CD Projekt Plans to Make Witcher 2 Pirates Sorry

Om Nom Nom

New member
Feb 13, 2010
Won't prevent piracy in the slightest, but I've got to give props where they're due. Keep on truckin', CD Projekt.

The first Witcher was awesome, and I have high hopes for this one. I'm definitely buying - once the price in stores comes down a little... I'm such a Scrooge. :'(


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
I like that. The paying customer gets his game with no bullshit, and the thief gets to pay a fine that is hopefully a lot more than the price of the game if the get caught. I just hope they catch a lot of them and follow up on these threats.

SinisterGehe said:
feather240 said:
It would be funny if the fine costs the exact price of the game, plus tax.
No the fine must be, game price+ tax+ 10% of total income that the game has made this far+ 50,000 of your local money and all this times two.

Yeah, but I agree. If you get fined for piracy it should be game price+ your local ticket fee.
So... In Finland If I would be caught by this system (assuming Fine is game price + local ticket fee), I would get fine ~50euros + 32euros = 82 euros, which sounds decent compared to twentythousandmillionhundredtwentysictymilliontwo euros.
No it shouldn't be the cost of the game, but it shouldn't be something insane that no one can pay either. It should be something like three times the cost of the game. If it's just the cost of the game there is really no deterrent for them not to try again, but if they have to pay more, maybe next time they will think "Maybe I should just buy this game for the regular price and not risk paying three times as much if they catch me."


Capitalism ho!
Apr 4, 2010
They really think this'll help prevent or stop piracy, or deter people from pirating the game?

Dumber than a bag o' bricks...


New member
May 24, 2010
I wonder what happens if you have a legal copy at home, but you just went on and played the downloaded torrent for whatever reason.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Irridium said:
Plenty of companies say they are watching. But they rarely do anything.

Hopefully CD Projekt Red follows through. It would be hilarious.
Let's pray they don't... [] for their own sake.
Apr 28, 2008
lacktheknack said:
Irridium said:
Plenty of companies say they are watching. But they rarely do anything.

Hopefully CD Projekt Red follows through. It would be hilarious.
Sometimes other companies have followed through. One of my friends was tracked down by Crytek for pirating Crysis (we're in Canada, so they couldn't fine him, but he got in MAJOR TROUBLE with his parents).
See, hilarious!

Gindil said:
Irridium said:
Plenty of companies say they are watching. But they rarely do anything.

Hopefully CD Projekt Red follows through. It would be hilarious.
Let's pray they don't... [] for their own sake.
They're not going to blindly sue thousands of people though. They said they would watch and try to catch the pirates in the act of downloading.

I'm guessing the game is at least 10gb. And I don't care what kind of connection you have, downloading that much, and maybe more, takes a long-ass time. Meaning you'll be exposed longer.

Again we'll see how well it works when they actually try it, but it won't be as bad as the story you linked to.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Danish rage said:
The higher the dog bark the less it´s bite.

When does everyone accept the only way forth is cheap digital distribution.
When it becomes true.

Sadly, making a less pricey product doesn't decrease piracy significantly.

Danish rage

New member
Sep 26, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
Danish rage said:
The higher the dog bark the less it´s bite.

When does everyone accept the only way forth is cheap digital distribution.
When it becomes true.

Sadly, making a less pricey product doesn't decrease piracy significantly.

well then, fell free to suggest ANYthing?

you say the idea wont work, but what does then? you seem to have some answers ?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Danish rage said:
well then, fell free to suggest ANYthing?

you say the idea wont work, but what does then? you seem to have some answers ?
Or, you know, I was just pointing out a logical fallacy.

I don't have to have a solution to know that your idea is ridiculous, in the same way I don't have to know how to perform neurosurgery to understand shoving lit firecrackers up someone's nose isn't a proper way to handle a tumour.

So...Are we done with the attempted false dichotomy here, or...?


New member
Oct 11, 2010
What are the chances you get caught...
1 in 10000000?
tracking one guy is hard enough.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
May someone please explain to me what DRM is so that I can truly appreciate this article.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
gl1koz3 said:
I wonder what happens if you have a legal copy at home, but you just went on and played the downloaded torrent for whatever reason.
Yea, it is legal to do that, and how do they know if you have a copy of witcher 2.

Heck, if I pirate and got caught I can just buy a copy of witcher 2, and they can't do a thing.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Knusper said:
May someone please explain to me what DRM is so that I can truly appreciate this article.
DRM is things like CD key, serial number and such.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
AzrealMaximillion said:
They said that they would have DRM for The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. They did not.
They said they would have a console version for The Witcher. They did not.
You can talk the talk but if you don't prove yourself you'll just look stupid.
The lack of console version wasn't their fault, you know.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I was just going to say that they had me pre-order from gog the moment I saw them supporting that endeavor.

Now I kinda feel like they aren't as smart as I thought they were.

Potential Revenue does not become Revenue (using the tools they mention). The battle against piracy is little more than Elementary School jealousy.

Keeping in mind I don't pirate, which is in no way a moral thing, I just don't feel any game not worth my money is worth my time either.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Games have a finite budget. Any money they put into this legal action rather than a form of DRM is money not spent on development. The whole point of DRM is so companies do not need to get caught up in potentially millions of court cases but instead can focus on developing their game.