Captain America Fights for The Stars, Stripes, and Suicide Prevention


Nov 11, 2009
SomethingAmazing said:
Aurgelmir said:
Now I haven't read Captain America in a few Months, but last I checked Steve Rogers wasn't Cap, and that picture on the cover is not even Steves Captain America suit... It's Buckys...
So anything I missed?
Hey Comic Book writers, ever consider just keeping the super hero alter egos to just one per hero?

Just saying...
Where is the fun in that? Besides Bucky as Captain America has been to the time I stopped reading for a while a very good run, and it made both Steve Rogers and Captain america more interesting IMO. Since Steve is doing his own thing these days.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
SomethingAmazing said:
Anarchemitis said:
Suicide is a serious problem. Crime isn't the only thing needin' fixin'
Explain yourself.

I think that suicide is really far from a problem. If people want to kill themselves, then do it. It's your life.
You may want to look at the increase in suicide rate of homosexual teenagers in the States. It throws light on the level of intolerance in society. And yes, that is a real problem.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Well, I liked that little PSA comic, seeing as they there's little dialogue, the what and why this is happening in the mini comic is up to the readers imagination and interpretation. Nice.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
SomethingAmazing said:
I think that suicide is really far from a problem. If people want to kill themselves, then do it. It's your life.
Suicide is a problem though, and simply telling those who are even considering harming themselves to do will cause them to. They're in a dark place already, they don't need people like you telling them to just do it. Thats not going to help anyone. I for one am glad that this is brought out, anyway to reach kids troubled with suicidal tendencies and even have a slight chance of preventing it is an excellent cause.

I'm sorry if i seemed over defensive on this issue it's just that I've personally been there before, and if it wasn't for my friends being there to help me get on my feet when life went to shit I wouldn't be here. Hell, I attempted it, was stopped obviously. I still struggle with it from time to time so I believe very firmly that this is a good way to go about this and that you shouldn't go around saying things like that. You never know who's reading or listening.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Delusibeta said:
(LK) said:
Link seems to have broken. Maybe they pulled or moved the comic.
Works for me. Click on "Read it online".
Hm, weird. Link in the article doesn't work for me (gives what I think is Marvel's 404 page) but if I go to their homepage and find the comic myself it goes to the same URL, and works.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
I'm a huge Cap fan to the point of being completely lame about it so I'm already pretty excited about the movie coming out, this on the other hand is just pure good work. A good thing for a good reason, Suicide's definently a major problem even in the military and considering the average man in the military is around 19 a comic book's a good way to reach to them (I realize this reaches to everyone but for a specific cause this is a great helping hand) I forwarded this on to a bunch of the old Suicide Awareness staff from my last base, who knows? Cap might just save a life IRL and if there's the chance of that it's worth doing.