coheedswicked said:
Therumancer said:
Furthermore, a degree of militant nationalism is sort of what the country needs for a lot of reasons. The only way to really defeat a culture is to break them, it's not nice, and you avoid going to war, but when you do it, you need to go all out. All this idea did was send a bunch of reserves overseas so we could fight a bunch of guys rifle to rifle in their back yard, and totally negate our tech advantage and invalidate the trillions of dollars we spent on weapons to ensure where if something like 9/11 happened we could break the culture of the offenders quickly and easily with minimal risk to American lives.
Militant nationalism? Break the other culture? I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you just quoted Hitler.
Btw despite whatever Fox News may have told you "terrorist" is not a culture.
Hitler wasn't wrong about everything, that's how you fight a war for real, furthermore it's what we did to him. Once we broke through their defenses guys like Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris pretty much set about decimating the civilian population and infrastructure. He was the guy who said (a close quote) "I value the life of one British Grenadier more than the lives of 10,000 Germans". We pretty much rounded up groups like The Hitler Youth and mass murdered them (kids), fought the Volkssturm (citizens militia basically) building to building as we destroyed their homes, businesses, etc... on our way across the countryside. Even once the war was over we continued to pretty much hunt down anyone even suspected of having any connection to the Nazis or loyalist sentiments. That's how you fight a real war.
The thing is that the US hasn't really won a signifigant war since World War II because we've become too moral and started believing our own hype. We won "World War II" because at the end of the day we were bigger bastards than the Axis was, and we literally broke the people we were fighting. When it comes to this kind of stuff about "antiseptic wars" and "not targeting civilians" you accomplish nothing. After all an intact culture is just going to rally and seek revenge at some point (arguably this is part of what caused World War II, since Germany was not properly broken during World War I), what's more even if people do not actively fight you, the ideas they hold and practice publically as a culture leads to an endless source of fighters. When a nation is incapable of direct confrontation, it produces things like terrorists. The US is incapable of dealing with problems like "The Middle East" because at the end of the day we won't simply decimate the populations and break the cultures, which ensures a countless stream of insurgents will appear, when one terrorist organization is destroyed, another one will simply appear.
It should be noted that when I talk about The Middle East I talk about "Muslim Culture" that is to say theocracies that are organized around tribal and religious laws, where faith overrules rationality and logic. Basically a group of barbarians that still enslave women, and can only be dealt with by outsiders if the women pretend to adopt a submissive posture, and have other policies and laws society-wide that are just as off kilter, represents a problem. Especially when those people are out to force their way of life onto others, and you see leaders of major nations in the region openly referring to countries like the USA as "The Great Satan" during diplomatic events. Sure your average dude down there might not be strapping on a bunch of bombs and preparing to board a plane, but his beliefs, due to the culture he was raised in, and what he supports, combined with all of the other people like him, ensure that the conflict continues and there will always be enemies and ignorance. We kind of saw the failing of a humane approach when the first thing Afghanistan and Iraq did with their new constitutions was declare themselves "Islamic States" (ie theocracies). To really deal with the problem we need to pretty much purge the Muslim people's in that area to an extent similar to what we did to the Nazis (ie have modern equivilents of "Bomber" who was known as "Butcher" to the Germans, flying over towns, villages, and fleeing refugees dropping daisy cutter bombs like raindrops). Followed of course by chasing down anyone known to have serious Islamic beliefs and executing them using intelligence services and general hunters, much like how people spent decades chasing down bloody camp guards after World War II (which also ensured any surviving Nazis stayed deep underground and did very little in order to survive, which caused their ideologies to die out as they did). Had we not done what we did, we would have had German patriots and Nazis fighting us from the shadows as terrorists pretty much eternally as the culture of the time survived, and produced more fighters, even if they never produced enough support to build standing armies (especially with all eyes on them).
