Card game players, what kind of deck do you use?


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
When I still played Yu-Gi-Oh!, I primarily used a zombie deck. Main card was Vampire Lord and then Vampire Genesis, once that came out.

Man, Yu-Gi-Oh! was so awesome back in the day.


New member
Feb 6, 2011
Finally some yugioh love.

I used to build a wall and exhaust my opponent but my friends started copying that so I broke out the cash, did some research and got the best of the best cards. My deck is basically a balance of the hit list mirror force, scapegoat, magic cylinder, marshmallon, and some other secrets.

My favorite card is Lava Golem.

Cameron Parkinson

New member
Jan 10, 2011
In Yu-Gi-Oh I mainly use a Light/Fairy(angel) deck that focuses on gaining lifepoints and not taking damage. Plus a few major hitters like Splendid Venus and some mean effects like Master Hyperion and I've had good success with it.

Also enjoy running a Gradius themed deck online, not an incredible deck but videogame reference/swarming spacefighters is just a good time.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
MTG. I use Wort the Raidmother as my current EDH deck for conspired burn, and lots of Ashling the Pilgrim and other elementals in my 60 card. Burny burn burn burny burn


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Poker. Still a card game though not the kind you were talking about. My friends and I (normally 4-6 players) started to play poker a fair bit. We started out with valued paper and now we have an awesome 500 piece poker set. We stick to Texas hold 'em. Everyone knows the rules so no one makes rules related mistake. I believe our rules are fairly standard. Standard 52 card deck no wild cards.

It's the only card game I play. I tried Yugioh (I think) it wasn't for me. Might have been the people. They were way to serious. Guess you might say that about my friends and I with poker. Seeing as we got a set and all. We play for fun, if anyone starts to get upset we call it a day. Current winner, wins. So far it's worked well.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Diamonds, clubs, hearts, spades, A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K

That being said, back when Magic originally came out a white and black (knights, serra angels, circles of protection) deck or a black and red deck (go goblins!) were really all I played. It started to get stale by the time frozen booster pack or whatever it was called came out.

Nowadays the only games card related that I play are the very occasional game of Munchkin or a goofy Pokemon brawl with my son.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
TheLastTatlFan said:
I play with a fifty-two card deck made up of deuce to ace in four different suits.
I also sometimes use a 24-card deck of nine to ace in four different suits.

Pokemon...I no longer play, but I still have my cards, and sitting in there is a psychic deck wherein I can draw myself to death in 4 turns nearly every game. I can find and use practically any pokemon in it very quickly, but it sadly lacks powerful pokemon, so it's not as good as it ought to be. It's also a deck from only the first 4 (?) sets (less one card I'm not sure how I got), up to and including the Rocket set.

I don't play Yugioh either, but I have an awesome (or it used to be awesome, anyway) dragon-themed deck. Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes, Chaos Emperor...that one with the levels...Red-Eyes Darkness...uh...I forgot the rest. Looking to sell it, by the way. Most are still mint or near-mint.

Then, there's Magic. I don't really have much constructed, but there's an Oath deck (running 10 cookie for correct guesses), there's a (slightly modified) sliver pre-con deck, and an absurdly low-powered elf deck, running Vigor so I can actually win every now and again (or that's what I said before testing it; it's now 16/0/0).

In the aforementioned three games, I try drawing fistfulls of cards to play faster. It's hit-or-miss, and especially so with the Pokemon deck.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I play Magic the Gathering... Mostly drafts (cube and booster) and EDH (Commander).

For my commander decks i casually play a White/Black board control with Teysa, Orzhov Scion as general, a aggro White/Red Jor Kadeen deck and a Blue/Black mill/control with Szadek.

When I draft it is all about the aggro, i prefer my decks swinging. If I am able, I use red with a bit of removal and/or counterspell.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Long time Magic The Gathering player here with too many decks to get fully into (57).

I have a series of 2 colour hybrid decks inspired by the great cards printed in Shadowmoor Block. Each deck runs a playset of one of the Lieges (G/W Wiltleaf Liege for example). These decks are among the most fun casual decks for both single and multiplayer formats.

I absolutely love tribal decks and have created and re-worked a ton of them over the years. They include 5 colour Slivers, Elves (mana elves leading to coat of arms or Kamahl, Fist of Krosa as finishers), Rebels (Mirror Entity makes them extremely potent), Wizards, Treefolk.

I love Commander format and run several decks including Teferi, Hanna, Viscera, Kiki-Jiki, Gaddock-Teeg, Animar, Karador, Damia and Kemba.

Besides that I tend to have a deck for many of the archtypes of years past. A Morphling Blue counter snore fest deck. A brainless red burn vintage deck, Oath of Druids, Survival of the Fittest, Madness, Affinity, Tangle Wire/Stacks type deck, Tooth and Nail, Classic sac black, weenie white shadow so on and so on.

