and crooks and telling it's population who they are?


Sep 12, 2008
Baresark said:
Hugums said:
DAMN IT CANADA! This why you're the butt of every joke
As the article points out, they did this on the tails of the US and UK Governments.

OT: I have no great love for Sony, but at no point should government be involved in this. Now I'm just annoyed.
I disagree. Governments have a responsibility to it's people to be involved in this. Do you think the private individual has the power or finances to make a case against Sony, should it be needed? Governments are supposed to protect the people who live under it. Though it seems less like that is the case as the years roll around.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
airrazor7 said:
Canada, the U.S, the U.K. and everybody else on the Sony hate wagon...please, shut up.
Sony lost the personal information of millions of people and did not warn anyone that their personal information could be at risk until several days after they discovered the breach. This is a valid reason to launch an investigation into the companies actions. Granted a private letter to the company informing them of this investigation would be a superior idea to a press conference they do have a valid reason to be royally pissed at Sony.

Nieroshai said:
"Sony's PSN antics"? THEY. GOT. HACKED.What now, the girl that got raped was "up to her smutty antics?"
Once again it is the delay in informing their customers of the breach or even admitting that their was a breach for several days that is getting them in trouble. The hack itself is not what they are being criticized by governments for.