Characters/classes etc that you love but can't bring yourself to play

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
So do you have any character/class/playstyle and the like that you really like but can't bring yourself to actually go and play with it for one reason or another?

For me it would have to be the most underpowered Champion in the whole of League of Legends Evelynn. I love her character and the idea of how she is always, always invisible and ready to fuck you up is just fun.

In reality, she's useless in teamfights because she's stupidly squishy, sucks hard in the laning phase because she has no natural sustain before lvl 6 (even then it's sketchy at best,) can't even jungle well and is just generally shit... This is without factoring in Oracles. The item that makes stealth characters visible.

Eve in a game is basically a 4v5 with the 4 having better ward coverage. Don't pick her unless you are prepared for epic rage from your team. Then follow this advice for playing Eve:

When at the character select screen, when you go to select Eve, slap yourself in the face and pick Mundo instead.

Can't believe Riot is actually going to rework the entire stealth mechanic for her and Twitch... As in it's in Beta and is practically out the door already. Best patch so far. Buffing Sona and making Eve viable? And the new Champion looks interesting for once? And she isn't yet another AD Carry?

Fucking. Yes.

Yeah having to constantly hug towers for fear of having a Twitch just suddenly dumping half a ton of poison on you from fucking nowhere is just not fun. Yet stealth champions are just fun to play because, hey can't touch this.

Also Irelia as I hate it when i'm failing with her. I count one death as a fail because i'm some sort of perfectionist when it comes to my K/D in LoL. Focus on the D part. Hate her death sound yo'

Annnnnnd the Scout in TF2, my laptop can't handle the crazy superfast double jumping badassery without having a frame rate spasm. Plus I can never aim the bloody shotgun right and fuck up the double jump. It's pressing Space twice how hard can that be!?


New member
May 13, 2009

I just tried to run a new Sorceress in D2 again, and it looks like it has the same problem I always do: they rely so heavily on magic (duh, right?) that you spend 90% of your time kiting while your OOM, since the last thing you want is to end up in melee range.

The exception would be in most MMOs, since they seem to be pretty balanced against the physicals. But a Pally vs. Sorceress in Diablo? Yeah, I can't do it.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Druids in Dungeons and Dragons. Maybe if I ever play it again that's where I'll go, but I can't stand how limited you are in the beginning.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
warriors, After playing through Skyrim as a stealthy character I wanted to try at a warrior type, I was going to try this because I thought that it was pretty boring having to sneak around and generally have to go out of your way to not be noticed. As i came into my first dungeon i thought to myself ' I might as well try and take out as many of them as i can before they see me with a bow' and then when finally a person got within melee range he died in one swing beacuse i had already shot 2 arrows into him.Bam lvl 40 and I've made another sneaky archer.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I really just don't like playing mages. The standard elemental stuff just doesn't excite me like a dude in full platemail with sword and shield. I will say that I LOVE corpse explosion type spells though. The only time that I can really get into playing a magic wielding character is in Morrowind because magic isn't just for combat in that game; it just makes your life easier. Want to get around faster? Mark/Recall or use an intervention spell. Want to get up to that ledge and attack with impunity? Levitate, jump or fortify acrobatics. Want to steal that gold but don't have the sneak skill to do it? Telekinesis. I could go on... So basically I enjoy magic in its more utilitarian roles than I do its combat roles. Clearly I wouldn't enjoy playing a mage in Skyrim >_>

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
I love Annie in concept, but I really suck with her. I want to get better, but my nature is to play support. It's like polar opposites. Character concept is amazing, I'd love to be better with her. But I still pick Sona every game.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Aris Khandr said:
I love Annie in concept, but I really suck with her. I want to get better, but my nature is to play support. It's like polar opposites. Character concept is amazing, I'd love to be better with her. But I still pick Sona every game.
I've heard a surprising number people say that they suck with Annie. She's the ultimate "welcome to LoL" character, not that she isn't viable in high level play mind, but a high damage spell that gives you the mana cost back per last hit? That's "farming 101" in my book.

Plus dat burst. Annie casts Stun Bear! It's facemeltingly effective!

I love Sona as well but the disconnect between Normal and Ranked is just shockingly bad. In Normal everyone is excited because you didn't instalock Tryndamere and are actually playing a Support.

