Cannibal Restaurant To Open In Berlin (Unless its just a hoax)

Stein Inge

New member
Jun 9, 2009
Ironic Pirate said:
Stein Inge said:
Ironic Pirate said:
Berlin? There have been, like, two cases of consensual cannibalism there. It's some kind of horrible nexus of this kind of thing...

And I'm going to preempt anyone saying this is a good place for voraphiles to go to. I am a voraphile, and this sickens me, if it is real. Voraphilia is strictly fantasy, and most vore isn't ever like cannibalism. Just wanted that put out there.
Voraphilia? Something like cannibalism but not quite? Curious now. What is it?
Remember that scene in Men in Black 2, where the alien lady ate the guy whole?

Well, that's kinda the thing. People getting swallowed whole, often by other people. Creepy, right? Well, it's completely fantasy, for one thing, and, uh, that's about the only un-creepy thing about it, really.

That said, there are all different kinds of vore, what you saw up there was F/M Same Size Soft Oral vore, where a female predator, or pred, ate a similar size prey, whole and alive, with her mouth.

There's also "un-birth", which I don't really like, but that's really pretty different, as people get turned into babies or something. I don't know, exactly, except that I think it's all about safety for them.

Some other type of vore, there's giant vore (sometimes calle Macro Micro) which is self explanatory, there's hard vore, which is often with fantasy type preds (dragons, etc) but can be with people, and plant vore (the plants that eat you in Mario, basically).

I think any other questions should be by PM, as this might get kinda squicky...
so many things I could go my whole life not knowing...