Despite how this might sound it's not because I revel in death that I say such things, it's simply because it's what works. War as a general rule sucks. But it sucks more when you don't pursue it properly and keep it going endlessly. To put things into perspective if someone actually invaded the US, if we weren't eradicated much the same way, we ourselves would produce an endless insurgency, we even make this point ourselves in the media. To be honest it's foolish not to give other peoples (all men being equal) the same credit that we give ourselves.
In general I use the terms I do when talking about problems in The Middle East largely because I'm tired to getting into it about what to call the people I'm talking about. For the most part the people I argue with seem to like playing sematic games, in the hopes that if they can avoid easily labeling the group, that means we won't have to deal with it. For the most part I talk about Middle Eastern culture as the enemy, because there are people who practice Islam peacefully and don't cause any problems or contribute to that culture overseas. What's more I feel that if you take out the problems at the source, and then follow through beyond that, like we did to the Nazis, you can deal with an entire movement of cultural fanatics.
I've love to see the entire Middle East go through a renaissance tomorrow and fall to it's knees collectively weeping tears and apologizing to the western world en-masse. But I don't see it turning over a new cheek in the near future, and honeslty I'm tired of the crap, bending over backwards, and living in fear. As far as I'm concerned this stuff started before 9/11, and I long ago just flat out had enough. Sure, the US isn't moral paragons, but then again all wars come down to "us or them" when you get down to it, cackling comic book evil doesn't really exist. They call us "The Great Satan" okay, fine, let's be the bad guys then and show them what Armageddon looks like. While I don't think actual racial genocide will be nessicary, though in my darker moods I occasionally think it would be amusing to restore the ethnicity in test tubes if they pushed it that far (via stored egg and sperm) if that happened, and then point out to the "New Arabs" as they learn about the old culture that their creators... their god so to speak... is now basically an American in a lab coat.
Alright well, thinking about this stuff gets me depressed, so thanks for that, but this should answer your questions. I am not going to argue the points here, or continue this any further, because we are getting WAY off subject.
In the context of Captain America, being a bloody super hero, of course he's not going to focus on the gritty realities of war. He's all about forcibly pushing the US's agenda, but he does it in a comic book fashion where the bad guys are bad, and the good guys are good. You generally don't see Cap pushing bombs out of Arthur Harris' bomber, and giving him a fist-bump as the explosives blow poor fleeing schlubs to pieces down below him. Captain America doesn't say grab a bunch of 11 and 12 year olds, put them against a wall, and machine gun the lot of them. Captain America doesn't leave behind giant corpse piles, or make a bunch of Volkssturm defending their homes after the allies enter Germany dig their own graves. Nor does Captain America say run down some 70 year old dude running a candy store and decapitate him with his shield because he once slung hash in a Nazi barracks. Yet all of these things are part of war, and what's going on in the background. If you think about it Cap supports all of this, but the point is your not supposed to think about it that much. In the context I'm talking about Cap should be say invading North Korea, China, Russia, or The Middle East and thwarting plans there, and in favor of defenses against those enemies (and hating them for making such things necessary, defeating these enemies means not needing to sacrifice that much liberty, much like how winning World War II meant an end to martial law which was even more oppressive). You can say have Cap go up against China or Putin without having him slaughter civilians, in a proper Captain America story, something like that just should never come up, and focus on him fighting soldiers and such and crazy patriotic super villains, taking them out before they can have an influence on the greater conflict.
That said we'll have to agree to disagree, I don't see much more being said, and as I said, war sucks, and just discussing the realities depress me. I really wish it was different, but well... it's not. As I said, wars become inevitable, and it's never about right or wrong, but competing agendas where both sides are right and wrong simultaneously, and things are resolved by whomever the biggest, most murderous bastard is. The winner makes their biggest bastards heroes, the losers get to have theirs executed as war criminals. The history books tell it all from the perspective of whomever won. Whether the resulting changes are good or bad in the overall sense is something people are going to argue about for centuries afterwards.