AP Sona is hilarious btw.

Oh funny story, me and my friend went Miss Fortune/Soraka in Normal yesterday and by the end of the game he had the most kills on the team and won a 1v2 against a Jayce and a LeBlanc easily.

I arrived to help (read: killsteal) but he clearly had them... Didn't stop me from Bullet Timing into them for the Double. I had to /all a "ks" just to be a troll ^.^

Whereas in Ranked literally everything is the Supports fault (unless it's the Junglers fault natch)

Last pick = Support. I am always last pick. I'm best as solotop Irelia/Riven or Ahri/Morgana mid. I can jungle Nocturne kinda but if I have to babysit another Carry who can't CS well I will rage so hard...

Plus i'm always against fucking Urgot. He's just attracted to every game of Ranked I play and those lock on missles are bullshit.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
Aris Khandr said:
I love Annie in concept, but I really suck with her. I want to get better, but my nature is to play support. It's like polar opposites. Character concept is amazing, I'd love to be better with her. But I still pick Sona every game.
I've heard a surprising number people say that they suck with Annie. She's the ultimate "welcome to LoL" character, not that she isn't viable in high level play mind, but a high damage spell that gives you the mana cost back per last hit? That's "farming 101" in my book.

Plus dat burst. Annie casts Stun Bear! It's facemeltingly effective!
I'm fine for farming with her. It's when another player is in lane with me that I develop problems. Just not the aggressive type. My last time playing Annie was against Karthus, who pretty much killed me at will.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
As much as I love playing as an Adept in ME3 Multiplayer, I cannot bring myself to play through the game(s) as anything but a soldier.

I dunno why, I guess my image of Commander Shepard is always a soldier who peppers Geth with assault rifles.


New member
May 5, 2010
At least for MMOs, a sniper. And no, I don't mean just a ranged class. I mean a class that deals in ranged damage and has a decent stealth mechanic.

But I can't play it because it doesn't exist. I can't remember a recent MMO that has a stealthy ranged class. Imagine my excitement when I realized I could finally play a proper stealth ranged class in ME3 multiplayer. Notice I didn't include ME2 or ME3 singleplayer, as I find the friendly AI to be unreliable and bad and usually go full-on tanky soldier so they don't die over...and over...and over. I know they just rez at the end of a fight, but I care about this for some odd reason.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Necromancers for me. Whenever a game has one it's usually the first class I go to. But after playing it for a bit I usually switch to something else. Maybe GW2 will be different though, as so far I really like the necro there.

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
Having played about 2 matches of LoL, your posts always confuse me o_O I don't know what half of those things that you said are.

Diablostyle games - Any physical ranged damage dealer. I can do melee warriors pretty much every time, I can mostly do magic users, but I have never enjoyed bows/cannons/guns. Even in torchlight 2, although that was more enjoyable than all the other times I've tried.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Spy in TF2. Satisfying, requires skill, breaks a lot of rules, can be a tide changer in a game. But it's just so frustrating, the different levels of awareness you'll run into, as well as luck being a factor in whether or not a crit roller is going to kill you when you weren't even near anyone.

Anything but a Stealth Archer in Skyrim, because it is absolutely satisfying and everything else is harder.


New member
Jun 23, 2012
I love the idea of a rogue-type class that frequently uses stealth in theory, but in practice I'd rather just blow stuff up with a glass cannon class.


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
I'm pretty terrible with LoL tanks. I get overconfident and become too aggressive. I overestimate my ability to withstand damage and get killed all too often. Also not so good with carry. I'm better with Ranged AP. Heck, I'm very good with Morgana most of the time, and I'm alright playing Annie.


Silly Deerthing
Feb 13, 2011
Heavy Warriors, the type with big two handed weapons.
I love what they can do, I just hate being that person.
and pure mages....

I always seem to always be drawn to ranger types.
Do as much damage as I can do with a bow, then kill them off melee style if needed.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Aris Khandr said:
The Wykydtron said:
Aris Khandr said:
I love Annie in concept, but I really suck with her. I want to get better, but my nature is to play support. It's like polar opposites. Character concept is amazing, I'd love to be better with her. But I still pick Sona every game.
I've heard a surprising number people say that they suck with Annie. She's the ultimate "welcome to LoL" character, not that she isn't viable in high level play mind, but a high damage spell that gives you the mana cost back per last hit? That's "farming 101" in my book.

