I'm just going to paint a target on myself here, but personally I think the Lords of shadow games are some of the best castlevanias in years, this one included. To give some perspective, I started out originally with Super Castlevania, and then went backwards to play a few of the older 2D's on the gameboy. I never played Symphony of the night and thus years later when I did try some of the clones of it, I could admit they were fun...but not the bee's knees. in fact my next encounter was Curse of Darkness on the ps2. and this is where my perspective comes from.
There have been a few times in the past years that I've seen games that looked like they could have been good...if they weren't the game they were. other m is a good example. the gameplay? steller.....for another franchise, like megaman or something perhaps. I've heard so many people berate the Lords of Shadow series for "Ripping off God of war", another series I will admit to not having played.....seen a lot of it though....and I argue, that from my perspective, it seems more like god of war ripped off the perfect combat mechanics for a 3D castlevania, before Lords of shadow was even a thought. The first game, was a bit too linear I will say, but in 2, the way they made things interconnected and teleportation accessible....it feels like a good blend of Curse of darkness and Lords of shadow. and considering the stories in both are partway interesting, and partway a bit kooky, I think that works out pretty well.
I don't get why some people say they should have left out the story. I think Lords of shadow does for me what Skyward sword did for zelda. It makes you care about the main character, gives you an origin story.....out of many, true, but still.
I'm pretty much rambling now, but yeah, point said, I enjoy the LOS series for the story, for 3D gameplay that I personally find fun, and I think Jim and many others are rather a bit too harsh on a game of a series thats over 25 years old now. maybe I'm too nostalgic, but if so, that's just my opinion.