Castlevania & Nocturne


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Can someone explain to me what Trevor meant at the end? Sypha asks him how he knew she was preggers, and his response was "How do you think I managed to stay single and carefree this whole time?" and she gets all pissy and calls him a rude jerk and...what? What, did he admit to lying about using protection? Does he have SUPER potent sperm? How would he know that if he never had kids? Did he use magic to make her pregnant? Is the little shits heart already beating and he can hear it? I feel like an entire dialogue exchange was cut. He asks if she and the baby are okay, she asks how did you know and he's all pfft you know...NO! No I don't know. How did you know, and why was she offended?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Compared to the relatively slow pace of the first three seasons, this one felt a bit rushed.
Though if they got wind that Ellis was a shit, they might've sped things up. It also seems like the animation wasn't quite as good as previous seasons, but it still had some fantastic shots and had to deal with covid, so...

Can someone explain to me what Trevor meant at the end? Sypha asks him how he knew she was preggers, and his response was "How do you think I managed to stay single and carefree this whole time?" and she gets all pissy and calls him a rude jerk and...what? What, did he admit to lying about using protection? Does he have SUPER potent sperm? How would he know that if he never had kids? Did he use magic to make her pregnant? Is the little shits heart already beating and he can hear it? I feel like an entire dialogue exchange was cut. He asks if she and the baby are okay, she asks how did you know and he's all pfft you know...NO! No I don't know. How did you know, and why was she offended?
Two options:
A) he *didn't* know, and was just saying that because it'd be *really* funny if it was and Sypha just then realized that she was he one who gave the game away
B) He's just really good at noticing when somebody was pregnant and used to skip town before the gal realized she was pregnant. If he was around when Sypha was peeing, he could've scattered some wheat seeds and checked the results.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I haven't seen the full season 4 yet but so far I'm digging it.

I've gotten to the end of episode 6, which looks like it finishes the Sisters and the Foragemasters storyline. My god, was Carmilla carrying a Tactical Nuke or something? But I do like how Isaac basically tired her out with night creature attacks before fighting her. Also, I guess I shouldn't be surprised this is how they resolved tis and maybe if it doesn't live up to it's full potential, it's fine regardless. I think they'd need an entire season of just the Sisters to really make it a satisfying central plot.

Also, anyone else amused that "Varney of London" wants everyone to take him seriously and everyone more or less keeps blowing him off? St. Germain pretty much just hangs up on him and blocks his magical cell number.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I haven't seen the full season 4 yet but so far I'm digging it.

I've gotten to the end of episode 6, which looks like it finishes the Sisters and the Foragemasters storyline. My god, was Carmilla carrying a Tactical Nuke or something? But I do like how Isaac basically tired her out with night creature attacks before fighting her. Also, I guess I shouldn't be surprised this is how they resolved tis and maybe if it doesn't live up to it's full potential, it's fine regardless. I think they'd need an entire season of just the Sisters to really make it a satisfying central plot.

Also, anyone else amused that "Varney of London" wants everyone to take him seriously and everyone more or less keeps blowing him off? St. Germain pretty much just hangs up on him and blocks his magical cell number.
Wait until you finish the rest of the season. You're going to go nuts!
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Finished the rest of the episodes.

Really did enjoy it and I got to say I'm shocked how well it all came together in the end. They managed to make good on season 3 and more or less wrap up everything nicely.

So I was surprised by Varney actually being Death, though I figured Death would show up eventually considering they foreshadowed it back in the first episode of the season. I called the rulers of the city actually being dead a few minutes ahead of time, considering how wierd the noble lady was being about it(who finally did something useful by taking a blade to the chest) and the state of the underground. Definitely called that the civilians from the villages were being funneled to the castle as a prelude to some kind of blood sacrifice a couple episodes ago.

Anyway, yeah, that was nicely done and some of those fight scenes were fucking gold the way they were put together. When I do get around to playing castlevania III someday I'm gonna be sad the game doesn't look anyway as good as the show(I know it's the NES, shut up) :) Trevor fighting Death was pure Anime cheese and I loved it, though his return felt a bit contrived. I guess the writers finally wanted to give Trevor and Sypha and Alucard a Happy ending for once, considering all they've been through and honestly I can't blame them for that. The entire series has been bleak on levels approaching Berserk at times so it's nice for them to finally get a break.

I was shocked that Dracula and Lisa got resurrected, but in a manner they're going to fuck off to live a quiet life somewhere. I was sure they were gonna set this up for Dracula resurrecting every 100 or so years like in the games(and future Castlevania series) but then again, this series has proved they don't need Dracula to provide good storytelling because there's plenty going on in the world without him being involved. The power Vacuum left behind by Dracula's Death was more than enough fodder for the last two seasons.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Since Forums aren't letting me append to my previous post.....

