Well, given a premise like the Civil War it seems like Marvel Studios can use this opprotunity to make a movie that isn't just a dumb actio- *breaks out into laughter*
Sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face. Anyways, if there's one thing you can rely on from the MCU it's for them to make a film that's half-assed in all but the exterior elements. To me, watching these movies is like cutting myself a larger slice of cake than I should. It seems like a fun idea at first, but half an hour after the deed is done I'm in pain and wondering why I did it in the first place.
Seeing Marvel continually fail to get my hopes up makes me wish there was a studio out there with the balls/budget/talent to adapt Worm [http://parahumans.wordpress.com/] to the screen, so people can finally have a reference point for a smart, interesting superhero film that isn't The Dark Knight (granted, Worm's obscene length would probably make it better suited for television but the point still stands).