Characters you despise, but aren't supposed to.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
The one character that I DESPISE WITH PASSION is Saphira from Eragon (the series).
That pretentious, annoying, conciousless...... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! She is one of the PROTAGANISTS! I'm not supposed to hate her more than the villains!

Who do YOU hate?

My list: SAPHIRA!!! - Eragon series.
Junior - The Cleveland Show
The Munchkins - The Venture Brothers (funny though)
Everyone in Twilight
Everyone in 28 Weeks Later
Ron Weasely - Harry Potter movies, (not as much hate as contempt.)
Justin Beiber - you knew it was inevitable.

Also, anyone named after elements in nature, like say, "Lightning" or "Fang" or "Cloud" or "Black guy with Afro". Just as examples.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Nynaeve from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. The entire time she comes of as a self righteous ***** where the only reason she hasn't been slapped yet is because she a woman. Not to be sexist, but any person as abrasive as this character would have gotten the shit kicked out of them eventually, even if it was by another woman. And this series is supposed to take place in pseudo-medieval times. Why nobody even stands up to her abusive demeanor I don't really understand. Sure, she gets it a little bit in her training, but all this does is let her access the ability to ALTER REALITY (eg: magic). She stays a stuck up ***** pretty much the entire series.

Actually, the Wheel of Time had kind of a strong feminist undercurrent that got really preachy after a while. I disliked most of the female characters in the series as a result. The men were treated largely like either plague dogs or idiot man-children. The women were mostly pretentious and stuck-up, assured of their superiority in a way that makes my teeth grind. Few were genuinely likable.


New member
May 9, 2010
I just couldn't stand Zeke from inFAMOUS.
I know he was supposed to be an ass, but he was very rarely funny as intended.
Hopefully they'll make him a little more likable in the sequel.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
At a movie theatre, one of the featurettes before the movie was a Ask-The-Public segment that asked "Who was your favorite Harry Potter Character?"
I shouted "Cedric Diggory, because he dies."


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Jack from ME2. You're hardcore, we get it already. Now, for the love of God, go put a shirt on.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Anarchemitis said:
At a movie theatre, one of the featurettes before the movie was a Ask-The-Public segment that asked "Who was your favorite Harry Potter Character?"
I shouted "Cedric Diggory, because he dies."
Just thought I would allow people to see such a great comment again.

Good morning blues

New member
Sep 24, 2008
If you've ever seen the show Community, I hate that Jeff guy (played by Joel McHale; he's the main character, the one who was a lawyer before the bar association found out he didn't have a Bachelor's). He's the central character in the show; he's the one who always figures out what the right thing to do is and gives a big speech about it, and who ultimately is responsible for keeping their wacky ragtag band together. Unfortunately, he's a complete asshole to everyone. There is not a single likable thing about this character. He's a dick to everybody, he's always starting arguments, and he carries himself like a smug prick. If I'm supposed to empathize with him, I can't.

That said, Community is still the second-best show on television.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
the entire cast of evenglion


New member
Nov 4, 2010
NeutralDrow said:
JamesBr said:
She stays a stuck up ***** pretty much the entire series.
I'm guessing you stopped before Knife of Dreams, then.
Oddly enough, yes, though not intentionally. I bought Crossroads of Twilight when it first came out in 2003, but by the time Knife of Dreams came out in 2005 it completely flew under my radar and I've never gotten around to the last two books. If her demeanor improves though, it's more reason for me to revisit the series. Though being hateable for 10 out of 12 books is not a good track record, and qualifies (in my mind at least) "pretty much the entire series".

'Record Stops.'

New member
Sep 6, 2010
I've always hated anime characters like Musubi, Nodoka and Hinata.
Musubi is from the Harem anime Sekirei. Basically she's a ditzy, naive, stupid, and overly cute character. At least how she's protrayed. But here's what I think of her. She's an overly annoying, completely one-dimensional, brainless pair of walking boobs whose ONLY role is to suck out everything that's good about Sekirei. What I like to call, a Quality black-hole. I assume, she's supposed to be a likeable character because of how stupid she is, but she just comes off as annoying as hell, and worst of all, she hogs up all the screen time which could be better put to use expanding on characters like Matsu, Tsukiumi, Kazehana, even Kusano. But no, we have to put up with Musubi acting idiotic and showing us her panties or breasts. Bleh.

Nodoka and Hinata fall into the same common Trope, from Negima! Magister Negi Magi and Naruto respectively the Shy girl type. Or as I like to call 'em, "The Overrated Love Interest who never does Crap girl." I know I'm SUPPOSED, to like and sympathize with the two of them and go," Oh, they're so cute, they love Negi and Naruto from afar!" And that's okay with Hinata before she suddenly had to act like a TOTAL retard and try to take out the dude who has so far in no short order, killed off ALL of the most powerful ninja around, put the Hokage into a coma, kill of Jiraiya, AND beat the piss out of her love interest. Before she was a just a shallow if overrated character who never appears for long and is easily forgotten and ignored. Nodoka on the other hand has the bloody nerve to be both overrated AND A main character. Her power is stronger then everyone elses, she hogs up ALL of Negi's time while WAY more awesome characters like Ayaka, Chisame, even Kaede are ignored, she's a Mary Sue due to how EVERYONE seems to love her and think of her as a good person, and she has NEVER, ever had her power just go lame. She ALWAYS gets it to work.

Yeah this was a long rant, but I REALLY hate those characters.


Space. Lance.
Jun 7, 2010
Vanille from FFXIII. Strangely enough, I think that's it.
I like most other characters in games that I'm supposed to, even some that I'm not supposed to.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Worgen said:
the entire cast of evenglion
Thank you! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out there who thinks that cast is a band of bastards and nothing else! You sir.... have good taste and I thank you. :D


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Sober Thal said:
NeutralDrow said:
JamesBr said:
She stays a stuck up ***** pretty much the entire series.
I'm guessing you stopped before Knife of Dreams, then.
I hated her at first, but she soon became my favorite character.

Also, Knife of Dreams is my favorite book!

"My husband rides from World's End toword Tarwin's Gap, toward Tarmon Gai'don. Will he ride alone?"

That part always gets me. Plus a good amount that book has Tuon.

It sucks only one book remains.

On topic: Elayne (also from Wheel of Time) is worthless, not sure if anyone is supposed to like her, but God knows I don't.
Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one.


Sep 23, 2010
KefkaCultist said:
Every playable character of FF13 whose name isnt Lightning or Fang
Wow, I thought I was the only one who liked Lightning more than Sazh . They should update the game with Move (or Kinect) support so you can help her punch Snow and Hope in the jaw and soul, respectively.

I really hate Welkin from Valkyria Chronicles. He's easily the least interesting or believable of the main cast, and the main cast themselves are far less interesting than the bit characters you recruit. Wendy should've been the protagonist. Or Marina. Or Jane. Or Edy. Or Homer. Or Jann (because he's Bender, dammit).


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Vaan from FF12. Good gods, I despised him. And Sora from kingdom hearts to a lesser degree. We get it, you want to find your friends. Now shut up and stop whining!