I'm also gonna say I really appreciate them giving the series an epilogue episode to let everyone just breath and decompress from the hectic few episodes that preceded it. Seriously, the pacing most of the time is wonderful, having enough slow, introspective moments to contrast the frantic battles. Season 3 was a bit weaker on this front(Being pretty much setup for this season) but nice to a show about killing monsters that actually understands you need to develop the characters and engage in worldbuilding too.

Seriously, who would have thought a couple years back that Castlevania of all games would inspire a show this well done? Not because Castlevania is bad but because the games are mostly disconnected, spread out over a millenia and mostly light on plot and lore. The first one was literally a tribute to classic horror movie monsters, so it doesn't exactly lend itself for easy adaptation.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Seriously, who would have thought a couple years back that Castlevania of all games would inspire a show this well done? Not because Castlevania is bad but because the games are mostly disconnected, spread out over a millenia and mostly light on plot and lore. The first one was literally a tribute to classic horror movie monsters, so it doesn't exactly lend itself for easy adaptation.
Funny you mention that, because the Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman is basically Castlevania, except with crossbows and no whips. The movie even has a roster of the universal monsters, just like the OG Castlevania.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I have greatly enjoyed all of the Castlevania seasons...but I enjoyed this one slightly less and think it's overall a weaker season.

In terms of the narrative I probably would have been fine with Castlevania getting the first 2 seasons and then either moving on to another set of characters.

This season felt a bit rushed, the main villains didn't get as much characterization as I would have liked, and the animation wasn't quite as good as the previous seasons (though still good with some really fun fight sequences).

I overall wasn't really a big fan of the ending because it doesn't really make sense to set up Dracula as a villain in the future Castlevania entries if he got to have a happy ending. He got everything he wanted, his wife is back, he's alive, his son is alive, and he no longer has any responsibilities as the vampire overlord. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for him to be back at his castle in 100 years trying to kill humanity again. I also feel like Death was kind of wasted on a single fight that was a bit of a lowpoint as far as animation goes.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I have greatly enjoyed all of the Castlevania seasons...but I enjoyed this one slightly less and think it's overall a weaker season.

In terms of the narrative I probably would have been fine with Castlevania getting the first 2 seasons and then either moving on to another set of characters.

This season felt a bit rushed, the main villains didn't get as much characterization as I would have liked, and the animation wasn't quite as good as the previous seasons (though still good with some really fun fight sequences).

I overall wasn't really a big fan of the ending because it doesn't really make sense to set up Dracula as a villain in the future Castlevania entries if he got to have a happy ending. He got everything he wanted, his wife is back, he's alive, his son is alive, and he no longer has any responsibilities as the vampire overlord. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for him to be back at his castle in 100 years trying to kill humanity again. I also feel like Death was kind of wasted on a single fight that was a bit of a lowpoint as far as animation goes.
I have a feeling that means we're gonna see them go in a different direction then the games for future series.

Speaking of which, I'm seriously considering putting my other games on hold so I can play the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Maybe not all of the games(Kid Dracula will probably get a pass) but at least the big ones. Or at least some of the longer ones.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I overall wasn't really a big fan of the ending because it doesn't really make sense to set up Dracula as a villain in the future Castlevania entries if he got to have a happy ending. He got everything he wanted, his wife is back, he's alive, his son is alive, and he no longer has any responsibilities as the vampire overlord. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for him to be back at his castle in 100 years trying to kill humanity again. I also feel like Death was kind of wasted on a single fight that was a bit of a lowpoint as far as animation goes.
I thought it was weird Death swore. Like...the fuck? He's not really death, sure, but he's an elemental spirit that feeds of human death and has been around since the beginning of time and...he has a potty mouth. Just completely threw me out. Its like learning Archangel Gabriel has a foot fetish. Just I thought they were far above such mortal human things


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I thought it was weird Death swore. Like...the fuck? He's not really death, sure, but he's an elemental spirit that feeds of human death and has been around since the beginning of time and...he has a potty mouth.
I found it all hilarious, and the writers did nothing wrong.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I thought it was weird Death swore. Like...the fuck? He's not really death, sure, but he's an elemental spirit that feeds of human death and has been around since the beginning of time and...he has a potty mouth. Just completely threw me out. Its like learning Archangel Gabriel has a foot fetish. Just I thought they were far above such mortal human things
I think they just wanted to let Malcolm McDowell Swear a lot.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So I'm rewatching the series from the beginning after finishing it and it does hold up extremely well on repeated viewings(and I've rewatched the first few seasons a couple times at this point) but the show did throw one trope I tend to dislike out there.

