Characters Who Should be in 'Game of Thrones' But Probably Never Will


New member
Feb 14, 2010
"Game of Thrones' starts back up in a few weeks, and with it will probably catch up, if not pass, Books 4 and 5 in the process of the 10 episode season. Obviously, the responses to this form will contain spoilers, so if you haven't read the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' source material, I'd advise you to steer clear of the comments. What I want to know is, which characters did you HOPE would show up at some point along the way, but never did, as well as who you HOPE will show up at a later point, but probably never will? Both essential and non-essential characters are welcome. If you can, provide your reason, an explanation, or etc. in your rational, as I would love to read all of your theories and speculations!


New member
Feb 3, 2010
ejrocksthisworld said:
"Game of Thrones' starts back up in a few weeks, and with it will probably catch up, if not pass, Books 4 and 5 in the process of the 10 episode season.
They've stated they won't be going into Winds of Winter material this season. Next season though, all bets are off, and they have to write next season off George's rough outline, since Winds of Winter is not releasing in 2015.

In terms of bad additions/subtractions I could probably talk all day, but I can think of a few prominent ones.

LADY STONEHEART - While I am not a huge fan of the LS storyline, and have no idea where it will end up, it was a good "gotcha" moment, provided closure to the Beric Dondarrion/Brotherhood Without Banners storyline, and raised a lot of interesting questions about the high psychological cost of the magic employed in returning someone to life.

JEYNE WESTERLING - The Talissa character was, in all honesty, absolutely terribly written. Not only was she a complete anachronism for the world she was written into, but the removal of the Westerling family link to the Lannisters undermined just to what degree Tywin Lannister had orchestrated Robb Stark's fall.

VARGO HOAT (AND ALL THE BRAVE COMPANIONS) - He was a colorful, memorable character, and was replaced by a placeholder in the form of Locke. What was the point of that? Hoat's flexible loyalties and the fact both sides were willing to put up with his extremities as long as they were directed at their enemies was a nice grey/grey morality flourish, too.

ARIANNE MARTELL - We're not getting her/she's been merged with Sand Snakes/she's been replaced by her brother. Not only was she one of the more interesting female characters in the books, she was also the only female character who was first in line of succession in her respective "country". Helped establish Dorne's character. Lousy omission.

THE GREYJOYS - I think we were all happy to see no Aeron Damphair, but Victarion and Euron were great characters, and "Yara" (Asha) has been so underwritten she might as well not even exist. The Iron Islands storyline wasn't always handled well in the books, but it has been handled even worse in the show, where the fearsome Viking-like reavers were replaced by sallow, lanky men in homespun.

ROS (SUBTRACTION BY ADDITION) - What the fuck was the point of Ros, exactly? The show is already STARVING to find screen time for the cast of hundreds, and the pacing is frequently abysmal because of it. Do we need showrunner insert characters who do nothing, contribute less, have no arc and little personality, and die pointlessly? Watching huge swaths of strong content cut so we could get another Ros brothel scene or 20 minutes of jokes about Podrick's enormous unit is one of the more maddening things about the television adaptation.

THE ACTUAL TYRION LANNISTER - Time for a little controversy? Time for a little controversy. Show Tyrion fucking sucks.

It's not Dinklage's fault, although he's been mailing it in at times. He's doing what he can with lousy material. Show Tyrion has been stripped of almost every flaw and nuance, rendering him a limp, blandly 'noble' protagonist who simply bundles quips out at every occasion. Book Tyrion resented Sansa's lack of affection and carnal desire for him. Show Tyrion nobly refused to touch her. Book Tyrion loved Shae despite her nakedly apparent social climbing, greed, and manipulation. Show Shae had to be changed into a character that makes no sense so show Tyrion wouldn't look daft for loving her. Book Tyrion surrounded himself with cut-throat mercenaries and random savages, had a singer killed for talking about his mistress, threatened to bugger his nephew, and generally acted in a fashion as wildly immoral as any of his siblings. Show Tyrion had only Bronn, who was tidied up to be a loveable rogue instead of a cold-eyed killer. Book Tyrion tells Jaime he killed Joffrey to wound him, and kills his father for what he did to Tysha. Show Tyrion does it because "he loved Shae"...the woman he strangled in a fit of jealous, vengeful rage only moments earlier. Book Tyrion begins ADWD seething with hatred and self-pity, rapes a prostitute, and treats Penny (who I imagine we're also losing) with open disdain despite her evident love for him, all the while bemoaning how the world refuses to look past his dwarfism. Book Tyrion is a hypocrite and a bully. He's good things too, of course, but the best thing about book Tyrion is HOW MUCH HE REFLECTS HIS FATHER. All of Tyrion's worst impulses echo those of his father...his lusts, his superciliousness, his sense of entitlement, his hypocrisy, his ruthlessness in dealing with perceived enemies. Genna Lannister quite notably tells Jaime that he was never truly "Tywin's son", that however much he was loathe to admit it, Tywin's truest reflection was Tyrion. This is all part of Tyrion's arc, and the show has absolutely RUINED the character in the search for a heroic protagonist.

Pisses me off.


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
Much of the problem, as I see it, is that an awful lot of A Dance with Dragons (and some of A Feast for Crows) is just filler that can be cut out of the story without it really altering the endgame much. I suspect that ultimately, Lady Stoneheart and Aegon are going to end up mattering very little in the grand scheme of things. I think there's some evidence for this in the Season 5 trailer.

There's a scene with Jaime Lannister where he appears to be in Dorne, fulfilling what I imagine is the role of Balon Swann. This obviously makes it impossible for him to be in the Riverlands, mucking about with Brienne as the Lady Stoneheart storyline requires. This sort of fits in with the show's overall trend of trying to minimize the role of magic in the world - Cold Hands got skipped too. Although I fear for what this means for Brienne, it makes sense with my overall impression that the Lady Stoneheart storyline is probably not overly critical to the story as a whole.

I feel the same way about Aegon. The clip we see of Varys speaking with Tyrion clearly indicates that he's sending Tyrion to try and retrieve Dany, not sending him with Aegon. It doesn't rule him out definitively, but since the books give me the impression that Aegon is going to end up swept from the stage before Dany ever shows up in Westeros, I again suspect he is more of a midboss than an endgame player, and suspect he'll get cut as well.

The fact that we know Cersei's walk of shame is coming means that someone like the Kettleblacks, if not the Kettleblacks themselves, must needs appear soon.

I imagine there has to be more... something... going on in Pyke, if only so there's something else for the show to do. Who that'll involve I'm not sure (although I'm apparently the only one who likes the Damphair, but whatever...), but if they cut the Iron Fleet out of the show, I'm just not sure what seasons 5 and 6 will even be *about*.

Things that it looks like we definately *will* get - the Watch allowing the Wildlings to pass, maybe some stuff happening at Hardhome, Cersei and Margaery's dueling trials, some Dorne intrigue (although that may end up taking rather a different shape than it does in the books, and I suspect that the Princess Myrcella storyline is going to get stretched out a bit), Arya at the House of Black and White, the Battle of Winterfell, and more of Dany posturing and wasting time in Mereen, possibly with the season ending with her departure on dragonback?