Canadian University Bans Nintendo Zapper Image

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
Well, it's just that my step-father used to go to Halifax every once in a while as part of his job and that was his impression. It was, I think, largely attributed to how nice drivers were over there, because by contrast, people are extremely aggressive behind the wheel in Montreal.
Well, everything's better compared to that loony bin. Gods, I went through there once, some of the scariest times in a car.

Mr.Tea said:
I dunno... To this day he keeps bringing up just how nice of a city he thought Halifax was.
Glad he liked it. I had a few doctors there I regretted leaving behind. I just don't have a great overall opinion of the place.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
Formica Archonis said:
Mr.Tea said:
And that university was in Halifax, of all places (it's one of those places where the "Canadians are nice/polite" thing might come from).
As a Nova Scotian I question that particular sentiment.
Well, it's just that my step-father used to go to Halifax every once in a while as part of his job and that was his impression. It was, I think, largely attributed to how nice drivers were over there, because by contrast, people are extremely aggressive behind the wheel in Montreal.

I dunno... To this day he keeps bringing up just how nice of a city he thought Halifax was.
You my good sir are correct, there is no nicer place I have ventured than my hometown of Halifax, and if you don't like that then just sit on it because you see us haligonians aren't too self important to say let somebody merge in traffic or hold their own opinion.

In all seriousness though, all those people making the Catholic school comment really don't understand the nature of SMU, because I tell you "Satan" has just about as much to do with the happenings on/off campus as "God" does.

The reality of the matter is that there should be far more threads about Nova Scotia because everywhere else is hardly worth a whisper.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
This university's in my hometown. I'm sort of embarrassed.

Though I sort of thought the whole confusing it with a real gun thing kind of passed when they changed it from grey to orange two and a half decades ago. Guess not. :/


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I fail to see why anyone would get worked up about this. The logo had a gun on it, the school objected to it, as they should have, and they changed it. How many people actually know what a NES zapper is? Not many. If you need a gun in your club logo that isn't actually a gun club, you're doing it wrong.

Absolutionis said:
People here seem to be living in a vacuum. The zapper is iconic only in video gaming culture or even some of pop culture. Most parents and especially school officials would be hard-pressed to identify it firstly as a video-game accessory and not a toy gun.

The school asked them to change it and they changed it. Everyone was happy.

The school did not overreact.
As is usually the case, people on the internet are overreacting.
What I was trying to get at in a poorly worded manner.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
snekadid said:
DoomyMcDoom said:
snekadid said:
This may be offensive but only Canadians could confuse the zapper with an actual gun. The rest of us have seen real ones before even if they were only on TV.
I'm going to just assume that you are joking.
I've held and used a variety of firearms, I'm Canadian, almost everyone I know owns at least one gun, or has owned or used a firearm...
If you seriously think that because we have stricter gun registration laws here, that we are a gunless society, then you should come live here for awhile.

Sure we don't have anywhere near the prolific numbers and spread of firearms available in the united states, but our wal-mart and other stores with "sporting goods" sections stock a variety of ammunition, and we have more than a few gun stores.

I for one think the issue in the OP is ridiculous, but whatever, idiots don't grow up to be smart, they just stay stupid, and some of them end up in charge of schools. Especially Catholic schools.
Obviously joking, I just think its silly considering the orange zapper looks nothing like a real gun, hell the grey one didn't either.
Yeah, it's pretty dumb, I'm pretty sure anyone with any number of brain cells would be able to conclude that the immage didn't represent a real gun... But this is a Catholic school, maybe because it represents something that represents something that represents violence of some sort, they don't want it connected to their school, Christian morals and all that jazz...