At the end of Season 2, Isaac ends up at an Oasis somewhere in North Africa when he's approached by 5 grade A dipshits on horses who decide to repeatedly antagonise him. He tells them to kindly fuck off and of course, being arrogant assholes they are, ignore him and tell him they're going to eat or enslave him.

So Issac starts murdering them one by one. And for whatever fucking reason, even after this lone dude at the watering hole wrecked like 3 of them in gruesome ways, the other 2 dipshits decide "Wow. This guy who told us to fuck off just took out a majority of my buddies in like that. Clearly the best course of action is to.....KEEP ATTACKING! LEEROY JENKINS!". Unlike a sane human being who would decide this shit isn't worth it any long and attempt to flee on their horses.

It just bugs me because I see this trope enough where I have to wonder: Why? There's no barrier troops behind you who are going to murder your ass if you run and if a lone dude has bested half or more of your overwhelming number by himself, retreat would make the most sense. It bugged me in The Last of Us(Pittsburgh) and during the 100 man fight in Berserk. Also annoying as someone interested in military history because Retreating and Routing is a fairly common occurrence once one side gets overwhelmed and has the ability to flee.

"And people actually voluntarily attack you? Are they just stupid?"
Sergeant Kylon, Dragon Age: Origins

A minor gripe in an otherwise excellent show.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It just bugs me because I see this trope enough where I have to wonder: Why? There's no barrier troops behind you who are going to murder your ass if you run and if a lone dude has bested half or more of your overwhelming number by himself, retreat would make the most sense. It bugged me in The Last of Us(Pittsburgh) and during the 100 man fight in Berserk.
I can't speak for TLOUS, but at least in Berserk it's a combination of there are 100 us vs. 1 guy, eventually we'll get him or wear him down to kill. Also, they did not want to fail their king and comeback empty handed. If you think that's bad, Fist of the North Star abuses this trope a lot, yet it never gets old, because of the way Kenshiro, Rei, or other characters dispatch the minions. In FotNS, mooks attack Kenshiro either because they don't know or are aware until it's too late, afraid of failing their boss (who is within the same area where the battle is taken place most of the time), or stupid and arrogant. This trope never really bothered me too much, and did not bother me in Castelvania, but I can see why.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
So, the new Castlevania series has been announced. Will star Richter Belmont and Maria Renard. Will be set in 1792 during the French Revolution. No release date known.

Coincidentally, 1792 is also the year Rondo of Blood takes place in the game timeline, so (loose) adaptation? Maybe Symphony after?
Bit weird they're calling Richter the son of Trevor and Sypha, since they're about 300 years apart, and it'd pass over Christopher, Simon and Juste.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So, the new Castlevania series has been announced. Will star Richter Belmont and Maria Renard. Will be set in 1792 during the French Revolution. No release date known.

Coincidentally, 1792 is also the year Rondo of Blood takes place in the game timeline, so (loose) adaptation? Maybe Symphony after?
Bit weird they're calling Richter the son of Trevor and Sypha, since they're about 300 years apart, and it'd pass over Christopher, Simon and Juste.
Apparently Trevor was called Simons Father/Grandfather at one point and they were seperated by 200 years, which is stretching the grandfather thing just a wee bit.

But yeah, If it's set in the 1790's I can totally see them combining Rondo and Symphony into one series.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
So, the new Castlevania series has been announced. Will star Richter Belmont and Maria Renard. Will be set in 1792 during the French Revolution. No release date known.

Coincidentally, 1792 is also the year Rondo of Blood takes place in the game timeline, so (loose) adaptation? Maybe Symphony after?
Bit weird they're calling Richter the son of Trevor and Sypha, since they're about 300 years apart, and it'd pass over Christopher, Simon and Juste.
After this, WEN Bloodlines?!


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Apparently Trevor was called Simons Father/Grandfather at one point and they were seperated by 200 years, which is stretching the grandfather thing just a wee bit.
Father, yes. Grandfather? Maybe not. Irene Triplett, the last person who collected an American civil war pension because her father fought in that war, died only last year. Add in an extra generation and a 200 year difference is implausible, but not impossible, if both daddy and granddaddy got busy real late.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I started watching the show last week, and I have to say, I was impressed. The first season had some odd animation, but by the fourth season you can tell they have a much bigger budget. I still think Sypha is an annoying *****, but otherwise I really enjoy the characters.

I'd say this is easily the best video game inspired piece of media I've ever consumed, altho I have never actually played a Castlevania game.