Plus dat burst. Annie casts Stun Bear! It's facemeltingly effective!
I'm fine for farming with her. It's when another player is in lane with me that I develop problems. Just not the aggressive type. My last time playing Annie was against Karthus, who pretty much killed me at will.
I will say that Annie is really short range for a caster so you'd have to go through Karthus' AOE thingie and those little balls he can spam to get your combo on him... Buy boots and pots first and you'll have a way easier time dodging his shit.

I used to have the problem of not knowing to be aggressive before, you just learn how your character works I suppose.

I have the same problem with Ahri to be honest, i'm still not sure on how much damage i'm going to do most of the time, Fox Fires does so much more damage than I think it does. It probably does more damage overall than her Orb of Deception and that does true damage as well...

With Annie if find that if she gets her Tibbers > fireball > flames combo on you, you are dead. Beyond dead. So much burst, even without items.

I was dunking this Karthus repeatedly with Orianna today, you don't respect The Ball and you will get owned. Especially now that Dissonance (main source of damage) got increased AP ratios for maximum ***** slapping XD

So funny just seeing him mosey on over my ball like a complete idiot, you do that on low enough health (which is half at max level) and I can just one hit you with Dissonance... Maybe Flash into an autoattack as well if i'm feeling fancy.

To be fair i've played against an Orianna before and it's not difficult to completely overlook The Ball since you aren't focusing on it. Orianna is always, always, always looking at that ball since it is basically an extension of herself. You focus on her directly because hey she's the opponent right?

It's like fighting two different entities at the same time almost.

Aggression can be pretty simple to learn for some Champions, for example, I can farm easy with Morgana (Tormented Soil at lvl 3 instakills the back row of caster minions) but you just keep an eye on the sight lines between you and your enemy to see if you can get a cheeky binding > soil combo onto them.

Plus just putting the soil onto the minions can get you piss easy harass without even meaning to since people seem to hug minions almost unconsiously. Or maybe they are just scared of the binding.

I swear so many people think hugging the turret will save them being instakilled by a max level Dark Binding... They are so wrong XD

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
The problem with mages is that they are weakened in too many ways in most games.

less armor
more resources needed (mana + ingredients for certain abilities)
interrupted or longer casts when being attacked -_-
generally useless weapons (stat sticks)

Where melee get none of those downsides. And all for what? Range? There is usually an archer class for that. And who needs range when you have so much armor that you can absorb everything when you walk up to them?

I think GW2 will be the first game that being a caster wont be so f-ing frustrating.

As for Mobas, I can't play direct damage classes very well. Garen and Annie have simple easy movesets right? Just spam your keys and do dmg...and I suck at them. My mains are Cass and Naut, and I even find Orianna easier to play than Annie. I have no idea why, but "harder" difficulty classes are easier for me then straight up nuke. No other game I have this problem, just mobas.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
MammothBlade said:
I'm pretty terrible with LoL tanks. I get overconfident and become too aggressive. I overestimate my ability to withstand damage and get killed all too often. Also not so good with carry. I'm better with Ranged AP. Heck, I'm very good with Morgana most of the time, and I'm alright playing Annie.
I never play tanks, there's something about not really being able to do damage and relying on your team to go in with you that annoys me... The only one i like is Sejuani and she's apparently good as a jungler so I don't have to go Sejuani Support and watch the Carry farm for 15 minutes.

Maybe she's a solo top? Dunno. Suppose so.

She's just fun to play, want to start a teamfight? "STAMPEDE!" *wham* Lulz. You can charge over nearly every wall in the game. I love any character who can do that automatically.

I can't play an AD Carry to save my life. The first thing I write whenever I bother to try Ranked is "not carry" I like Ashe but only because her Ultimate is so fucking badass when you land a cross map 3.5 second stun arrow to help your teammates in a fight you aren't even in.

Miss Fortune is the only AD Carry I find really fun to play. I could go into detail but this one quote from her sums it all up


- Miss Fortune


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I tried so many times to be a pure Sorcerer but it's just way too challenging for me, the simple sword/bow are a lot more reliable for me. I would love to be able to wield and command wicked forces but its just such a challenge at lower levels.