Currently my personal favorite go to deck is my Commander Kemba deck. It's by no means a great deck in terms of power...but it's always a lot of fun. Roughly 10 creatures with great evasion or equipment fetch capabilities, 15 removal spells, 10 acceleration and 20 equipment. It's my only deck to run 1 of each Sword of X and Y equipment among tons of other fun ones printed over the years.

Nick Angelici

New member
Feb 14, 2010
I play yugioh, my deck is a pure hero deck, I love the hero cards and I grew up with heroes as a kid. not only that but my deck is 100% mine, made by me, and tested by me. no meta influence at all.

the whole idea of my deck is to overwhelm their MSTs, solemns, and whatever else they have by giveing myself options all over the place. I have a 1/8th chance of getting a first turn fusion and I have a total of 10 fusing cards from poly to fusion gate.

baically I use my hand, field, grave, and banish zones as option bins to pull monsters in and out off for fusing.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
TheLastTatlFan said:
I play with a fifty-two card deck made up of deuce to ace in four different suits.
Ditto but I always keep a few aces up my sleeve just to round out my hand.

When playing magic I play loads of different decks my favourite is making crazy combo decks these usually arent competitive though so in tournaments I just decide what deck to play based on what I think would be best in my (non existent) budget in standard at the moment or I just play sealed deck.

I have played pokemon and WoW and Ultimate fighting system card game before but not really enough to have a favourite deck.

My best deck I ever made and used was arguably my custom suicide black deck it was completely different to other suicide black decks at the time (creature and enchantment wise) was basically all commons and would regularly win on the fourth turn plus take off 12 of their life on the second turn man I loved that deck.(cant play it now due to dark ritual ban/restriction, unless that has been reversed)

But If I make a red deck Mountain Goat always gets in if possible although I dont know if its in standard now as I havent played properly in 3 years.

Jack O'Shea

New member
Jul 17, 2011
i've recently gotten back into yugioh and the deck that suits me the best is pure naturia. negating effects while your opponent just sits there doing nothing is really amusing. also my friends and i also play some 2v2s and my deck is really good at supporting my partners stradegy.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
I havent played MTG in forever the cards are in my parrents attic

Use to have a Black/white cleric deck the white have was protection spells/creatures and redirection of damage
the black half was kill/res spell with ways of getting Scion of darkness out faster
(there was a cleric that if you tap& sacked 3 cleric you were able to put him into play)

fun times were had when playing 2 headed giant me and my partner had him out on turn 1:
dark ritual,add 3 black mana to your mana pool lay down 3 black clerics my partner lays down fever charm(haste,3 damage to player,or +2/0)
one of the clerics i had was i tap&sacked all 3
yea we won that game


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I just love a good game of TCG. The three favorites is Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Warcraft TCG. It´s entrainment for both players and brains.

In these three TCG´s, I usually play with my own, personal decks. The decks are:

- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The deck is a good old Dark Simorgh deck. It locks down and keeps the upper hand.

The main card:

- Magic the Gathering: I just love the Slivers. From the beginning I´ve played with these little deformed snake-worms. I´l admire that they can be annoying, but it is fun as hell :)

One of the many Slivers I use:

- Warcraft TCG: This is also a very entertaining TCG, in my opinion. Here, my main deck is a druid deck. Well balanced between offensive and defensive, it proves to provide a good challenge.

The Druid Hero:


Cleaning trash since 1990
May 11, 2009
For the longest time in Magic, I played with a suicide black deck, poorly made, so most of the time, I killed myself on accadent. How ever now, I play 2 decks, a pure black deck centered around Nighmare. And a White/Black deck, with white playing defence and black licking away my enemys life slowly.


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2011
I have quite a few decks that I like to play in MTG, but I've always been a fan of finding a crazy combo and then building a deck out of it. Examples:

Spitemare + Shivan Meteor, with some green thrown in for card draw and manafixing
Mass token spawn (Doubling Season, Promise of Bunrei, Scatter the Seeds, Sprout Swarm, Beacon of Creation) + Altar of Dementia
Urza Lands + huge land rush + WURMS
Kokusho + Wound Reflection + Rite of Consumption, with a lot of white control/sack effects (this one is actually really nasty)

Cards can be found here, since I listed too many to link pics:

Wushu Panda

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Magic: The Gathering. I have two main decks.

Red/Green with just a tiny bit of White Beast deck. Very unique of my own design which has been evolving since Onslaught.

Blue/Black Control Mill.

I used to be proud of a White/Blue Bird Soldier deck, but my friend destroyed it and never replaced the cards. I had a friggin Commander Eesha in there I never saw again.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Call me stereotypical, but I play usually tribes in Magic. My main decks are Vampire, which work ridiculously well. Goblins and Illusions are a close second though. And now that I think about it, most have a very similar theme: keep bashing the enemy until he stops moving.

beatdown. Fun times.