Character Death


New member
Oct 12, 2010
So I'll preface the question with the experience that drives me to ask it. Recently I was participating in a session of the RPG Orpheus, a pen and paper RPG from White Wolf's World of Darkness series about ghosts, when in an encounter one of our NPC allies was slain. Our Storyteller had done a fantastic job getting us to sympathize with all of the NPC's up to that point and so having one of those characters die off was about as disheartening as having our own player characters die.

So now to the question, have you ever found yourself emotionally touched by the death or injury of an NPC in a game or a minor character in a story? If so what was it that made you emotionally invested in that character?

In my case the character was romantically involved with my mentor and so through their relationship and through other minor reactions I felt as though I knew another actual person. Because of this it was tragic to lose them.

Also, if you haven't ever found yourself touched by an NPC or minor character this way do you think that you would like to be?


New member
Feb 16, 2011
This will undoubtably be mentioned by others but... Mass Effect
Choosing which team member dies on virmire. Whilst Kaidan and Ashley aren't my favourite characters, I do still actually like them. Whilst choosing which one dies usually comes down to which character Im romancing (therefore if its Liara its a far more difficult choice)and which class Im using, its still kinda painful to watch them go.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
burningsky93 said:
This will undoubtably be mentioned by others but... Mass Effect
Choosing which team member dies on virmire. Whilst Kaidan and Ashley aren't my favourite characters, I do still actually like them. Whilst choosing which one dies usually comes down to which character Im romancing (therefore if its Liara its a far more difficult choice)and which class Im using, its still kinda painful to watch them go.
Just soes you know, you can spoiler things like so:
Sup brah?
Mass effect spoilers blah blah
[ spoiler=First bit of text (This is how it goes) ] Inside message (Sup brah?)[ /spoiler ]
(Without spaces)
Quote me to see it a bit better perhaps?
Sorry if that makes no sense >.>

Poor Alyx...


New member
Feb 17, 2011
(Spoilers) I was sad when Atlas 'died' in Bioshock. Yeah, it was a predictable twist, but it was still a betrayal. I was both super pissed and really upset :(


New member
Feb 12, 2009
Am i the first one to say Eli from hl2? (post this and somebody already beat me O_O)
Also Shandra Jerro from NWN2

+1 for code Geass too!


New member
Nov 29, 2010
The Boss from MGS3 really just gripped me by the balls and twisted when you find out her true objectives.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010

Walter's death at the end of Fable 3. Some people didn't like it, I thought Walter was awesome, and thought it was very well done.

Safe in the Dark

What is a man?
Jun 5, 2010

When I saw that in game, when it first came out I cried so hard, Xenosaga is one of the most emotionally moving series I've ever played.

Jack Macaque

New member
Jan 29, 2011
I would only get upset in games if I couldn`t take their items before they got killed or they died suddenly and the gear wasn`t tossed into my inventory.

Treize Khushrenada getting killed was sad in Gundam Wing, along with pretty much any death in Endless Waltz


New member
May 21, 2010
Sword of Truth series spoilers (not the crappy tv show, the books)

Raina, the Mord-Sith. I don't fully remember why, but I remember the way she died, feeding the squirrels, and I found it touching.

I liked George in Halo Reach, but wasn't really touched by his end as much as irked. Oh, and X-23's mom, Sarah Kinney. Actually, just about anything that's happened to X-23, I really feel for that girl...


New member
Apr 13, 2010
DevilWolf47 said:
The Boss from MGS3 really just gripped me by the balls and twisted when you find out her true objectives.
This. And E.Es death in 2

Also, Ninja'd with the vid of L >>;


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
burningsky93 said:
This will undoubtably be mentioned by others but... Mass Effect
Choosing which team member dies on virmire. Whilst Kaidan and Ashley aren't my favourite characters, I do still actually like them. Whilst choosing which one dies usually comes down to which character Im romancing (therefore if its Liara its a far more difficult choice)and which class Im using, its still kinda painful to watch them go.
I was romancing Kaidan, then I found out that Garrus was a romance option in ME2... Buh-bye Kaidan! It actually was a tough choice as I like Kaidan a lot more than Ashley. But oh well, c'est la vie. >=D

OT: I don't know if I could point to a specific character of the top of my head. But I can't count how many times I've cried my eyes out while reading a book or watching a film. Not so much games for some reason. And when a story fails to tug at my heart strings my reaction is to mock the heck out it instead, usually MST3K style.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
From the North American/Canadian being human remake-
Cara's death was kinda sad. She was cute and Josh really seemed to like her, even though she had her sights set on Aidan, and was murdered by a pissed off, vengeful recently turned vampire. Made even worse by the fact that Josh all but begged Aidan to save her, which would have turned her as well.
And another from the Being Human remake (I haven't seen the UK version)- While she's not a minor character, the way Sally died
accidentally (I think) killed by her insanely jealous and insecure prick boyfriend. He shoved her against a wall, she bounced off then fell down the stairs.
was both shocking and sad.